10.18.2018CouncilAgenda-Packet 2135 SOUTH AMMON ROAD CITY COUNCIL-AGENDA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 20187:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Sean Colettiat 7:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance CouncilmemberSlack Prayer CouncilmemberPowell MINUTES:October 4, 2018 ITEMSFROM MAYOR:Cindy Donovan Comprehensive Plan Honorable Mention Award CONSENT AGENDA:Accounts Payable Exhibit A PUBLIC COMMENT REGARDING ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA:(5 Minute Limitation): PUBLIC HEARINGS:None ACTION ITEMS: 1.Keller Associates Pump Station #13 Scope of Work 2.VillasPreliminary Plat 3.City Slogan Approval 4.Charitable Contributions a.Hospice of Eastern Idaho DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1.Misc. INDIVIDUALS NEEDING ACCOMODATION DUE TO DISABILITY MUST CONTACT CITY HALL NO LATER THAN 1:00 P.M. THE DAY BEFORE THE SCHEDULED MEETING TO ARRANGE ASSISTANCE 1 of 49 2135 SOUTH AMMON ROAD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2018 AGENDA:AGENDA CITY COUNCIL-AGENDA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 20187:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Sean Colettiat 7:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance CouncilmemberTibbitts Prayer CouncilmemberPowell MINUTES:September 13, 2018, September 20, 2018 ITEMS FROM MAYOR:White Cane Proclamation CONSENT AGENDA:Accounts Payable Exhibit A AMMON LIGHTING DISTRICTSBOARD (City Council acting as Lighting DistrictsBoard): CONSENT AGENDA: Accounts Payable Exhibit A PUBLIC COMMENT REGARDING ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA:(5 Minute Limitation): PUBLIC HEARINGS:None ACTION ITEMS: 1.Resolution 2018-012R-Charitable Contributions Policy 2.Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Bonneville County & City of Ammon Public Safety 3.Hitt Road Sewer Line Improvement and Reimbursement Agreement with Hitt Road Property, LLC DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1.Misc. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 1.Pending Litigation -Idaho Code 74-206 (1) (f) 2.Preliminary Negotiations Idaho Code 74-206 (1) (e) MINUTES City Officials Present:Mayor Sean Coletti Councilmember Rex Thompson Councilmember Byron Wiscombe Councilmember Craig Tibbitts Councilmember Scott Wessel City Attorney Scott Hall City Administrator Micah Austin City Clerk Rachael Sanders City Planner Cindy Donovan City Officials Absent:Council President Brian Powell Councilmember Russell Slack City Treasurer JenniferBelfield City Engineer Tracy Bono CALL TO ORDER:Mayor Sean Coletti opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.at the Ammon City Hall building located at 2135 South Ammon Road. Councilmember Tibbitts led the Pledge of Allegiance. Councilmember Powell offered a prayer. MINUTES:September 13, 2018:CouncilmemberWiscombemoved to approve the minutes, as presented. CouncilmemberTibbittsseconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Wiscombe Yes, Councilmember Tibbitts Yes, Councilmember Thompson Yes, and Councilmember Wessel Yes. The motion passed. September 20, 2018: CouncilmemberThompsonmoved to approvethe minutes, with the addition of information regarding why itemsno. 5 and 6were denied. CouncilmemberWesselseconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Thompson Yes, Councilmember Wessel Yes, Councilmember Wiscombe Yes, and Councilmember Tibbitts Yes. The motion passed. City Council Minutes 10.04.2018Page 1of 4 2 of 49 ITEMS FROM MAYOR:White Cane Proclamation:Mayor Coletti read: Whereas, the City of Ammonrecognizes that all of our citizens have the right to equality, opportunity, independence, and freedom; and, Whereas, we also recognize that our citizens who are blind possess the same rights as they pursue employment and full participation in the economic and social life of this city; and, Whereas, we understand that the long white cane is not only a tool used by our citizens who are blind to travel freely, independently, and safely throughout our community but is also a symbol of their rights as they pursue their goals; and, Whereas, The City of Ammoncalls upon employers both public and private to be aware of and utilize the employment skills of our blind citizens, recognizing their worth as individuals and their productive capacities; and, Whereas, The City of Ammonthrough its public agencies and with the working relationship with the National Federation of the Blind of Idaho shall look forward to opportunities and a greater acceptance of blind persons in the competitive labor market; Now, therefore, I Sean Coletti, Mayor, of the City of Ammon, dohereby proclaim October 15, 2018 as National White Cane Safety Day. I call upon public and private employers to open new opportunities to the blind in our rapidly changing society.I also call upon all citizens to recognize the long white cane as a tool of safety and self-help for blind persons. CONSENT AGENDA:Accounts PayableExhibit A:CouncilmemberTibbittsmoved to approve the Accounts Payable Exhibit A, as presented. CouncilmemberThompsonseconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Tibbitts Yes, Councilmember Thompson Yes, Councilmember Wessel Yes, and Councilmember Wiscombe Yes. The motion passed. CouncilmemberWiscombemoved to enter into session of the Lighting Districts with the Council acting as the Lighting Districts Board. CouncilmemberTibbittsseconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Wiscombe Yes, Councilmember Tibbitts Yes, Councilmember Thompson Yes, and Councilmember Wessel Yes. The motion passed. AMMON LIGHTING DISTRICTS BOARD (City Council acting as Lighting Districts Board): CONSENT AGENDA:Accounts Payable Exhibit A:CouncilmemberTibbittsmoved approve the Accounts Payable Exhibit A, as presented. CouncilmemberWiscombeseconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Tibbitts Yes, Councilmember Wiscombe Yes, Councilmember Thompson Yes, and Councilmember Wessel Yes. The motion passed. CouncilmemberWiscombemoved to enter back into regular session of the City Council.Councilmember Tibbittsseconded. Roll Call Vote: CouncilmemberWiscombe Yes, Councilmember Tibbitts Yes, Councilmember Thompson Yes, and Councilmember Wessel Yes. The motion passed. PUBLIC COMMENT REGARDING ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA: (5 Minute Limitation): th Drew Brandel, 2740 E 17Street expressed concern regardingpublic safety and the drag racing that has th been happening on 17Street.He is requesting thatthe Council to do something to slow those drivers down to prevent accidents, and for increased pedestrian safety. Kris Hiatt, 3750 MarleneStreet asked the Council about the water meters being installed on her street. She stated that she was informed by City officials that once the meters were installed that she wouldnt be able to tell that anyone that has been there, and . Herppy. Kris asked the Council about the test period regarding the water metering period, and said that water that has been being discussed will be enough to water her acreage, and asked if there will there be a carryover of amounts not used in the winter months to months when they will have higherusage. Mayor Coletti informed Mrs. Hyatt that having a carryoverhas been being discussed, and he will contact the Public Works Director. PUBLIC HEARINGS:None ACTION ITEMS: 1.Resolution 2018-012R -Charitable Contributions Policy:CouncilmemberTibbittsmoved approve the Resolution 2018-012R Charitable Contributions, as presented. CouncilmemberWesselseconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Tibbitts Yes, Councilmember Wessel Yes, Councilmember Thompson Yes,and Councilmember Wiscombe Yes. The motion passed. 2.Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Bonneville County & City of Ammon Public Safety: CouncilmemberTibbittsmoved approve the MOU with Bonneville County & the City of Ammon, as City Council Minutes 10.04.2018Page 2of 4 3 of 49 presented. CouncilmemberWesselseconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Tibbitts Yes, Councilmember Wessel Yes, Councilmember Thompson Yes,and Councilmember Wiscombe Yes. The motion passed. 3.Hitt Road Sewer Line Improvement and Reimbursement Agreement with Hitt Road Property, LLC: Austin gave the summary of the report and analysis of this agreement. Discussion ensued regarding the agreement. CouncilmemberWiscombemoved approve the Hitt Road Sewer Line Improvement and Reimbursement Agreement with Hitt Road Property, LLC, as presentedand authorize the Mayor to sign. CouncilmemberWessel seconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Wiscombe Yes, Councilmember Wessel Yes, Councilmember Thompson Yes,and Councilmember Tibbitts Yes. The motion passed. DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1.Misc.: Tom Hunsaker, Planning and Zoning, 2135 S Ammon Roadsaid that because he is a City th representative to theBonneville CountyPlanning and Zoning,we were talkingearlier about the drag racing on 17 Street, he thinks we should get the word out that there is a drag strip west of Idaho Falls. Austin handed out a draft RFP for the Sanitation Systemfor the Mayor and Council to review, and requested their direction as to whether or not to move forward with the RFP. Hall has reviewed the RFP, and is fine with it. Discussion ensued. The Council concurred that the RFP is a good idea, and approved Austin moving forward with the RFP. Councilmember Thompson said citizens have expressed concerns about the metering fees, especially those with larger lots. When we bonded and expanded our water systemthefirst time, and every user is now paying $22 per month to repay the $22 million for that bond. What we are proposing now, at least half of our citizens will not be paying anything additional, and there will be 1,000 that will be paying for the expansion. He does not think the usage fees are fair. Councilmember Thompson stated that he feels that there should be a more robust cost so that everyone is paying their fair share of the expansion. Hall stated that he has been saying for several meetings, at the end of the day the Council