08012007PZMinutesCITY OF AMMON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 2007 AMENDED AGENDA I.Pledge of Allegiance: II.Minutes: June 6, 2007 and July 11, 2007 III.Public Hearings: th 1. 2007-025 – Conditional Use Permit – 2545 E 17 St. IV.Action Items: 1. Action and public hearing recommendation on hearing 2007-025 2. Site Plan - Lincoln Industrial – KVO Cabinets 3. Site Plan – Majestic Acres – Simmons Professional Plaza 4. Variance – Citizens Community Bank – Reduction of sign setback from street 5. Replat and Final Plat – Ammon Town site – Pulley Subdivision #1 6. Preliminary Plat – Oak Ridge Division #2 7. Site Plan - Family Care Center V.Discussion Items: 1. August work session VI.Reports: 1. City Council actions 2. City of Idaho Falls Planning and Zoning actions – Cindy Donovan 3. Bonneville County Planning and Zoning actions – Tom Hunsaker VII.Call for Adjournment: MINUTES The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Jarin Hammer at 7:00 p.m. in the City Building at 2135 South Ammon Road, Ammon, Idaho Members Present : Jarin Hammer, Vice Chairman Tom Hunsaker Greg Maeser Quinn Simmons Scott Wessel Members Absent : Richard Jaussi Robert Gustafson Cindy Donovan, Chairman City Officials Present : Ron Folsom, Planning Director Gay Leming, Deputy Clerk City Officials Absent : None Tom Hunsaker led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Planning & Zoning 08/01/2007 - 1 th MINUTES: June 6, 2007: Greg Maeser commented there was a typo on page 1 under the minute’s portion - change “are” to “have”. Tom Hunsaker page 2 change to “surrounding to the north and west”, page 4 Hawkes Landing change to “they will getting the alleys to 26 ft. at certain points” and reports “inform the commission what th issues were discussed”. Greg Maeser motioned to approve the June 6 minutes as corrected. Quinn Simmons seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. July 11, 2007: Tom Hunsaker clarified on Montessori a grammatical error on the minutes which was given to Gay for correction. Greg Maeser motioned to accept the minutes for July 11, 2007 as amended. Greg Maeser seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. PUBLIC HEARINGS : th 1. 2007-025 – Conditional Use Permit – 2545 E. 17 St.: Planning Director Ron Folsom explained this is a request to sell ATVs and scooters out of the Jackson Food Store location. He explained where the property is located and stated it is zoned C1. He explained that in our ordinance we do not address these specific items, but the first zone we allow a used car lot, which is the closet to what they are doing, is a HC-1. Jason Seamons, 370 Hummingbird Lane Shelley, stated his intention is to run an ATV dealership. He stated he can fit everything in the building and would like to display some on the sidewalk outside. Quinn Simmons inquired which sidewalk he was referring to. Jason stated it would be the one immediately adjacent to the building. Quinn inquired if they are currently under lease there. Jason stated no, not yet. Quinn inquired if they will all be new. Jason stated 95% will be new because they will get an occasional trade in. Quinn inquired if repairs will be done somewhere else. Jason agreed. Scott inquired if they have plans for decommissioning of the gas tanks. Jason stated the plan is to remove the pump and leave the tanks in the ground. Scott inquired if DEQ will sign off on that. Ron Folsom stated as long they keep the tanks inspected. Quinn inquired about signage and presentation there. Jason stated just a few minor changes. Tom Hunsaker inquired what “along the road” means in the description given to the Commission. Jason stated he thinks he was referring to the elevated curb. They will not be in the line of traffic. It was discussed that they had adequate parking. Scott inquired what happens at night. Jason stated everything goes in at night. Tom Hunsaker inquired about the interior. Jason stated they will not change anything in the interior. Tom Hunsaker inquired about test driving and the noise level. Jason stated the ATVs are quiet. Scott inquired about the fuel inside the vehicles in the building. Jason stated there is fuel in them. Ron Folsom stated the fire inspection will address that. Jarin Hammer closed the public hearing. Greg Maeser stated the only concern is to have certain conditions as far as time, storage and those kinds of things. Otherwise he doesn’t see a problem with recommending approval. Tom Hunsaker stated his initial take was he thought it would be too busy or noise, but feels that has changed with what has been discussed. He talked about changing our ordinance to reflect this type of use. Quinn Simmons stated he feels it is a good fit for the area. He talked about making sure signage and display are okay. Scott Wessel stated he would only hate to see a bunch of old equipment on display, but if we can write that in the condition, then he is okay. The Commission discussed the conditions they would like to have for the CUP. They discussed test driving. Shelly Seamons, 370 Hummingbird Lane Shelley, inquired if scooters could be tested off the property. She stated ATVs would not be allowed on the road. Jarin Hammer stated he opened the public hearing again. Jarin Hammer closed the public hearing for the second time. The Commission discussed the conditions for the CUP. The lease time was discussed. Jason stated his lease is for 3 years. th Quinn Simmons motioned to grant a conditional use permit for the property at 2545 E. 17 St. with the following conditions: 1) The hours of operation will not be extended beyond 8 am to 10 pm, 7 days a week. 2) No outside storage. 