PZ Packet 11172021 2 OF 3 Ammon Planning and Zoning Commission November 17, 2021 Chairman Nick Torman and Commissioners: Public Hearing #2021-030 Annexation of 633.396 acres with initial zoning of R-3, R3-A, R-2, R2-A, R-1, R1-A, RP-A RP, RE, MU, PB, LC/PB, and C-1 Staff Presenting: Cindy Donovan Planning Director Compliance The request is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan but is not compliant with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The applicant has made a request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Summary of Analysis Project will be done as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Project would provide a variety of housing options and commercial development for the goal should be to foster a community which continues to recognize and respect its rural roots yet provides a variety of housing types and styles for its residents. Parcels are currently agriculture in Bonneville County Connects the City of Ammon to property east of South 52nd East and north of 1st Street Acreage: 590.06 annexation (668.5 acres overall development) Dwelling Units: 3,142 (15 year build out) Single Family Detached on large lots: 796 units Single Family Detached on small lots: 1848 units Townhomes: 498 units Commercial Space: 325,393 SF (8 acres, 15 year build out) Zoning Requested: Professional Business (PB), Light Commercial/Professional Business (LC/PB), and Light Commercial (C-1) Open Space (Public Parks) 23 Acre public park Pathways connecting through the community School Property Designations Two (2) school locations dedicated Annexation Procedures and Compliance 1. Purpose of Title 11: Annexation Procedures: a. considering any application for annexation request in order to arrive at ƷŷĻ ƒƚƭƷ ƭǒƭƷğźƓğĬƌĻ ƚǒƷĭƚƒĻ ŅƚƩ ƷŷĻ ĭƚƒƒǒƓźƷǤ͵ b. Provide information to the PZ Commission to make their decision c. Thoroughly study a proposed annexation and make any requirements necessary of the annexation to ensure the development is a positive addition to the Community and is sustainable. d. To ensure the development pays for itself. Planning and Zoning Commission Decision: Section 11-1-10 1. and policies of applicable components of the Ammon Comprehensive Plan; and 2. Whether the proposed annexation generally complies with th 3. Council regarding the annexation. This recommendation must include a zoning recommendation. Application Requirements (11-1-6): 1. Application and Fees (Application submitted July 21, 2021) a. Discussions began in early 2021 2. Description of proposed project along with statements of compliance, compatibility, contributions, and phasing plans. 3. Impact Studies Required Impact Studies: 1. Traffic Study 2. Water Study 3. Wastewater Study 4. Floodplain Study 5. Level I Environmental 6. Fiscal Impact Study Traffic Study Recommendations: Purpose of the Traffic Study: the proposed project and the impact on all public streets within a three (3) mile radius of the -1-6.L.1). The study shall be prepared and stamped by a Professional Engineer (PE) licensed in the State of Idaho whic-1-6.L.1). alyze traffic operations at key intersections for existing (2021), future (2026), and future (2040) conditions with and without the proposed Based on the Traffic Study: Developer shall construct or contribute to the construction of 23 traffic infrastructure improvements. The need for these improvements are a direct result of the traffic generated from the proposed project. The traffic improvements are currently located in the City of Ammon (12), Bonneville County (8), and the City of Idaho Falls (3) Traffic Improvements Required (no City assistance): 1. New roundabout at 55th E and 1st Street. 2. New roundabout at 52nd and 1st Street 3. Install NB/EB/SB right-turn pockets at the Lincoln/45th (Crowley) Roundabout 4. Upgrade Crowley (45th)/1st Street Roundabout to two lanes 5. New two-lane roundabout at 17th/45th 6. New one-lane roundabout at 45th/21st Street 7. New NB right-turn pocket at 45th/21st StreetTraffic Improvements Required (no City assistance): 8. Signalize intersection of 45th/Sunnyside intersection 9. New SB right-turn pocket at 45th/Sunnyside 10. New EB and WB left-turn pockets at 45th/Sunnyside 11. Extend EB left-turn storage lane at 45th/Sunnyside 12. Extend 5-lane cross section on Sunnyside east of Ammon/Sunnyside signal 13. Widen 17th Street to 5 lanes between Ammon and 45th Streets 14. Widen 1st Street to 5 lanes between Ammon and 45th Streets 15. Replace roundabout at Lincoln/Ammon with traffic signal 16. Replace roundabout at Lincoln and 25th (Hitt) with traffic signal 17. Extend and widen 5-lanes from Lincoln/Ammon to 17th/Ammon 18. Widen 1st Street to 5-lanes between 25th and Ammon 19. Extend EB left-turn storage at Ammon/1st intersection 20. Coordinate and modify signal timing at 25th/John Adams Parkway signal 21. New WB right-turn pocket at 17th/25th 22. Increase EB and WB left-turn storage at 17th/25th 23. New SB dual left-turn lanes at Ammon/17th intersection Water Study Recommendations: 1. Construct all Water System Components a. Developer must construct all components of the water supply system and meet all City standards and DEQ standards. No City assistance. 2. Wells. a. Construct two (2) groundwater wells to supply the subdivision of all drinking water needs. No City assistance. 