06072011CouncilMinutes (2) CITY OF AMMON CITY COUNCIL MINUTES – SPECIAL WORK SESSION TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 2011 AGENDA: CITY OF AMMON 2135 SOUTH AMMON ROAD AMENDED CITY COUNCIL AGENDA – SPECIAL WORK SESSION 4:15 P.M. TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 2011 – EXECUTIVE SESSION: 1. Personnel Evaluations – Idaho Code 67-2345 (1-b) 2. Pending Litigation – Idaho Code 67-2345 (1-f)* DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1.Budget Discussion Council/Management* 2.Misc. MINUTES City Officials Present: Mayor Steve Fuhriman Councilmember Dana Kirkham Councilmember Lee Bean (left 5:10 p.m.) Councilmember Brian Powell (left 6:50 p.m.) Councilmember Rex Thompson (left 6:45 p.m.) Councilmember Sean Coletti Councilmember Russell Slack City Attorney Scott Hall City Clerk Leslie Folsom City Planner Ron Folsom City Engineer Lance Bates City Treasurer Jennifer Belfield Code Enforcement Shawna Avery Building Engineer Charlie Allen Fire Chief Stacy Hyde IT Bruce Patterson Parks Ken Knoch Public Works Ray Ellis City Officials Absent: None CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Fuhriman opened the meeting at 4:20 p.m. at the City Hall Building located at 2135 South Ammon Road. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 1. Personnel Evaluations - Idaho Code 67-2345 (1-b) 2. Pending Litigation - Idaho Code 67-2345 (1-f)* Councilmember Thompson moved to enter into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2345 (l b & 1f). Councilmember Bean seconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Thompson – Yes, Councilmember Bean – Yes, Councilmember Kirkham – Yes, Councilmember Coletti – Yes, Councilmember Slack – Yes, and Councilmember Powell – Yes. The motion passed. City Council Minutes 6-7-11 Page 1 of 6 Councilmember Slack moved to leave executive session and enter into regular session. Councilmember Thompson seconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Slack – Yes, Councilmember Thompson – Yes, Councilmember Coletti – Yes, Councilmember Powell – Yes, and Councilmember Kirkham – Yes. The motion passed. The Work Session started at 5:10 p.m. Councilmember Bean left at 5:10 p.m. DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. Budget Discussion Council/Management*: City Treasurer Jennifer Belfield distributed the proposed budget to the Management and Council. She explained each of the Councilmembers have met with their departments and discussed their sections. The basics of the General Government fund were discussed. The transfer for the Building Department was to start at zero; however, Jennifer would like to consider a new idea where the Building Dept. would pay the General fund back the $34,000, so the City can see the trend history. Councilmember Slack said it would be like a loan. Jennifer said it would show a negative balance. Jennifer explained the County has not given the final numbers on the property taxes, so they will be entered at a later date. She suggested discussing the portions of the budget with questions or concerns. Council stated the promotional video line item should be removed. Jennifer asked about the Museum of Idaho. Councilmember Kirkham stated that the Museum of Idaho has requested $10,000 and feels they are a cultural entity that we benefit from. She suggested a 50/50 split on line items for general and building. Discussion ensued concerning the possibility of General paying 60% and Building paying 40%. Leslie stated this would be acceptable, if however, when the Building Dept. again resumes growth then the amounts would change to reflect the climate. Charlie said the Building Dept. currently has 3 employees. IT will be moving to the Public Work’s building and Shawna would like to move into their old office. Councilmember Coletti asked about the allocation for meetings, department supplies and general incentives when there was money that wasn’t used last year. Jennifer said there hasn’t been a policy created yet, so the funds weren’t used. Councilmember Kirkham said to wait until the City receives the BDPA’s structure, so they could possibly use the funds then. Jennifer has added the CFOA for her to be a certified public treasurer. IIIA were added, because she and the Mayor travel to these meetings each month. She stated the meetings will be held quarterly starting in January. Councilmember Kirkham said they will be reassessing in January and they would like to see the benefits from IIIA. It was discussed that everyone needs to be on the same page for this item. AIC is around $5700, which is also part of the line item. Leslie said there was a possibility that the travel expenses from IIIA will be reimbursed, at a future date. Easter and Halloween were discussed that they will be maintained in the General Fund. Council looked at page 5, General Intercompany Transfers, which is the rest of the broadband transfer. Next year the only Intercompany transfer would be the Parks Dept. in the amount