Council Minutes 11/20/1974 ~u Mayor Turnbow announced that the purpose of the meeting was to review the 17th Street Improvement Project. It was noted that the State and Federal Governments are to pay for 78% of the project, leaving 22% for the local governments I share. The total cost is figured at this time to be $540, 343 divided as follows: 57% Bonneville County $305, 498.00 37 1/2% City of Ammon 202, 73'9.87 5 1/2% City of Idaho Falls 32,105.76 ' In addition to 22% of $202, 739.87 which amounts to $44, 600 (approximate), the City of Ammon is to pay for 5-0% of the cost of the Sand Creek bridge, 50% of the cost of the siphons under 17th Street for the ditch west of the Eastgate shopping area and Little Sand Creek, east of Sand Creek, plus 37 1/2% of the engineering costs. Total estimate s for. the se items are as folldws: Sand C reek bridge Siphons - Ditch Little Sand Creek Engineering Costs $27,000.00 1, 600. OOr plus 1, 300.00 lQ, 141. 43 labor I Councilman Cheney made a motion that Mayor Turnbow have the authority to represent the City of Ammon at a meeting in Idaho Falls the next Wednesday morning and to approve aU these figures f.or the City of Ammon. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Councilman Cheney moved that the meeting adjourn at 10:3'0 A. M. ~~cl~ MA OR ~1 ~ . '-..../ ~_/ / j CLERK I CITY OF AMMON November 20, 1974 Minutes .of the regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was alled to order at 7:40 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. the following City Off.icials pre sent: Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Councilman Russell N. SwenSen Councilman Brent Hirschi. Councilman Gerald B. Cheney Turnbow, with Clerk Deon Hemingway Attorney Franklin Smith (Councilman Anderson excused-working) Prayer was offer~d by Mayor Turnbow. were approved as typed. Minutes of the as typed. Minutes of the meeting of October 12, 1974, meeting of Nov. 6, 1974, were approved An application for a non-commercial kennel license for Charles Rankin of 4055 Ross Avenue was brought to the attention of the Council for consideration. Councilman S~ensen recommended that the application be returned for lack of sufficient number of signatures. The Council hea~d a review of the coverages and costs of a group health insurance plan by Don George of the Metropolitan Insurance Company. The policy appeared to have some advantage over the present plan. It was suggested that Mr. George pres~nt the information to the Director of the Association of Idaho Cities for consideration of that agency for all of the Cities of Idaho. I Councilman Swensen reported that a proposal has bee:n received from Bonneville County Sheriff Skinner on the law enforcement agreement for 1975, which needs further study before being presented to the Council for approval. The October report of the Animal Control Officer was reviewed, and commendations for the officer were expressed. 91 Councilman Hirschi moved that Mayor Turnbow be authorized to sign a service agreement with Utah Power & Light Company for inst~llation of the power line and pad for underground cable for the water booster station at Well #6. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting wa,s all in favor; motion carried. Attorney Smith presented a resolution for approving the Notice of Payment of Assessments in Local Improvement District No.5. It was pointed out that the notice states that payment may be made by a cash settlement or by installments, but the procedure has been approved to pay through the monthly sewer charge. Information regarding this method of payment needs to be on record in the City's L. I. D. No. 5 assessment record file so that any future City Clerk-Treasurers and City Officials will be aware of this. When homes are sold, early payment may be required by I loaning institutions; however, .the ~ssessment will not become delinquent if the monthly use charge is paid on a current basis. Councilman Cheney moved that the resolution be adopted; Councilman Swensen seconded the motion; voting-Cheney, yes; Swensen, yes; Hirshci, yes; motion carried. o 00 I:"- c:c :.tJ :1J I I (See excerpt of minutes for resolution approving Request for Payment under the water and sewer project. The motion was made by Councilman Syvensen; seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting was Swensen yes,. Cheney yes, Hirschi yes; motion carried. ) Mayor Turnbow explained the :Sank of Commerce has extended the interim financing on the water and sewer projec.t to July 1, 1975, with interest at 5 1/2% after December 23, 1974, which was the original completion date. Representatives of the Farmers Home Administration have been made aware of this and are to notify the bank that it is all right with them. The additional amount which will accrue due to the increase in the interest rate will need to be accumulated and paid from the monthly sewer charge to residents, so it may be necessary to start the billing sooner than now planned. According to Mayor Turnbow, some of the contractors who are installing private sewer line connections have expressed the opinion that doing winter work on sewer lines has some adva~tages such.as the frozen ground preventing damage to lawns and the protection from caveins because of the frozen crust. Reference was made by Mayor Turnbow to a letter from Hartwell Excavating Com- pany dated October 28, 1974, requesting an extension on the water and sewer pro- ject contract for a total of 90 days (60 days this fall and 30 days next year when the weather is suitable for paving, patching, and seal-coating streets a~d finishing the cement work.) It was noted that Hartwells expect to have all the underground work completed by January 1, and that the seal-coating is to be on the p?