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01.19.19P&Z Minutes01.16.19 Planning and Zoning Minutes Page 1 of 4 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION January 16, 2019 2135 South Ammon Road 7:00 P.M. AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Patrick Malone Pledge of Allegiance: Robert Taylor MINUTES: November 7, 2018 and December 5, 2018 PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 2019-001 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Revision 2. 2019-002 Bridgewater Division Rezone 3. 2019-004 Title 10 Revisions ACTION ITEMS: 1. Election of Chairman 2. Election of Vice Chairman 3. Action on Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map 4. Action on Bridgewater Division Rezone 5. Action on Title 10 Revisions 6. 2019-001 Recommendation on additional public hearing 7. 2019-002 Recommendation on additional public hearing 8. 2019-004 Recommendation on additional public hearing 9. Silver Springs Preliminary Plat 10. 2019-001 Adoption of Reasoning Statement 11. 2019-002 Adoption of Reasoning Statement 12. 2019-004 Adoption of Reasoning Statement DISCUSSION ITEMS: Residential ordinances – change of guest house size, change of side yards for RP zone REPORTS: City Council – Cindy City of Idaho Falls – Cindy Bonneville County - Tom Parks, Recreation and Trails Commission – Sarah Call for Adjournment: MINUTES Members Present: Patrick Malone, Chairman Tom Hunsaker, Vice Chairman Steve Taylor Robert Taylor Josh Rydalch Nick Torman – was absent from 8:10pm to 9:22pm Members Absent: Sarah Jones Staff Present: Cindy Donovan, Planning and Zoning Shari Ockerman, Deputy City Clerk Staff Absent: None CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Malone, at 7:00 p.m. at the Ammon City Hall building located at 2135 South Ammon Road. Commissioner Robert Taylor led the Pledge of Allegiance. MINUTES: November 7, 2018 and December 5, 2018 Commissioner Steve Taylor moved to approve the November 7, 2018 minutes. Commissioner Robert Taylor seconded. Roll Call: Commissioner Steve Taylor –yes, Commissioner Robert Taylor – yes, Commissioner Rydalch – yes, Commissioner Hunsaker – yes, Commissioner Malone – abstain (absent) and Commissioner Torman – yes. The motion passed. Commissioner Robert Taylor moved to approve the December 5, 2018 minutes. Commissioner Torman seconded. Roll call vote: Commissioner Robert Taylor –yes, Commissioner Torman – yes, Commissioner Rydalch – yes, Commissioner Steve Taylor – yes, Commissioner Hunsaker – yes, and Commissioner Malone – yes. The motion passed. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Chairman Malone explained the public hearing process to the audience. 01.16.19 Planning and Zoning Minutes Page 2 of 4 1. 2019-001 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Revision: Cindy said this item has been placed on the Thursday, Feb 7th Council Meeting agenda. The request is to change the Comprehensive Plan Land use map from low density residential to medium density residential in the Bridgewater subdivision. The Bridgewater subdivision is 148.23 acres. The original area of the subdivision zoned R1-A was 25.35 acres, this area was rezoned in June, 2017 to RP-A. The request is to change 9.774 acres from low density to medium residential. Blake Jolley, Connect Engineering, 1150 Hollipark, Dr. Idaho Falls, ID. In 2017, 25 acres in Bridgewater division 7 was rezoned to RPA to avoid having split plats. The intent was to move the R1-A to the west and to develop less acres as R1-A. This request is next to the higher density Kartchner Development. Commissioner Torman asked if there would be a road over the canal. Blake said no. Commissioner Torman disclosed he was approach by neighbors and discussed the map revision Steve Duff, 465 Clover Ave, is opposed to the proposed change. It would place a medium density island in a low density area. It is an illogical use of the land and inconsistent with the normal use of the surrounding area. Medium density would fit in better closer to the Kartchner property to the South which is already R-1. He has not found any other medium density island on the current land use map. Blake Jolley, Connect Engineering, 1150 Hollipark, Dr. Idaho Falls, ID. the property is surrounded by medium density and fits within the nearby area. Chairman Malone closed the public hearing one opened the discussion. 2. 