3. Water Tank. a. Construct a 1.0 million gallon tank to store water within the subdivision. No City assistance. 4. Booster Station. a. Booster station to control water pressures within the subdivision. No City assistance. Water Rights, Irrigation, and Fees: 1. 4.5 CFS of Groundwater Rights. a. Option 1: Deed to the City of Ammon acceptable groundwater rights equivalent to 4.5 CFS (~225 acres or ~900 acre feet) b. Option 2: Pay City of Ammon a fee in-lieu of groundwater rights of approximately $1.5 million (this amount is subject to change based on market conditions) 2. Pressurized Irrigation (Surface Water) a. Require surface water for all outdoor irrigation b. This is already a requirement by Title 8-10 of the Ammon Municipal Code 3. Connection Fee (City) - $1,400 per unit ($4,398,800 total) Wastewater Study Recommendations: 1. Construct all Wastewater System Components a. Developer must construct all components of the wastewater collections system and meet all City standards and DEQ standards. No City assistance. 2. Construct Transmission Line to EIRWWA Main Line a. Acquire all necessary easements and replace main lines through The Villas. b. Replace and upgrade trunk line from development, through The Villas, to Crowley Rd. c. Eliminate lift station in The Villas. d. Connect to EIRWWA Main Line at Sunnyside/Crowley Rd. 3. Connection Fees (City of Ammon) a. Required to pay City connection fee of $1,300 per unit or $4,084,600 4. Connection Fees (EIRWWA) a. Required to pay EIRWWA connection fees b. Currently, this fee is $5,639/unit for a total of $17,708,312 Floodplain Study Recommendations: 1. Obtain FEMA Approval for the following: a. Remove all building areas from the floodplain. (City of Ammon prohibits construction within the Floodplain.) b. Design flood conveyance channels as directed by FEMA. c. Mitigate flood conditions for downstream users, as directed by FEMA 2. From the Study: a. ķźƭĭŷğƩŭĻķ Ʒƚ ķƚǞƓƭƷƩĻğƒ ƦƩƚƦĻƩƷǤ ƚǞƓĻƩƭ źƓ ğƓ ğĭĭĻƦƷğĬƌĻ ƒğƓƓĻƩͲ Ǟŷźĭŷ ƒĻğƓƭ ƷŷğƷ ğƓǤ ğķǝĻƩƭĻ ĭŷğƓŭĻ źƓ ƨǒğƓƷźƷǤͲ ŅƚƩƒͲ ƚƩ ƌƚĭğƷźƚƓ ƚŅ ķźƭĭŷğƩŭĻ Ʒƚ ƚƷŷĻƩ ƦƩƚƦĻƩƷǤ ƒǒƭƷ ĬĻ (Page 4, Floodplain Study) Level I Environment Study Recommendations: Findings: 1. No concerns were observed. 2. From the study, ƚŅ ƩĻĭƚŭƓźǩĻķ ĻƓǝźƩƚƓƒĻƓƷğƌ (Page 16, PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT). Fiscal Impact Study Recommendations: Objective: 1. Conduct analysis of the costs and benefits of annexation of the proposed development into the City of Ammon. 2. Prepared by a qualified and independent person or firm acceptable by the City Council and in a format acceptable by the City Council. (Galena Consulting) 3. City to compensate for anticipated costs. a. Property tax funded services: Law enforcement, Parks, and general fund operations 4. The fiscal impact analysis may also be termed a cost/benefit analysis. Findings: 1. Project Net Present Value (NPV) over 15 years is $2,530,433 with a 3% discount rate 2. Nominal value of $3,550,979.00 (without a discount rate) 3. Study shows positive net fund balance after Years 1 and 2. a. Negative balance in Years 1 and 2 due to delay in property tax collections. 4. Study does not address street costs. Staff recommends obligating 100% of any remaining balances to street costs and maintenance. Parcel Characteristics Located north of East 21st South, east of South 52nd East, south of 1st Street, west of Foothill Road. Acreage: 590.06 acres requested to annex, 668.5 acres total development Requested initial residential zonings of R-3, R3-A, R-2, R2-A, R-1, R1-A, RP-A RP, RE, and initial commercial zonings of MU, PB, LC/PB, and C-1 in a PUD Request being presented by Pete Evans, Nate Hutchinson, and Bronson Tatton, Flagship Homes Annexation of 590.06 acres an initial residential zonings of R-3, R3-A, R-2, R2-A, R-1, R1-A, RP-A RP, RE, and the initial commercial zonings of MU. PB, LC/PB, and C-1 in a PUD Notice for November 17, 2021 meeting Published in the Post Register on Friday, October 15, 2021 and Friday, October 22, 2021 Mailed letters to 83 property owners and 20 public entities on Friday, October 15, 2021 Property was posted on November 8, 2021 Public comment: 1 letter in favor, 2 letters with general comments, 8 letters opposed, 1 petition opposed Notice for September 1, 2021 meeting (hearing postponed) Published in the Post Register on Friday, July 30, 2021 and Friday, August 6, 2021 Mailed letters to 83 property owners and 20 public entities on Friday, July 30, 2021 Property was posted on Public comment: 17 written comments in opposition were received Motion Approve I move to recommend approval of the annexation of 590.06 acres, finding it is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and meets the City ordinance. Deny I move to recommend denial of the annexation of 590.06 acres, finding it does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan or City ordinance. Continue I move to continue the annexation of 590.06 acres until further details can be attained. Attachments: Vicinity Map Concept Plan 10-37-2(A) Residential District Uses Written comment from September 1, 2021 postponed hearing and additional written comment for November 17, 2021 hearing PowerPoint Presentation Qspqfsuz!Mpdbujpo