of $501,000, which is the balance to break even. Ray Ellis asked how much bigger General is this year, than last year. Jennifer said last year it was budgeted at $2.066 million and this year is $1.5 million. This is a first draft and it will be updated for publication. Ray said $516,000 of the General Funds comes from the proprietary funds. Councilmember Kirkham asked about Ammon Days. Jennifer said we take in $13,500 and spend $23,000, which has the City spending $10,000 for Ammon Days. Jennifer said Ken has suggested holding public education meetings for watering, weeding, etc. Ken talked about how he would like to educate the public, which includes classes, worksheets, etc. Council thinks this is a good idea. Leslie asked Ken if $500 would be enough. Ken said whatever the Council wants. Council said they are interested, but asked about putting an insert in the billings. Ken feels that the constituents find greater value in face to face training. Jennifer will add training with the title Community Training for $500. Leslie stated that she has added a bid to retile City Hall’s bathrooms and break room. Ron said Planning and Zoning is fine. It was discussed to zero a couple of lines out. Jennifer said all of the wages are rough estimates, until the BDPA results come out. Engineering will be in the General Fund, but there will be a transfer from Water, Garbage, and Sewer to Engineering. Bruce Patterson said when the bill comes in he gives it to the departments. He explained every month he goes through and one month water pays it, the next month sewer pays it and the next garbage pays City Council Minutes 6-7-11 Page 2 of 6 it. Jennifer wondered about IT paying the cell phone bills and requesting payment from the departments. Councilmember Kirkham said it’s fine to back them out of the individual budgets and put them into IT. Leslie said to remember when his budget gets bigger; it’s not due to increased IT spending. Ray asked if Engineering wants to use department transfers. Jennifer said Lance’s wages are allocated and a percentage goes to each dept and each time payroll is done, then it goes to the line items. She stated you need to decide if you want an annual or quarterly transfer. She stated it is easier if we do it automatically from payroll. Leslie said anytime you make journal entries then errors can happen and the allocations set up in payroll stops this issue. Jennifer said the Street Fund needs clarification. Ray is under the understanding Public Work’s responsibility is for the items that are underground and Engineering’s responsibility is for the items that are above ground. On page 27, Road Construction and Improvement, line item 740, the City would do the design work of several streets. Councilmember Kirkham said the problem is whose budget it comes from. Ray stated he would like the expenses to come from Lance’s Engineering budget, while Jennifer and Lance would like it to come from Ray’s Public Works budget. Councilmember Kirkham stated they both rely on each other. Councilmember Kirkham asked why it is a benefit to put it in Engineering. Ray feels it could be broke down, but the City doesn’t have th enough funds to perform road construction right now. Councilmember Powell said 17 and Hitt will need money. Councilmember Slack said $600,000. Councilmember Kirkham said the franchise fee that will go directly to Streets will help assist this. Jennifer said the City is anticipating $125,000. Councilmember Kirkham feels design is part of construction. Councilmember Kirkham said the fees are collected quarterly. Ron said Glen thinks it will go in July, but they have until August. Councilmember Slack wants the franchise fee to be seen separately. Ray asked about general operations and if we will allocate across the Proprietary Funds. Jennifer said this year the General Fund paid it and she wonders if Water, Garbage, Sewer, and Sanitation should pay it. Conversation ensued on how to split the expenditures between the proprietary funds. Councilmember Slack said the proprietary services are a cost service and if it is evenly spread across the board it easier to maintain it. Councilmember Kirkham said Ray makes the decision, but like Councilmember Powell said it needs to be supported by expenses. Ray will discuss this with Lance and come up with a percentage. Lance asked Council about individual line item questions. Councilmember Slack asked what about individual traffic counters. Councilmember Kirkham said this is Engineering will be handling the his equipment that is needed for us to do some things without bidding it out. software. Councilmember Slack asked about meetings and travel under the other category. Lance said this is an estimate, since the Council requested it. It was discussed that training and software are two separate items. Charlie from the Building Department discussed ICRMP charges and wondered about cutting it, since he has two people that are actually driving pickups. Jennifer said General