2019-002 Bridgewater Division Rezone: The request is to rezone 9.774 acres in the Bridgewater Subdivision from RP-A to R-1. The zone change is to allow single family attached dwellings. Chairman Malone opened the public hearing. Blake Jolley, Connect Engineering, 1150 Hollipark, Dr. Idaho Falls, ID. He did a quick calculation which showed the rezone from RP-A to R-1 will allow 15 more homes. The subdivision is 148 acres so this will be a 4 percent increase. The developer would like to have an option for people that would like to downsize homes, and live in the Bridgewater subdivision. There is a market for homes this size. Steve Duff, 465 Clover Ave, is opposed to the rezone request. His concern is an increase in traffic. The Fox Hollow addition is home to families with small children. The Bridgewater subdivision has a good path for traffic leaving the neighborhood, but the streets in Fox Hollow have a more country feel and are not designed for large traffic flow. He is concerned with the safety of the neighborhood. Blake Jolley, Connect Engineering, 1150 Hollipark, Dr. Idaho Falls, ID – He agrees with Mr. Duff, in the older subdivision the roads were not built for future development. The City is trying to improve 1st St. The City looks for ways to improve traffic conditions. The City engineer has not presented any concerns. We do have multiple accesses in and out of the development for safety. Chairman Malone Closed the public hearing and opened the discussion. 3. 2019-004 Title 10 Revisions: Title 10 repeal of Chapter 19 RSC-1, Residential Shopping center. An addition of Chapter 37- District Use Matrix and changes to Chapter 2, 11, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 31, 36. A summary of the changes are Title 10 Chapter 2 Definitions, Chapter 11 Establishment of Zones, Repeal of Chapter 19 RSC-1 Residential Shopping Center, Chapter 20 C-1 Limited Business, Chapter 21 HC-1 Highway Commercial, Chapter 22 CC-1 Central Commercial, Chapter 23 GC-1 General Commercial, Chapter 24 M-1 Manufacturing, Chapter 25 I & M-1 Industrial and Manufacturing, Chapter 26 I & M-2 Industrial and Manufacturing, Chapter 29 Subdivisions, Chapter 31 PB Professional Business, Chapter 36 LC-PB Light Commercial and Professional Business, Addition of Chapter 37 District Use Matrix. Chairman Malone opened the public hearing. There was not any testimony request or written testimony submitted. Chairman Malone closed the public hearing and opened the discussion. Cindy introduced Jay Danielson. He will join the Commission next month. The Commission discussed the language of the new definitions. Cindy noted the requested changes to the definition language regarding car wash, government, manufacturing, medical facility, motor vehicle service, professional services, recreational facility, repair shop, service station, television and radio broadcast station, transportation and wholesale. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Election of Chairman: 2. Election of Vice Chairman: Commissioner Steve Taylor moved to elect Patrick Malone as Chairman and Tom Hunsaker as Vice Chairman. Commissioner Robert Taylor seconded. Roll Call: Commissioner Steve Taylor –yes, Commissioner Robert Taylor – yes, Commissioner Rydalch – yes, Commissioner Hunsaker – yes, Commissioner Malone – yes, and Commissioner Torman – yes. The motion passed. 01.16.19 Planning and Zoning Minutes Page 3 of 4 3. Action on Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map: Commissioner Robert Taylor moved to recommend approval to City Council for the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Revision of 9.744 acres in the Bridgewater Subdivision from low density to medium density. Commissioner Rydalch seconded. Roll Call: Commissioner Robert Taylor –yes, Commissioner Rydalch – yes, Commissioner Steve Taylor – yes, Commissioner Hunsaker – yes, Commissioner Malone – yes, and Commissioner Torman – no. (It needs to stay as is). The motion passed. 4. Action on Bridgewater Division Rezone: Commissioner Robert Taylor moved to recommend approval to City Council for the Bridgewater Division rezone from RP-A to R-1. Commissioner Steve Taylor seconded. Roll Call: Commissioner Robert Taylor –yes, Commissioner Steve Taylor – yes, Commissioner Rydalch – yes, Commissioner Hunsaker – yes, Commissioner Malone – yes, and Commissioner Torman – no. (Twin homes are not a good fit for the neighborhood). The motion passed. 5. Action on Title 10 Revisions: Commissioner Rydalch moved to recommend approval to City Council for the Title 10 Revisions. Commissioner Torman seconded. Roll Call: Commissioner Rydalch –yes, Commissioner Torman – yes, Commissioner Steve Taylor – yes, Commissioner Hunsaker – yes, Commissioner Malone – yes, and Commissioner Robert Taylor - yes. The motion passed. 6. 2019-001 Recommendation on additional public hearing: Commissioner Hunsaker moved an additional hearing is not needed for Public Hearing 2019-001. Commissioner Robert Taylor seconded. Roll Call: Commissioner Rydalch –yes, Commissioner Torman – yes, Commissioner Steve Taylor – yes, Commissioner Hunsaker – yes, Commissioner Malone – yes, and Commissioner Robert Taylor – yes. The motion passed. 7. 2019-002 Recommendation on additional public hearing: Commissioner Rydalch moved an additional hearing is not needed for Public Hearing 2019-002. Commissioner Torman seconded. Roll Call: Commissioner Rydalch –yes, Commissioner Torman – yes, Commissioner Steve Taylor – yes, Commissioner Hunsaker – yes, Commissioner Malone – yes, and Commissioner Robert Taylor – yes. The motion passed. 8. 2019-004 Recommendation on additional public hearing: Commissioner Torman moved an additional hearing is not needed for Public Hearing 2019-004. Commissioner Robert Taylor seconded. Roll Call: Commissioner Torman –yes, Commissioner Robert Taylor – yes, Commissioner Rydalch – yes, Commissioner Steve Taylor – yes, Commissioner Hunsaker – yes, and Commissioner Malone – yes. The motion passed. 