3) The signage does not increase or add to. 4) The outdoor displays don’t encroach upon the parking spaces to maintain required parking and outdoor displays will not extend beyond normal business hours. 5) The CUP will expire in 3 years or at the termination of their lease. 6) All testing will remain on the property except for licensed vehicles. 7) No repairs or maintenance at that location. Scott Wessel seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. Planning & Zoning 08/01/2007 - 2 ACTION ITEMS: 1. Action and public hearing recommendation on hearing 2007-025: Quinn Simmons motioned to not th recommend a second public hearing for the conditional use permit for the property located at 2545 E. 17 Street. Greg Maeser seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. 2. Site Plan – Lincoln Industrial – KVO Cabinets: Planning Director Ron Folsom explained where the property is located. Alan Cunningham, representing KVO Cabinets, explained the changes they made with accesses. He explained there are some changes from where the curb is due to loading and unloading. Quinn inquired if there will be parking around the back. Alan stated they will not. Tom Hunsaker inquired what “canopy roof and screen walls” means. Alan stated he cannot answer what that is. Tom Hunsaker inquired about the example about the big wheeler and it blocking the sidewalk and wants to know if that will really happen. Alan explained he is not sure, but they are not permanent if they are unloading and loading. Quinn inquired what the distance from the building to sidewalk is. It was discussed it was about 75 feet. Scott inquired if the hydrant is there. Alan said it is. Ron Folsom inquired if the building will be sprinkled. Alan stated he did not know. Scott stated he thinks it is. Greg Maeser motioned to approve the Site Plan for Lincoln Industrial – KVO Cabinets as presented. Scott Wessel seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. 3. Site Plan – Majestic Acres – Simmons Professional Plaza: Planning Director Ron Folsom stated these changes were due to staff review. He explained where the property is located. Ryan Loftus, 10727 N. Yellowstone, stated he was here representing Aspen Engineering. He explained the changes made since the last time it was presented back in 2003. He explained they now have a retention pond for storm water. They also increased the building sizes, from 29000 as an aggregate to now 32000 as an aggregate number for all 7 buildings. They also allowed for emergency vehicle access. He explained there will be new curb and gutter. He mentioned there are 126 parking stalls and they only need 106. They do not cross any lot lines with any buildings either. Scott inquired about the portion that was excavated and if it will be raised. Ryan explained the plans for that portion and it will be raised. Scott also inquired about the water coming off of the east side and if it goes into the storm system. Ryan explained they should be able catch it all. Jarin inquired if they plan to sell these individually. Ryan explained they would. The lot lines were discussed. Greg Maeser motioned to approve the Site Plan for Majestic Acres – Simmons Professional Plaza as presented. Quinn Simmons seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. 4. Variance – Citizens Community Bank – Reduction of sign setback from street: Planning Director Ron Folsom explained where the property is located. He explained when this building was placed it was not 30 feet off the street as the ordinance states. He stated since they opened they put up a drive thru sign. They would like to take that sign out and replace it with a reader board. He explained from the front of the sidewalk to the building is 17 feet and green space is 12 feet. Bertha Cain, Blaze Sign Co. Pocatello, Idaho, stated they intended to move the sign closer to the building. She stated she is not sure where the property line is. She explained Citizens Bank has used this type of signs at three other locations but they are much bigger. They are trying to eliminate too much signage with one bigger sign. Scott inquired if the banners meet the code. It was discussed they do. Scott inquired who