THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2011 – 4:30P.M.
1.TRIPTA System Changes – Lynn Seymore
2.Railroad Construction Agreement – 17th Street Crossing (Lance)*
3.Investment/Budgeting (Jennifer)
City Officials Present:
Mayor Steven Fuhriman
Councilmember Lee Bean
Councilmember Brian Powell (arrived at 4:37 p.m.)
Councilmember Rex Thompson (arrived at 4:51p.m.)
Councilmember Russell Slack
City Clerk Ron Folsom
Deputy City Clerk Rachael Brown
City Treasurer Jennifer Belfield
City Engineer Lance Bates
City Officials Absent:
Councilmember Sean Coletti
Councilmember Dana Kirkham
Mayor Fuhriman opened the meeting at 4:40 p.m. at the City Hall building located at 2135 South
Ammon Road.
1. TRIPTA System Changes – Lynn Seymore*:
Amanda Ely, Assistant Director, Teton Regional Public Transportation
Authority (TRPTA),1810 West Broadway #7, said Lynn Seymore was out of town, and she was speaking on her behalf. Amanda
addressed the Council and said the State procured a broker and explained the issues that have been occurring since the change.
Amanda said the system costs them about $16,000 per year. Councilmember Bean asked if that was an ongoing cost, or could they
modify it. Amanda said the State bought it, but TRPTA has to pay the maintenance costs. She said they need match money to help
with the increases in cost. She said Medicaid is also pushing business expenses to the families and when that happens, TRPTA’s
match money is decreased. She said people are beginning to buy bus passes so they can ride on a fixed route service. Councilmember
Bean asked how much it had increased their budget. Amanda said about a $30,000 increase per month. Amanda said they have hired
three new bus drivers and two administrative personnel. Councilmember Bean asked if TRPTA had seen any increase in revenue.
Amanda said no, but she has been doing some marketing and trying to get advertisements placed on the buses. She said the INL
moved into their building in July and that income has helped. Amanda went over some trip reports with the Council. Amanda said
they have seen increased ridership in Ammon as well as in Idaho Falls. Amanda said one of the things they are asking for is that the
City would double its contribution in the next budget year. Discussion ensued regarding insurance and other expenses TRPTA has
Councilmember Bean told Amanda that TRPTA is providing a great service, but he feels the other communities TRPTA is
servicing, should also be contributing to the service. Councilmember Bean asked Amanda to send him a copy of TRPTA’s financial
statement and budget for next year. Ron asked Amanda to email the financial statement and budget to him, and he would put it on
SharePoint for the Council to view.
2. Railroad Construction Agreement – 17th Street Crossing (Lance)*:
Lance said he spoke with the Idaho
Transportation Department (ITD), and they need the Railroad Construction Agreement signed by the Mayor by October 1st.
Councilmember Thompson asked if there would be flashing lights at the railroad crossing. Lance said no, there would be bars that
come down when a train came by.
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3. Investment/Budgeting (Jennifer):
Jennifer explained the Investment and Budgeting document available in
SharePoint and invited the Council to ask questions. Councilmember Bean asked Jennifer about the $50,000 in the general fund for a
building. Jennifer said potentially in 2021, if the current City Building was no longer sufficient, the City would be prepared.
Councilmember Bean asked Jennifer if she was keeping a separate sub-ledger in Clarity for keeping track of the reserve funds.
Jennifer said no. Discussion ensued regarding designated funds. Councilmember Slack asked about a vehicle replacement fund for the
Ford Taurus. Jennifer said that it is less expensive to reimburse mileage to employees that use their own vehicles than to replace the
Taurus. Ron said he would rather drive his personal vehicle the four miles he drives a month to pick up signs than drive the City car.
Jennifer said as the City staff is creating the savings policy, it would need to be modified slightly, for instance the
Technology Department is on a bare bones budget and hasn’t had an opportunity to save for future years. Councilmember Bean said
the internal Technology has to come out of a specific fund, for example, if you need to replace computers for the office there needs to
be a contingency for equipment replacement. Discussion ensued regarding the Technology Department budget and savings.
Councilmember Powell spoke about the City vehicles being combined into a fleet. Councilmember Slack said the Park
Department doesn’t really have specifically tooled vehicles, but for instance I.T. has a vehicle that is tooled specifically and so does
Animal Control. Councilmember Bean felt all the vehicles should be part of the general fund. Jennifer said she is concerned about that
because the proprietary funds generate their own revenue and she appreciates them maintaining their own vehicles. Jennifer likes each
Department handling their own vehicles. Councilmember Slack suggested holding off until the next budgeting cycle.
Councilmember Bean asked about the replacement costs for the Fire Department. Councilmember Slack said $670,000 for
replacement if there was an equipment catastrophe. Councilmember Powell said he would keep the minimum maintenance and
operation and add 10% for any capital expenditures. Councilmember Powell said he doesn’t view it as depleting the funds.
Councilmember Slack said out of the $20 million in savings, the City is comfortable in spending it down to $11 million.
Councilmember Bean said he is not comfortable with that. Councilmember Powell said he was under the impression this was
investment savings and was comfortable having $11 million in long term CDs and having the rest of it somewhat liquid for
emergencies. Councilmember Bean said this is not what this is designed to do. Councilmember Slack said the purpose of this
discussion is for the Councilmembers to see what they are comfortable with as a bottom line saving and what are we comfortable
spending it down to. Councilmember Powell would like some time to think about it. Discussion ensued regarding the savings.
Ray said as of the end of August there was $3 million in the Street Department fund. Ray said he wants to save $400,000 in
case of a catastrophe; he can operate streets for a year with no revenue. He would like to have $100,000 if he needs a special piece of
equipment. So that leaves $500,000 that can be invested for however long the City would like. Ray said the Sanitation Department is
in really good shape. Councilmember Bean asked Ray how much a new sanitation truck would cost. Ray said $250,000.
Councilmember Powell said he feels the City has too much reserve and feels it should be spent to benefit the community, or
reduce the fees. Councilmember Bean said he was comfortable putting $11 million in the long term funds, and then put together a ten
year plan. Councilmember Powell feels there are two key decisions that will swing heavily in reserves. The first is for the City to join
the Fire District because that would free up the general fund from putting everything into the Fire Department. The second is the
Police Department because if the City sets aside $3 million plus the $1.2 million in reserves the City would have enough funds set
aside for a Police Department. Councilmember Bean said he feels the Fire District is a discussion that needs to be resurrected.
Councilmember Slack said Fire Chief Hyde was for the Fire District.
Councilmember Bean moved to adjourn. Councilmember Powell seconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Bean – Yes,
Councilmember Powell – Yes, Councilmember Slack – Yes, and Councilmember Thompson – Yes. The motion passed.
The meeting adjourned at 6:15p.m.
Steve Fuhriman, Mayor
Ron Folsom, City Clerk
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