gets 70%, Fire gets 20% and Building gets 10% and the proprietary pays 1/3, 1/3, and 1/3. Councilmember Thompson inquired how many firefighters there are. Councilmember Slack said it is what it is. Councilmember Kirkham said it comes from the same pot. Council asked how the building permits are. Charlie said we have 69 permits year to date. There are 16 remodels and where the City is hurting is new construction. Council feels he is operating at barebones. Stacy from the Fire Department said he would like to start putting funds into the vehicle replacement fund. He feels it should be in the “capital outlay ongoing”. Jennifer explained capital outlay new, versus capital outlay ongoing. They have gone away from using the ongoing. She asked Council if they should code it to a different GL number. Contingency was discussed. Councilmember Powell said capital outlay ongoing is a depreciation account. It was discussed to call it capital reserves. Ray said the title might be appropriate. Councilmember Kirkham said Councilmember Bean has concerns for the reserves name. Leslie said Councilmember Bean is afraid that staff will spend it, but she feels the current staff is responsible. He looks at the past and hasn’t reviewed the current structure. Councilmember Kirkham said in the past we didn’t have department heads that are responsible and now we do. Jennifer will title it restrictive funds. Jennifer said the contingency is still under the General Fund. Lance said he has money under the current fiscal year for aerial photography; however, it won’t be done this year and wants to move it over to the next year. Jennifer said we have to budget for the revenue and the expense each year. Councilmember Kirkham wants to get past the mentality of “use or lose”. Leslie said the old Council wouldn’t let you keep it, but this Council would like to. Councilmember Powell said he would like to plan for putting money away for a fire station. Stacy said the Fire District has asked if Council has considered their request this year. Council would like to see it all on paper. It was discussed that the benefits do not outweigh the costs. City Council Minutes 6-7-11 Page 3 of 6 Councilmember Slack said the budget revenue is $16 million and expenses are $17 million, so there will probably be some cuts after the discussions. Councilmember Coletti and Shawna said in the police contract there is a 7% increase from last year. Councilmember Thompson said this is double compared to 5 years ago. Councilmember Kirkham said Idaho Falls is higher. Jennifer said dispatch is included in the contract, when it was not before. Councilmember Kirkham would like to see dispatch as a separate line item, so the City can determine if they want to separate the dispatch. Jennifer stated Bonneville County sends us a check each month from the magistrate fees. The City gets 50% of the revenue. Leslie asked if they are still marking Ammon on the citations, so Ammon gets the revenue. It was discussed to check on this. Shawna would like a taser and bullet proof vest. She can drop down the expense to $1000, because the vests are coming. She needs to figure depreciation and replacement cost of the vests. Bonneville County is still putting her off on the taser training, so she has asked Idaho Falls for it. Councilmember Kirkham asked Councilmember Coletti to check with the County and see why she is being delayed and to advise Shawna. She talked about jumping in on her husband’s training for it. Shawna said the animal shelter contract will stay the same. Councilmember Slack asked if the City is charged per animal. Shawna said live animals. Shawna said chickens have been going through. She gets calls almost every day for chickens. We should have the contract from the Sheriff’s office by next week. Bruce said IT revenues come from the other departments. He made some minor changes for reimbursement rates. He stated Building will be going down. Councilmember Kirkham asked where the majority of his time is spent. Bruce said fiber. Jeremy said his portion is for parts for seasonal and recreation. General is for billing, newsletters, email, spam filter, etc. Councilmember Kirkham asked how he feels about the proportion of reimbursement rates. Bruce said proprietary funds carry a big load, as well as online functions. There is a tremendous amount of software support that is fixed and it depends on the infrastructure the City has. Yes he feels it is fair, as long as the departments can support it. Councilmember Powell asked what the GIS is. Bruce said it is a Geo special database, which keeps track of all assets, street signs, fiber counts, etc. Ron talked about Kuna’s GIS system and how they used the aerial views. Leslie said it is a real weak point for the City, since we don’t have the database. Lance said his budget is the outright purchase of the system, but Bruce would be the support. Councilmember Kirkham asked about the Council upgrade. Bruce said the most important things will