06062007PZMinutesCITY OF AMMON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 2007 AMENDED AGENDA I.Pledge of Allegiance: II.Minutes: May 2, 2007 III.Public Hearings: 1.2007-020 Blackburn – Rezone R-1 to C-1 – 3565 Sunnyside Road 2.2007-022 Tirrel – Rezone C-1 to HC-1 and Conditional Use Permit Request to Operate Used Car Lot at this Location – NW corner Sunnyside and Ammon Road 3.2007-023 Hymel – Rezone GC-1 to R2-A – John Adams and Curlew IV.Action Items: 1. Public Hearings – Recommendation on additional hearings 2. Final Plat – Bridgewater – Division 3 3. Final Plat – Bridgewater – Division 4 4. Final Plat – Founders Point – Division 2 5. Final Plat – Hawks Landing – Division 1 6. Site Plan – Trellis Square – Division 3 V. Discussion Items: VI.Reports: 1. City Council actions 2. City of Idaho Falls Planning and Zoning actions – Cindy Donovan 3. Bonneville County Planning and Zoning actions – Tom Hunsaker VII. Call for Adjournment: MINUTES The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cindy Donovan at 7:00 p.m. in the City Building at 2135 South Ammon Road, Ammon, Idaho. Members Present : Cindy Donovan, Chairman Tom Hunsaker Greg Maeser Robert Gustafson Richard Jaussi Quinn Simmons Scott Wessel Bruce Cook Members Absent : Jarin Hammer, Vice Chairman City Officials Present : Ron Folsom, Planning Director Gay Leming, Deputy Clerk Bill Manwill, City Engineer City Officials Absent : None Bob Gustafson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MINUTES: May 2, 2007: It was discussed that they have not been able to approve the minutes from April. Tom Hunsaker mentioned on page 3 under Item 2, Jarin Hammer needs to be removed as he was not there and for it to Planning & Zoning 06/06/2007 - 1 nd state “It was”. Greg Maeser motioned to approve the May 2 minutes as corrected. Richard Jaussi seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. PUBLIC HEARINGS : 1. 2007-020 Blackburn – Rezone R-1 to C-1 – 3565 Sunnyside Road: Planning Director Ron Folsom explained where the property is located. Ron explained the property surrounding it to the north and west is C-1 and this will match it. Commission discussed they feel it is a good idea in regards to the surrounding area. Bob Gustafson motioned to accept the rezone proposal for Blackburn – rezone from R-1 to C-1 at 3565 Sunnyside Road. Richard Jaussi seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. 2. 2007-022 Tirrel – Rezone C-1 to HC-1 and Conditional Use Permit Request to Operate Used Car Lot at this location – NW corner Sunnyside and Ammon Road: Planning Director Ron Folsom explained where the property is located and what they are requesting. Lennis explained he has owned the lot for many years and it has not had a lot of purpose. There are cars there now that people try to sell on their own. He stated he was approached by Sunnyside Auto because they wanted to use it as a second location. He explained he tried to get a post office there, but they did not want it. He feels it would be a good opportunity for him to make a small profit on it. Marvin McGary, explained the property is right behind his home. He explained there are disturbances from people loitering there at night. He also feels it is a traffic hazard. Elaine McGary, 3255 Meadow Lane, stated she would not like to have a used car lot in her backyard. She would not like to see a whole lot there. She is concerned about traffic and lights that may be installed. She feels there are other businesses that would be more sufficient for that property. Cindy Donovan closed the public hearing. Richard Jaussi commented he doesn’t like the corner to be HC-1 and the others C-1. Greg Maeser stated he is concerned that there is not a buffer for the R-1zone located next to it. Tom Hunsaker commented he felt this was a small lot for this zone. Cindy Donovan commented it would clear up the vacant lot, but does not like the HC-1 right there. Scott Wessel stated he felt it would clean the corner up and improve the property. He stated it is already a used car lot without the zone. Bob Gustafson stated he is worried about what the future will be with the HC-1. Quinn Simmons stated he feels the HC-1 is not the best use for this property and it could be a traffic hazard. Tom Hunsaker explained the differences between a C-1 and HC-1 zoning requirements. Richard Jaussi motioned to deny the rezone request for Tirrel – rezone from C-1 to HC-1 and Conditional Use Permit Request. Quinn Simmons seconded. Vote: 6 for and 1 against. Scott Wessel opposed. 3. 