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August 3, 2011
August 3, 2011
2135 South Ammon Road - 7:00 P.M.
CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Quinn Simmons
Pledge of Allegiance: Cindy Donovan
July 6, 2011
2011-008 – Lattimore – Rezone Request R1-A to R2-A – Trailwood D9, B6, L 30
2011-009 – Monticello Montessori – Conditional Use Permit Request – Allow Animals in an R1-A Zone as part of educational curriculum.
Recommendation on additional hearing at Council
Work Session on August 17, 2011
City Council Actions
City of Idaho Falls Planning and Zoning Actions – Cindy Donovan
Bonneville County Planning and Zoning Actions – Tom Hunsaker
Call for Adjournment:
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Quinn Simmons at 7:00 in the City Building at 2135 South Ammon Road,
Ammon, Idaho. Cindy Donovan led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Members Present:
Quinn Simmons, Chairman
Tom Hunsaker
Cindy Donovan
Rick Butler
Robert Taylor
Greg Maeser
Scott Wessel
City Officials Present:
Ron Folsom, Planning Director
Lance Bates, Engineer
Gay Leming, Deputy Clerk
July 6, 2011: Commissioner Cindy Donovan moved to approve the minutes, as presented. Commissioner Tom
Hunsaker seconded the motion. All in favor – the motion passed.
Chairman Quinn Simmons explained the process, to the public, for the Public Hearing.
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1. 2011-008 – Lattimore – Rezone Request R1-A to R2-A – Trailwood D9, B6, L 30:
Ron explained the rezone
request and said by rezoning to R2-A they would be able to put up to 12 units on this property instead of the two that R1-A zone
allows. The property is only big enough to allow up to 10 units.
Dean Mortimer 7403 S 1 E Idaho Falls, said he is representing the property owner (Gary Lattimore). When this
property was first platted it had two different zones. This lot is too large to develop as R1-A and Dean said at this time there is not a
demand for R1-A type construction. The lot can fit two four-unit buildings with garages. The lot faces two-unit townhomes and
rental properties. The owner of this property feels that two 4-plexes would be a good fit for this particular piece of property.
The opposing testimony:
Chuck Cargo, 1277 Jackson stated his property is immediately to the west of this property. He is afraid their property
value will go down with a two story apartment building looking down into their backyard. If the property doesn’t get apartments built
on it then with an R2-A zone they could put in a daycare or other commercial building that would be allowed in this zone. He does
not want commercial in his backyard.
Marie Andreason, 946 Clara Court stated we only have two accesses to get into our homes. There are already many
apartment buildings on Midway and this causes a lot of traffic with children playing close to the street, because of not much yard to
play in.
Thomas Haynes 976 Clara Court said there are a lot of children playing close to the road because of the apartments and
said it is difficult to see them with all the cars parked on the street. He also feels the property values will drop with more apartments.
Asa Drake, 1285 Jackson stated this property is in his back yard. It doesn’t seem like this zone will fit, and will reduce
their property value and make it difficult to sell. There will be no privacy in their backyards with a two story building behind them.
Rose Marie French, 1203 Jackson is concerned about what might happen in the future. She feels if this re-zoning is
allowed, it will be easier for somebody else to build more apartments in the future. She doesn’t want someone from a second floor
building looking down into her home.
Greg Hansen 5699 Veil Dive, representing Rockwell Development. Greg said from Rockwell’s standpoint, they are not
totally opposed to the request, but if the property owners are against it, then maybe new buyers would feel the same way about
Rockwell’s properties to the immediate north.
Dean Mortimer, 7403 S. 1st E. said as a developer, he feels the property owners have made some good points. Dean felt
that maybe the owner of this property would agree to build single levels. There would be no garages for these, and the City should
make the developer put up fences. When this area was originally platted it was all commercial. He is asking for some consideration
of the uniqueness of this property, and how hard they have tried to find a way to develop this piece of property.
Commissioner Rick Butler feels this is a difficult situation. He said if the City were to change the zone, we can’t really
specify whether they can or cannot put in a two story building.
Commissioner Greg Maeser stated that he can see both sides, and doesn’t see why we should change it yet.
Commissioner Tom Hunsaker, this is the lot that caught in the middle. Because of insufficient frontage they can’t split it
into two R1-A lots. He is concerned about the density in this neighborhood. As far as two story buildings in this zone, building two
story is already allowed.
Commissioner Cindy Donovan feels she is sitting on the fence. She said two story homes are the norm for most places,
but adding more density is very much a concern.
Commissioner Robert Taylor thinks it should go through especially if they are willing to do single story. That way there
would be a transition from the two story apartments on the South to the townhouses on the North.
Commissioner Scott Wessel had no comment at this time.