come first, like an update of the sound system for better sound quality. Ron talked about the speaker system and projection. It was discussed the PCs will be rotated around. The oldest PCs are 4 years. He talked about the Cable One connections and feels the price will come down. Bruce said $600,000 will be carried over to the next year for Broadband. Other budgets are built around this, as well. Bruce talked about the revenue, versus expenses. Councilmember Powell said there were some grants that never happened, so it’s hard to look through the budget. He talked about grants and DEQ loans and what the actuals are. Jennifer asked Council to approve the transfer. Councilmember Powell asked if the City has the funds. Jennifer said from the overall budget of general funds, we would use $425,000 out of reserves and from the water fund we could use $1.3 million out of reserves, but it is not this one line item. It is everything that goes together. We may not get it done in this fiscal year, but we are good to make the transfer in this fiscal year. Ray said the reserve for water was to make up for payment with DEQ. Council agreed. Lance said it was agreed for the SCADA building, also. Council said yes, transfer. It will be on next week’s agenda as an action item. Jennifer stated there is a Broadband fund. It will have a beginning year balance. Councilmember Kirkham stated Street funds are pretty barebones. Ray stated he would like to rd purchase the asphalt zipper next year for part of the strategic plan. The demonstration is on June 23. The machine th will be in June 16 and it will be here for the open house. Council wants to see the machine and its benefit. It was discussed the original townsite is in bad shape and will need to be redone. Ray said we need to guarantee the road substructure. He would like to see us set goals for work and safety incentives and give bonuses of items of their choice that will stay in the City. For Hitt Road it was discussed there is a savings of $500,000 and it should be th rolled over. Jennifer asked if the design change should be changed to 17 and Hitt in the amount of $600,000. It was discussed we do need to have that budgeted for. Lance feels we do not have an exact amount. Ray stated the day-to-day has a slight increase on snow removal. Councilmember Slack said the medians on Hitt Road are not th necessarily Ammon’s, they are a capital improvement that is being put into 25 street. Councilmember Kirkham asked if it will eliminate the current cement embankments (Jersey barriers) that do not allow people to turn left. Lance stated they will over the course of time, but not right away. Councilmember Slack said when the road starts getting cut – we need to pressure Target to add the exit drive behind their store. Lance stated he talked to the Idaho City Council Minutes 6-7-11 Page 4 of 6 Falls Police and the Sheriff’s Department they should do a traffic study on it, so they can push it. Discussion ensued on moving the road. Councilmember Slack said Woodbury and Albertson’s will put in some money. Target doesn’t want the road going behind them. Council doesn’t want to add $50,000 at this time, but wants Jennifer to keep it in mind. Ray said for years the City has collected funds for meters and the City is now drawing against that fund. Jennifer said we have been drawing for the past couple of years. She explained it is not truly revenue. She would like to keep the proprietary funds cost the same to process, even though the rates are different for various funds. She would like to propose doing expenses at 1/3, 1/3 and 1/3. In years past it was based on their revenue. She feels when we generate statements they are for water, sewer, and garbage. Each takes just as much time to process. Ray said he is comfortable with this. Councilmember Slack asked what the valve service truck is for. Ray said every water valve should be exercised once per year and this equipment will do it. The valve truck will also be equipped with a crane. Councilmember Slack asked about the water project final design calculation. Lance said it is part of the Keller contract before the City can close out the water bond. Jennifer talked about the revenue line item for this. It was discussed Bonneville Jefferson Ground District is coming on Thursday. Ray said Sewer is based on the City performing its own Operation &Maintenance (O&M). Lance said he has put in $45,000 for planning grant revenue from DEQ and $90,000 expense. DEQ is pretty sure that the City will spend $45,000 and DEQ $45,000. He is not sure we will spend a whole lot less than that. Lance said the City needs the information. Councilmember Powell wants to make sure it is something we actually need. Lance said we are going into a sewer collection system that the City is blind on. The City has no information on the pipes, records, etc. Councilmember Kirkham asked why we can’t get the information from the City of Idaho Falls. Ray stated we may be able to, but we may