2007-023 Hymel – Rezone GC-1 to R2-A – John Adams and Curlew: Planning Director Ron Folsom explained where the property is located. He explained the surrounding properties zones. Steve Machsum, representing Mr. Hymel, gave a short presentation regarding the plans for the property. He explained they want to rezone the upper 5.9 acres to R2-A. He explained the types of units they plan to develop. Quinn Simmons asked if the developer plans to develop right away or sell. Steve stated they would like to develop soon. Tom Hunsaker commented there may not be room for garage space for condos. Steve stated they sometimes build these with enclosed garages. Mike Arneson, representing Harper-Leavitt Engineering, stated he is here to answer any questions regarding traffic. Greg Maeser inquired about the traffic with the GC-1 versus the R-2. Mike explained this is medium density and the GC-1 would create more traffic than the R-2A. Brian Hymel, from Salt Lake City, stated he wanted to let you know who he is and he is here for any questions they may have. Jonathan Whitmore, 3065 Backhand, stated he is not far from where this property is located. He stated he is neutral on this. He is concerned about traffic created. He feels there is a market for this in Ammon, but he feels we are over-built at this point and we need more streets. Mary Farnell, 805 Katie Court, stated she is concerned with the traffic and the speed. She feels there needs to be more outlets available. Norm Snyder, 860 Katie Court, inquired about the long-range plan for road improvements for Curlew and John Adams. Ken Falon, 760 Tiebreaker, stated he doesn’t think there was notice placed on the John Adams side and feels this is not adequate notice. He feels this is not a legal hearing. He is concerned about that side because a lot of people are over there and they were not informed. He is concerned about water issues. He also stated that most Planning & Zoning 06/06/2007 - 2 problems for the Sheriff’s Office in Ammon are within ½ mile of this area. He would like to see the roads put through because of all the traffic. Steve Robison, 722 Katie Court, stated he is concerned about traffic issues. He is also concerned if apartments go in that the property values would decrease for those surrounding the area. Ben Ball, 700 Tiebreaker, stated he thinks residential could go there but doesn’t want to see such high density as they have presented. He is also concerned about rental properties. Burt Thorton, 921 Matchpoint, stated that once it is zoned, anything can happen. He is concerned they may say they want condos, but then build apartments instead. He would much rather see town homes go in there. Kenneth Hix, stated he feels that the hearing notice was not properly posted. He would like to see a traffic study done. He is concerned about well problems also. He spoke about whether there was sufficient notice. He also brought up a traffic study done and brought before Council in 2005. Rick McDonald, 737 Katie Court, stated he hears a lot of “mights” and “mays”. He feels it is too high of residential zone. He feels the streets can’t handle this kind of capacity. Val Chappel, 265 Tiebreaker, stated he feels the same as everyone else. He would like to see another access because of the traffic. Paul Fairborn, 770 Match Point, stated he would like to see user friendly sidewalks. He would also like to see the streets go through. He stated he is not against growth, but feels the design is not adequate. He is concerned about an increase in crime. He stated he would rather see single family dwellings. Planning Director Ron Folsom addressed the legality of the public hearing notice. He explained the thrd hearing was published in the newspaper on the 16 and the 23 as required by state law. He stated the notice was placed on the premise one week prior to the hearing as required by law also. He explained he cannot post on other people’s property. He explained the City of Ammon mails notices to anyone within 500 feet of the property. The State only requires 300 feet. He explained the hearing was legal. Steve Machsum, explained his reasoning for generalities in his presentation. He explained they do not desire to build apartments, as it is not profitable. He addressed the traffic issues. Brian Hymel addressed the investor issues. Cindy Donovan closed the public hearing. Richard Jaussi stated there is too much high density housing in this area. He feels that is part of the reason for the crime and traffic issues. Greg Maeser stated he is concerned about which would have the bigger impact, GC- 1 or R-2A. He feels there is too much density now. Tom Hunsaker commented on the street plans. He explained that we do plan to have John Adams go through, but are holding off due to people’s taxes being raised. He commented on other issues brought up by the public. He is in favor of this type of development, but does feel this is not a good spot for them due to the saturation of this type of property in the area. Scott Wessel stated that traffic is an issue. He feels there are too many issues to support. Bob Gustafson stated he cannot support it because he feels it is too high of density. Quinn Simmons stated he is concerned about traffic and density. He explained we need to listen to the community. He is also concerned about water issues. Cindy Donovan stated she feels it is too dense also. Cindy Donovan inquired to the Commission what the highest density they would put in there. The commission discussed infrastructure is a problem. Richard Jaussi motioned to deny the zone change from GC-1 to R-2A as presented. Bob Gustafson seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. The concern was related to infrastructure and traffic with that much density. