RRR_Addendum_AEG-SignedADDENDUM FOR ROCKING R RANCH DEVELOPMENT Project No. 21029 March 2022 By Eagle Rock Engineering and Land Surveying For The City of Ammon Prepare by Angel E. Gonzalez, P.E., M.Eng. Date March 15, 2022 Rocking R Ranch Addendum – March 2022 Eagle Rock Engineering and Land Surveying 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this addendum is to provide additional traffic impact information regarding commercial land use (LC/PB) at the Rocking R Ranch (RRR) development. The initial report dated June 2021 presented findings for only residential dwellings. SITE LOCATION AND LAND USE RRR is located at E Sunnyside Rd and S 45th E. Figure 1 shows the northern area in blue is for the residential dwellings, and the southern area in orange is for commercial use. There will be 53 new residential dwellings and an assumed 3,000sqft medical/dental office for the commercial area. Figure 1: Rocking R Ranch Location and Land Use Rocking R Ranch Addendum – March 2022 Eagle Rock Engineering and Land Surveying 2 PREVIOUS TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The previous traffic study concluded that by 2029 “E Sunnyside Rd & S 45th E intersection received a LOS F. This intersection will not meet BMPO minimum requirements even without the additional volume from Rocking R Ranch (RRR)…” The remaining intersections within the study would meet BMPO requirements. NEW TRAFFIC (TRIPS) The commercial area is assumed to be developed into a 3,000sqft medical/dental office and per the ITE TripGen 11th edition this will add 13 AM peak trips and 5 peak PM trips. Table 1 presents the calculations that determined new trips, see Attachments for more TripGen details. Table 1: New Traffic from Medical/Dentist Office CONCLUSION/RECCOMMENDATIONS This new traffic is negligible to the studied intersections and won’t significantly change what was previously reported in the initial RRR traffic impact study. E Sunnyside Rd and S 45th E is still slated to not meet BMPO requirements by 2029 without new traffic from both land use areas of Rocking R Ranch. 3 sqft (x1,000) Fitted Curve Equation=T=3.56(X)+2.66 Entering Exiting 59%41% 8 5 Fitted Curve Equation=T=5.36(X)-10.42 Entering Exiting 40%60% 2 3 RRR Commercial Land Use (LC/PB) ITE TripGen (720) - Medical/Dental Office Building AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour ATTACHMENTS