Commissioner Quinn Simmons wonders where the people that will live on this property will feel a part of. He feels they
would identify more with the neighboring 4-plexes. He doesn’t feel like the impact to density cause by 2 more 4-plexes is that great.
Traffic issues are a big concern because of the cul-de-sacs.
Commissioner Greg Maeser moved to recommend to the City Council to deny the request to rezone from R1-A to R2-A.
Commissioner Scott Wessel seconded the motion. 5 for and 2 against. The motioned passed.
Commissioner Scott Wessel stated his reason for recommending denial was because the property owners to the north and
property owners to the west didn’t buy into apartments.
Commissioner Cindy Donovan has concerns about putting that many places in that spot. She wouldn’t be opposed in the
future after the economy improves, but for right now she doesn’t feel it’s the right thing.
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Commissioner Tom Hunsaker feels this area is over saturated and R2 –A is too intense for this area. At this point in time
he sees no need to change the zone.
Commissioner Greg Maeser said the people to the north and west have relied on this zone for quite a while, and it has
been there a long time.
Commissioner Rick Butler doesn’t see any compelling reason to rezone at this time.
2. 2011-009 – Monticello Montessori – Conditional Use Permit Request – Allow Animals in an R1-A Zone as part of
educational curriculum:
Ron explained where this property is located and said it is 6.104 acres.
David Meyer, Principal for Monticello Montessori, 2599 East 97th North, Idaho Falls, said they have had an excellent
first year. One of the things that is critical to a Montessori education is the students need to interact with real objects. Before kids
move into the abstract they need to interact with real objects. The school would like to install a pond for amphibians, and build a
Monarch Butterfly station where the animals will come back year after year and they can see the cycle changes. The Monticello
School is asking to be allowed to have 5 to 10 chickens and 2 to 3 goats. This will enable the children to interact with the animals and
learn how to take care of them. The school would like to provide a certified wildlife habitat, and they would also like to be able to
have a corral for a horse that would only be on the property once in a while. The horse would enable the children with special needs
and anger management issues to interact with the animal and be able to learn from the experience.
The favoring testimony:
Jon Shirts, 3535 Deloy Apt. 2, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Mr. Shirts has a son that could benefit from these animals at the
school. He believes it would be beneficial for his son to learn from these animals. There are other farms with animals very close to
the school so that should be no problem.
Mary Wilding 2431 Croft, Idaho Falls, Idaho said she has two children that will attend the Montessori school this fall.
The animals will help the special needs children that use their hands to learn. She has a special needs child that is a very hands on
learner, and this concept of teaching will help him immensely.
Kathryn Moore 12660 North 15 East, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Her grandchild needs this kind of learning because he is
struggling from past experiences. This will help the children learn how to respect animals and people, and how to be responsible.
The commission determined that the zone the school is in already allows everything they want to do except to have goats and
a horse. With the amount of property that is at the school they could request an RE zone which would enable them to do everything
they are asking to do. There is plenty of room, and there are farms at the sides of their property.
Commissioner Cindy Donovan moved to approve 2011-009 – Monticello Montessori – Conditional Use Permit Request
– Allow Animals in an R1-A Zone as part of educational curriculum for 2 years for the school to allow 5-10 chickens, 2-3 to goats,
and a corral for a horse not to be housed on the property, conditioned on following the RE zone for distances from neighbors property.
Commissioner Greg Maeser seconded the motion. 6 for and 1 against. The motion passed.
Commissioner Tom Hunsaker voted against the motion because he doesn’t like the time limit of 2 years. He feels that there
shouldn’t be a time limit, because if there are complaints the City can pull the conditional use permit.
1. 2011-008 – Lattimore – Rezone Request R1-A to R2-A – Trailwood D9, B6, L 30:
Commissioner Rick Butler
moved to recommend no additional hearing of the rezone. Commissioner Greg Maeser seconded the motion. All in favor- the motion
2. 2011-009 – Monticello Montessori – Conditional Use Permit Request – Allow Animals in an R1-A Zone as part of
educational curriculum:
Commissioner Greg Maeser motioned for no additional hearing. Commissioner Robert Taylor seconded
the motion. All in favor – the motion passed.
. Work Session on August 17, 2011
1. City Council Actions
- Ron explained what happened in the Council meetings for the month of July.
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2. City of Idaho Falls Planning and Zoning Actions
– Cindy Donovan said nothing pertained to the City.
3. Bonneville County Planning and Zoning Actions
– Tom Hunsaker said no meeting was held
Call for Adjournment:
CommissionerScott Wessel moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Rick Butler seconded
the motion. All in favor – the motion passed.
The meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m.
Quinn Simmons, Chairman
Ron Folsom, City Clerk
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