not be able to tell anything from it. Lance stated if he makes the direct request, it will not happen. It still doesn’t help us with what it is. Leslie said we could make a public request, but it could possibly cost. Councilmember Coletti said you have the capital outlay ongoing there, too. He talked about the O&M charges and wonders if it gets us under the $42. Lance stated yes, if the level of service gets cut back. Ray said the truck is missing. He feels we can pay for the truck out of this budget, since they have come under with other expenses. Lance stated we also talked about reserves for the truck, as well. No official decision has been made. Jennifer stated we need to decide, if we will purchase the truck this year. Councilmember Kirkham said we should purchase it. Councilmember Kirkham stated Sanitation is ok. Ken stated he increased seasonal help for Parks. He is out there Monday thru Sunday and needs more personnel. He has added unemployment under employee benefits. Councilmember Coletti asked about the $100 each for chairs. Ken stated they were for the new building and he just approximated. The heat/electricity is a guess, since it is the first year they are in the Public Works building. It was discussed to get the amount from Public Works. Councilmember Kirkham inquired if during the winter they could occupy a different area, during that time. Ken talked about chemicals, etc. Costs for storage supplies have gone up. The weed control has been increased by $2000, due to two new parks being added. Vehicle repair went up, because of the extra vehicles. Shelters and restrooms have not changed. Jennifer said 8% of IT will be applied to parks ($18,000 total) $2000 will go to parks due to the Sportsman’s Program, there is $8,000 in recreation and $8,000 in pools. There are 3 departments in Parks/Rec. Bruce said parks are double dipping by taking it from parks. Jennifer will make it $9,000 and $9,000 to correct this issue. Councilmember Slack asked about grants. Ken is not sure we will get that one. Leslie said Ken is one of the best for grants. Councilmember Kirkham asked if we budgeted for After Dark in the Park. Jennifer stated we did budget for it, but ended up being more conservative. Councilmember Kirkham inquired about the spray trailer. Ken said his budget was cut $35,000 this year for the spray trailer. Ken said the spray trailer is approximately $12,000 with the balance for Woodland Hills’ ruts and culverts. Jennifer stated the report said $35,000 and she did not know what the breakout was. Ray asked if the spray trailer can be used together with Public Works for road right-of-ways. Jennifer said she has added an unemployment line item for Parks and for Fire, since these are the ones that have had people filing for unemployment. Jennifer asked about weed control. Ray said he is sending two guys to be spray certified as herbicide applicators. Ken said the spraying is being done by ATV’s and backpacks. The trees can’t be done by this method. Councilmember Coletti asked Ray and Ken to look at a combination truck. Jennifer said we need to determine our level of service for Parks. 2009 was $306,000, 2010 was $457,000 and 2011 is $501,000. Councilmember Kirkham said Quail Ridge is not a park, the Council considers it a storm drain. The Council has been pretty explicit that it’s not a park. Jennifer stated it is confusing for the residents. There is no walking path. Councilmember Kirkham stated it has been made clear it is a drainage pond. Jennifer said the homeowners have a different plan. Ken said there was $48,000 budgeted for trees, sod and the sprinkler system. Walking paths, etc. were not. Jennifer stated we need to determine the level of service. Councilmember City Council Minutes 6-7-11 Page 5 of 6 Kirkham stated we want to maintain not improve services, because of the economy. Ken would like the City to stop building parks and get the current parks finished. Councilmember Kirkham said we need to finish the existing parks like Woodland Hills first. Leslie stated Courtland Greenbelt has a meter now. They have been notified that billing th will start on August 10. Councilmember Kirkham talked about the green space fees. It was discussed we need to check on the grant. Councilmember Slack said next year the diving board will be removed and we will put in a slide. Ken said the pool is not deep enough for the board. Ken said the health department has said it has to be removed. General codes on public pools are requiring it, also. Jennifer asked about recreation and pool. Council is ok. Councilmember Kirkham moved to adjourn the meeting. Councilmember Slack seconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Kirkham – Yes, Councilmember Slack – Yes, and Councilmember Coletti – Yes. The motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m. _____________________________________ Steve Fuhriman, Mayor __________________________________ Leslie Folsom, City Clerk City Council Minutes 6-7-11 Page 6 of 6