9. Silver Springs Preliminary Plat: The property is located west of Crowley Rd, south of 49th S., north of 65th S. and east of Ammon Road. The plat is 31.961 acres and zoned R-1. The subdivision will participate in the water project cost sharing with the Woodland Hills subdivision. There will not be any Certificate of Occupancy issued until the completion of the water project. Cindy displayed the preliminary plat to the Commission. Kurt Roland, Eagle Rock Engineering, 1331 Fremont Ave, Idaho Falls, Id. The Silver Springs subdivision was previously named Highland Springs, division 2. The name has been changed to Silver Springs division 1. They are proposing 56 lots; most lots will be a half acre. There are some smaller lots, the average lot size is 20,000 square feet. The fire department would not allow the division to be started until the road was extended to Crowley Rd. There was a school lot on the previous plat. The school has been moved to the Woodland Hills subdivision. The school lot being removed has created more lots. Kurt pointed out on the plat the five accesses for the subdivision. Discussion ensued regarding the preliminary plat. Commissioner Rydalch moved to recommend to City Council approval of Silver Springs preliminary plat, subject to technical review. Commissioner Steve Taylor seconded the motion. Roll Call: Commissioner Rydalch –yes, Commissioner Steve Taylor – yes, Commissioner Hunsaker – yes, Commissioner Malone – yes, and Commissioner Robert Taylor– yes. The motion passed. 10. 2019-001 Adoption of Reasoning Statement: Commissioner Robert Taylor moved to provide the following finding to City Council as the reasoning for the recommendation to approve hearing 2019-001. Commissioner Steve Taylor seconded the motion. Roll Call: Commissioner Robert Taylor –yes, Commissioner Steve Taylor – yes, Commissioner Rydalch – yes, Commissioner Hunsaker – yes, Commissioner Malone– yes, and Commissioner Torman – yes. The motion passed. Findings for Recommendation: One letter in opposition, one testimony in opposition. Primary concern was increase in traffic and change in density. The Commission felt request was consistent with the surrounding area. Planned future improvements on 1st street will alleviate traffic. 11. 2019-002 Adoption of Reasoning Statement: 01.16.19 Planning and Zoning Minutes Page 4 of 4 Commissioner Steve Taylor moved to provide the following finding to City Council as the reasoning for the recommendation to approve hearing 2019-001. Commissioner Robert Taylor seconded the motion. Roll Call: Commissioner Steve Taylor –yes, Commissioner Robert Taylor – yes, Commissioner Rydalch – yes, Commissioner Hunsaker – yes, Commissioner Malone– yes, and Commissioner Torman – yes. The motion passed. Findings for Recommendation: One letter in opposition, one testimony in opposition. Primary concern was increase in traffic and change in density. The Commission felt request was consistent with the surrounding area. Planned future improvements on 1st street will alleviate traffic. 12. 2019-004 Adoption of Reasoning Statement: Commissioner Rydalch moved to provide the following finding to City Council as the reasoning for the recommendation to approve hearing 2019-004. Commissioner Steve Taylor seconded the motion. Roll Call: Commissioner Rydalch –yes, Commissioner Steve Taylor – yes, Commissioner Hunsaker – yes, Commissioner Malone– yes, Commissioner Robert Taylor – yes, and Commissioner Torman – yes. The motion passed. Findings for Recommendation: No public testimony. This simplifies the code and updates definitions. This completes the extensive work on the commercial district matrix. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Cindy said she has done research on the allowed size of guest houses in other Cities. The common name used was accessory dwelling units. The majority of places allowed a range of space from 300 to 1200 square feet. The utilities would still need to go through the main house, there would not be a secondary address given to the property and only one driveway is allowed. The driveway width will be changed to allow only 30 to 32 ft. The wider driveways are causing issues with drainage. Commissioner Malone said he feels the one driveway only rule is restrictive for corner lots. Discussion ensued regarding driveways. Cindy reviewed the current guest house regulations. Cindy said an accessory dwelling unit cannot use more than 30% of the space which will limit the building’s size. REPORTS: City Council – Cindy shared points of interest from the January 3rd, January 10th & January 17th City Council meetings. City of Idaho Falls – Cindy – There was not anything to report. Bonneville County – Tom – There was nothing to report the County did not meet Parks, Recreation and Trails Commission – Sarah was absent. Call for Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 10:40 pm. ________________________________ Patrick Malone, Chairman ____________________________ Rachael Sanders, City Clerk