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Planning and Zoning Minutes 10.3.18 Page 1 of 2
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2018 7:00 P.M.
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2018 7:00 P.M.
CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Patrick Malone
Pledge of Allegiance: Robert Taylor
MINUTES: July 11, 2018, August 1, 2018, September 5, 2018
1. Villas Division 3 Preliminary Plat
2. Villas Division 3 Final Plat
REPORTS: City Council – Cindy
City of Idaho Falls – Cindy
Parks, Recreation and Trails Commission – Sarah
Bonneville County - Tom
Call for Adjournment:
Members Present: Patrick Malone, Chairman
Tom Hunsaker, Vice Chairman
Steve Taylor
Robert Taylor
Sarah Jones
Members Absent: Josh Rydalch
Nick Torman
Staff Present: Cindy Donovan, Planning and Zoning
Shari Ockerman, Deputy City Clerk
Staff Absent: None
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Malone, at 7:00 p.m. at the
Ammon City Hall building located at 2135 South Ammon Road. Commissioner Robert Taylor led the
Pledge of Allegiance.
MINUTES: July 11, 2018, August 1, 2018, September 5, 2018
Commissioner Robert Taylor moved to approved the July 11, 2018 Minutes. Commissioner Steven
Taylor seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Robert Taylor - Yes, Commissioner Steven
Taylor - Yes, Commissioner Hunsaker - Yes, Commissioner Malone – Yes, and Commissioner Jones -
Yes. The motion passed.
Commissioner Steve Taylor moved to approved the August 1, 2018 Minutes, as amended.
Commissioner Jones seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Steve Taylor - Yes,
Commissioner Jones - Yes, Commissioner Hunsaker - Yes, Commissioner Malone – Yes, and
Commissioner Robert Taylor - Yes. The motion passed.
Commissioner Jones moved to approved the September 5, 2018 Minutes as amended. Commissioner
Robert Taylor seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Jones - Yes, Commissioner Robert
Taylor - Yes, Commissioner Steve Taylor - Yes, Commissioner Hunsaker – Yes, and Commissioner
Malone - Yes. The motion passed.
Planning and Zoning Minutes 10.3.18 Page 2 of 2
1. Villas Division 3 Preliminary Plat: Cindy said a portion of this plat was originally platted
in 2011. This portion has been sold and is included in the new plat. The properties on the north side are
deeper because they are in the flood zone. The developer is working with FEMA for proper grading so
none of the homes built will be in the flood zone. The plat is zoned RPA.
Shane Remer – Cornerstone Geomatics, 1592 N. 775th E, Shelley, ID – He explained the plan to use
material from other lots to fill and flatten the steep lots. Commissioner Hunsaker asked about Bellagio Dr.
The drive begins north and south, but then turns to run east to west. Normally emergency dispatch requests
a street change names when it changes direction. Cindy said Fire Marshal Keith Banda expressed the same
concern which will be addressed in technical review. Commissioner Hunsaker asked about the size of the
lot containing the lift station. Shane said that is what the City has requested . They are in discussion with the
City engineer to eliminate the lift station. Commissioner Hunsaker said there are three lots that are not
buildable. On block 6, lots 9 & 10 are under the zone’s 90 ft. frontage requirement and lot 21 by the lift
station is 400 sq. ft. under the required 10,000 sq. ft. lot size.
Commissioner Jones moved to recommend to City Council approval of the Villas Division 3
Preliminary Plat, subject to technical review and fixing the items discussed. Commissioner Robert Taylor
seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Jones - Yes, Commissioner Robert Taylor - Yes,
Commissioner Steve Taylor - Yes, Commissioner Hunsaker – Yes, and Commissioner Malone - Yes. The
motion passed.
2. Villas Division 3 Final Plat:
Commissioner Steven Taylor moved to recommend approval to City Council of the Villas Division 3
Final Plat, subject to technical review. Commissioner Robert Taylor seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote:
Commissioner Steven Taylor - Yes, Commissioner Robert Taylor - Yes, Commissioner Hunsaker - Yes,
Commissioner Malone – Yes, and Commissioner Jones - Yes. The motion passed.
REPORTS: City Council – Cindy shared points of interest from the September 6th, September 13th
and September 20th, 2018
City of Idaho Falls – Cindy did not have anything to report.
Parks, Recreation and Trails Commission – Sarah reported the main topic of the
September 22nd meeting was the Quail Ridge walking path. Ken has applied for funding for a walking path
on the north side of 21st St.
Bonneville County – Tom did not have anything to report.
Call for Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Patrick Malone, Chairman
Rachael Sanders, City Clerk