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Public Hearings – Recommendation on additional hearings: Tom Hunsaker motioned that if City Council agrees with our recommendations, then they recommend no hearings needed. Richard Jaussi seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. 2. Final Plat – Bridgewater – Division 3: Planning Director Ron Folsom explained where the property is located. Tom Hunsaker motioned approval of the final plat for Bridgewater Division 3, as presented. Greg Maeser seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. 3. Final Plat – Bridgewater – Division 4: Planning Director Ron Folsom explained where the property is located. Tom Hunsaker motioned approval of the final plat for Bridgewater Division 4, as presented. Greg Maeser seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. Planning & Zoning 06/06/2007 - 3 4. Final Plat – Founders Point – Division 2: Planning Director Ron Folsom explained where the property is located. Troy Burnett, Rocky Mountain Engineering, explained the changes they made from the preliminary plat. He explained the roads were made wider and they have more than adequate storm ponds. It was discussed they are not french drains. Greg Maeser motioned approval of the final plat for Founders Point Division 2. Bob Gustafson seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. Water issues in that area were addressed by Ron Folsom. 5. Final Plat – Hawks Landing – Division 1: Planning Director Ron Folsom explained where the property is located. Troy Burnett, Rocky Mountain Engineering, stated there are no changes in Division 1 from the master plan and preliminary plat. He explained what will be in the division. He explained the street widths are smaller than city requirements, but they worked it out in a work session with City Council. He explained Boulder Creek Lane is a 60 foot right of way and the street width is 36. He also mentioned the alleyways are only 20 feet. They will be getting the alleys to 26 feet at certain spots to aid in fire suppression. Jeff Hawkes, Hawks Landing developer, explained the dimensions of the alleyway. Parking restrictions were discussed. Quinn Simmons motioned approval of the final plat for Hawks Landing Division 1 as presented. Tom Hunsaker seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. 6. Site Plan – Trellis Square – Division 3: Planning Director Ron Folsom explained where the property is located. Alan Cunningham, Mountain River Engineering, explained the Final Plat was already approved. They made some changes to the Site plan, so that is why it is before the Commission. He explained the parking requirements will be easily met with the plans they have regarding any retail shops. Ron Folsom explained they will only have 76 stalls, and they would be required 109 stalls if it were 100% retail. Ron’s only concern is in the future when someone else moves in and if there would be enough parking for full retail. The developer has provided a letter of understanding that retail businesses will not be issued a permit in excess of the parking provided. Bob Gustafson motioned approval of the Site Plan for Trellis Square Division 3 as presented. Quinn Simmons seconded. All in favor, the motion passed. thth DISCUSSION ITEMS: It was discussed there will be no July 4 meeting and it will be moved to July 11. REPORTS: 1. City Council Actions: Ron Folsom spoke about decisions made by the Council regarding an issue with sidewalks in CO’s. Planning and Zoning now has to sign off on CO’s, if there is an issue. He explained they allowed a Snow Shack in Eagle Point Park. He spoke about annexation offers made to county island and almost county island property owners a few years ago and the offer they were given by the City. 2. City of Idaho Falls Planning and Zoning actions: Ron Folsom stated they are working on their day care ordinance. They are looking at making their ratios stricter than Ammon’s. 3. Bonneville County Planning and Zoning actions: Tom Hunsaker informed the Commission what issues were discussed by Bonneville County. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. ________________________________________ Cindy Donovan, Chairman ___________________________________ Leslie Folsom, City Clerk Planning & Zoning 06/06/2007 - 4