-tched areas only. Councilman Cheney moved to extend the time on the contract with HartwelPs Excavating Company as indicated. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was Cheney yes; Swensen yes; Hirschi yes; motion carried. ~ayor Turnbow reported that the f~deral funds for the 17th Street Improvement Project are not to be released until ,July 1, 1975. A report by Councilman Cheney indicated that the plowing has been completed on the north part of McCowin Park, and that the city-sponsored basketball program was delayed for one week. Engineer Benton stated that the holes in the footbridge at Molen Street and Ammon Road have been filled in and railings put on. Also the assessment-roll schedules for L.1. D. No. 6 are being worked on for the notice!,! that are to go out for the hearing at the next meeting. He presented a drawing of the final plat for a develop- ment which will be located in the County south of Sunnyside Road on the east side of Ammon-Lincoln R<;:>ad to be known as Rustic Ranches, and pointed out that .this plat has been approved by the County and was formerly approved as a preliminary plat presented by Moss-Perry at the Ammon Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting on May 7, 1974. Councilman Cheney moved to accept the plan as sh~wn as a final plat for Rustic Ranches. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting: Cheney, yes; Swensen, yes; Hirschi, yes; motion carried. Mayor Turnbow recommended that developments within a mile of the City be re- quired to plan for hooking ~n to the system (sewer) at the expense of the developer. Methods of controlling the pressure on Well #5 so the new pump can be used were explained by Engineer Benton, and approval was given by the Council to order and install valves as described. H2 Mayor Turnbow announced that the audit contract with Crandall, Hinckley, and John as required by HUD under the terms of the Water and Sewer Project Grant Agreement has been approved. Claims were approved for payment. Councilman Swensen moved to adjourn at 12:30 A. M.; seconded by Councilman Cheney. L~ CL~RK' ' " " r~1Ji -6 r1~ MAYOR , . . . CITY OF AMMON November 25,1974 I Minutes of Special Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 A. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow, with the following City Officials present: Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Councilman Gerald B. Cheney Councilman Brent Hirschi Councilman Russell N. Swensen Others present were Terry L. Crapo, Robert W. Bauchman,and Melvin Wright, of the Upper Valley Telecable Company. Invocation was offered by Councilman Hirschi. Mayor Turnbow welcomed all to the meeting and expressed appreciation to those present for their interest in discussing the proposed rate increase for telecable service. Mr. Robert W. Bauchman discussed the proposed rate...increase schedule, in- dicating that it represents approximately a 20% increase on the monthly operat- ing costs. He p:cesented information as follows: Labor accounts for about 40% of the annual operating costs; labor is up 18 -1/2% and will likely be up another 15%. Pole rental is another significant item and is up from $3.00 per pole per - year to $4.00 per pole per year or a 25% rate increase (goes to Utah Power & Light Co., the Mountain States Telephone Co., and the City of Idaho Falls where applicable). All crossings over railroads have increased from $10 to $250. Other items which contribute to the increased rate are the raise iri costs of build- ing new lines, the coaxial cable, and borrowing money. Operating costs are up a minimum of 30% as compa red to 4 years ago when the system was installed, and this is the first rate increase since the system was installed at that time. The company has been hit with a 30i per subscriber tax payable to the FCC. The billing to subscribers is on a computer, and the City is authorized to come in and check the number of hookups at any time. Five copies of the quarterly re- port will be mailed to the City each quarter. Wayne Merrill is the Auditor-CPA for Upper Valley Telecable Co. Rate increase notices will be mailed to each subscriber on the first of December with thpse being billed and special notices are to be mailed to the balance of the subscribers. The old rate can be maintained for one year if paid in advance. I Mayor Turnbow asked if it is possible to bury TV Cable with telephone company lines, and wa"'s informed that this has been successful and working well at the present time in some areas. I It was explained that the FCC has pre -empted the rate structure and the maxi- mum was set at 3% unless the. franchising authority can justify an increase which must be approved by them. Mr. Melvin Wright requested that the City advise them Of any new additions as soon as possible and also provide them with a current map of the City of Ammon. ~he meeting was adjourned at 7: 30 A. M. GL~ ;L.. . , T7 ~-{N~ M OR