8.12.2020 Traffic Commission Minutes Minutes Ammon Traffic Commission Wednesday, August 12, 2020 – 9:04 A.M. Call to Order: Micah Austin, City Administrator Minutes: July 8, 2020: Unanimously Approved Citizens’ Requests: No truck traffic on Ross. J. Clapp-Received a citizen complaint about having them drive down his street. Idaho Sod uses S. Ross to access their property. After discussion the committee decided it is not an issue at this time. They will keep an eye on it. Ammon/49th: T. Bono- Citizen concerned about traffic cutting across the corner off of Ammon Rd. to go south on 49th. It was decided some kind of deterrent be placed there to prevent this. Safety Candles would be a good option. Clearfield: M. Austin- Citizen inquired whether the round a bout for the Woodland Hills Park would create more traffic? After discussing it all were in agreement that it wouldn’t. It will help keep speeds down and will actually lower the amount of traffic. There will be more entry and exits that will be more convenient for citizens to use. T. Bono will put up a traffic counter on the north and south ends of the park. Rawson/Midway and Owen/Midway traffic counts: Owen/Midway needs to be redone. That will be set when school is in session the first of September. J. Clapp will get school lights on and working the end of August, Street Division Updates: T. Bono and J. Clapp: Woodland Hills Park roads and parking lots are the main priority. Trimming weeds is also a priority. Striping will be done in the fall. Crosswalks are finished being painted. Action Items: Intersection control at Barton/Tawzer-A YIELD sign will be installed. Updates: No Dumping sign and barricade- Barricade needs to be put up at the end of Tawzer. John Adams’ barricade needs put up. We need to wait to put up the one on Curlew. Discussion Items: Misc. C. Donovan-Will call White Pines about keeping traffic off of street. She will get with M. Stewart and have her help with that. Meeting Adjourned: 9:30 a.m. Agenda Ammon Traffic Commission Wednesday, August 12, 2020 – 9:04 A.M. _________________________________________________ Micah Austin, City Administrator _________________________________________________ Lorraine Bradley, Admin. Assist.