made the 13 foot mistake. It was discussed it was signed off by the City. Tom Hunsaker inquired about where the sign is and if it will make it hard for people driving out to see other traffic. Bertha explained it will be closer to the building and it should not be a problem. The size of the sign was discussed. The Commission read through the variance. Ron Folsom stated if we do not want to allow banners, we need to go to the sign ordinance and fix it there. Bertha stated they may keep the yellow sign that is there. Tom Hunsaker motioned to recommend to the Board of Adjustment that they grant the variance for Citizens Community Bank for the reduction of the sign setback from the street provided that the specific sign presented tonight is used and it being placed as close to the building as practical for traffic purposes. This will be based upon its meeting the 7 criteria that we have in Title 10, Chapter 9, Section 8B. Greg Maeser seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. 5. Replat and Final Plat – Ammon Town site – Pulley Subdivision #1: Planning Director Ron Folsom explained where the property is located. Alan Cunningham explained this is a replat of Lot 3 of Block 5 of the old original Ammon town site. He would like to put five residential lots there. There is 99 feet of right of ways. He explained the side yards are in compliance. Scott inquired how wide the lots. Alan stated he believes some are 85, one is 90 and one is 103. The minimum requirement is 80 for R1. Scott inquired if there are any other existing buildings. Alan stated he has a home and a couple of sheds. Quinn Simmons motioned to recommend that the replat and final Planning & Zoning 08/01/2007 - 3 plat for the Ammon Town site – Pulley Subdivision #1 be approved. Scott Wessel seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. 6. Preliminary Plat – Oak Ridge Division #2: Planning Director Ron Folsom explained where the property is located. Mike Arneson at Harper-Leavitt Engineering explained the preliminary plat to the Commission. It was discussed single family dwellings. They are identical lot sizes to what is already there. There was concern on platting a commercial lot with access only through an R-1 area. Discussion was that the developer should be aware that access via a residential neighborhood was not allowed and that until a different access was developed no site plan would be approved. Greg Maeser motioned to approve the preliminary plat for Oak Ridge Division #2. Scott Wessel seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. 7. Site Plan – Family Care Center: Planning Director Ron Folsom explained where the property is located. He explained the preliminary site plan was presented in May of 2005. There is no landscape requirement on this particular property because they only have their driveway adjacent to the arterial. Mike Arneson at Harper-Leavitt Engineering explained how the site sits and the lift station. There is only a 30 foot easement that runs to Hitt Road. There is a 24 foot wide road and the lift station is in that road. Ron explained the lift station is temporary. Mike explained they may engineer around that. Mike also explained they have down scaled the site a little bit from the first plan in 2005. There are 3 different retention ponds. There is a second access with gravel for emergency vehicle access. It was discussed water is not needed at this time. Tom Hunsaker inquired about the oval retention area. Scott inquired if you can turn a fire engine around in there. Mike said yes. Tom Hunsaker motioned that we recommend to City Council that we approve the site plan for the Family Care Center as presented. Quinn Simmons seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. . DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. August work session: Ron Folsom inquired about a possible work session, but stated he will not be able to be there. It was decided not to have a work session. Ron also mentioned to the Commission to keep in mind the ATV dealership scenario and the zone it should be included in. REPORTS: 1. City Council actions: Ron Folsom stated he missed the meeting. He explained they did approve the conditional use permit for the Lighthouse Montessori School. He explained a two year limit on it. 2. City of Idaho Falls Planning and Zoning actions: Cindy Donovanwas absent. 3. Bonneville County Planning and Zoning actions: Tom Hunsaker stated he did not attend the Ammon P&Z meeting, held the same night as the Bonneville P&Z meeting, in order to be at the Bonneville meeting to address treatment of a property within Iona’s impact area with potential impact on treatment of properties within Ammon’s impact area. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. ________________________________________ Jarin Hammer, Vice Chairman ___________________________________ Leslie Folsom, City Clerk Planning & Zoning 08/01/2007 - 4