ultimately has to make a decision, but the decisionshould be based upon what the engineers have said in their study, and if you do the courts will uphold that decision. Mayor Coletti stated that as Austin explained at the previous meeting, the base rate should allow us to stay at what we are doing now, but anything above that that requires us to expand and to improve.It is the excess water use that requires us to improve. Councilmember Wiscombe reported that he had a meeting with former Mayor Kirkham regarding the proposal for the virtual library, and when she left she had a good lead for a potential large donation for the library. Discussion ensued regarding the virtual library,the potential donation, and questions regarding once it is built who is going to run it.Mayor Coletti stated that the Bonneville County Library Board has been speaking with him about what the City is doing, because they are having a lot of issues withthe City of Idaho Falls Library. Discussion ensued regarding the issues with cost for the Bonneville County Library District. th Councilmember Tibbitts commented on the intersection at 49and Ammon Road. Discussion ensued th regarding using rumble strips at the intersection, and having the Sheriff set up the speed trailer on 17street. Mayor Colettireported that he is considering having a staff committee to considerrevamping the City website. Mayor Coletti asked Hall regarding thehomeless issue and tent city in the Walmart parking lot canal area. Next Wednesday is the water meeting and it will be an open forum to ask questions with regard to water metering, and the meeting will go until it ends. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 1.Pending Litigation -Idaho Code 74-206 (1) (f):CouncilmemberThompsonmoved to enter into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 (1) (f). CouncilmemberTibbittsseconded. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Thompson Yes, Councilmember Tibbitts Yes, Councilmember Wiscombe Yes,and Councilmember Wessel Yes. The motionpassed. The meeting adjourned at8:55p.m. _______________________________ Sean Coletti, Mayor ______________________________ Rachael Sanders, City Clerk City Council Minutes 10.04.2018Page 3of 4 4 of 49 Executive Session Checklist Public Agency: City of Ammon,Idaho Governing Body: Ammon City Council Meeting Date, Time and Location: Thursday, October 4, 2018 at Ammon City Hall building located at 2135 South Ammon Road. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOTION AND ORDER Rex Thompson,City Council member,MOVED,Councilmember Craig Tibbitts seconded,THAT THE CITY COUNCIL, PURSUANT TO IDAHO CODE § 74-206, CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO: (identify one or more of the following) Consider personnel matters \[Idaho Code § 74--206(1)(a) & (b)\] Deliberate regarding an acquisition of an interest in real property \[Idaho Code § 74-206(1)(c)\] Consider records that are exempt from public disclosure \[Idaho Code § 74-206(1)(d)\] Consider preliminary negotiations involving matters of trade or commerce in which this governing body is in competition with another governing body \[Idaho Code § 74-206(1)(e)\] XXCommunicate with legal counsel regarding pending/imminently-likely litigation \[Idaho Code § 74-206(1)(f)\] Communicate with risk manager/insurer regarding pending/imminently-likely claims \[Idaho Code § 74- 206(1)(i)\] Purpose/Topic summary (required): Pending Litigation. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ AND THE VOTE TO DO SO BY ROLL CALL(Requires 2/3/ vote of the Quorum). CONVENE AT: 8:55 p.m.ADJOURN AT: 9:10 p.m. Council MemberPresentYES -NO -ABSTAIN Brian Powell, Member_____________ ______ _____ Rex Thompson, Member __X_______X__ ______ _____ Russell Slack, Member _____________ ______ _____ Byron Wiscombe, Member__X_______X__ ______ _____ Craig Tibbitts, Member __X_______X__ ______ _____ Scott Wessel, Member __X_______X__ ______ _____ __________________________________________________ Rachael Sanders, City Clerk City Council Minutes 10.04.2018Page 4of 4 5 of 49 Ammon City Council October 16, 2018 Mayor Coletti and City Councilmembers: Discussion and Approval of Keller Associates Agreement for Professional Services for Design of Well and Tank #13 according to the RFP submitted on August 30, 2018 Staff Presenting: Tracy Bono, City Engineer Recommendation - Staff recommends approving Keller Associates Agreement for Professional Services to design Well and Tank #13. Summary of Analysis 1. We have developed the design concept of building the booster station on top of the water storage tank. -of-its-kind design on your project. This unique design concept improves pumping efficiencies, reduces the footprint of the facility, and reduces construction costs 2. We have an excellent reputation among Contractors in the area. Contractors see our projects as low-risk which increases interest in our projects during the bid and makes the bids more competitive 3. We have our own structural design team. We d tank supplier design the tank. This reduces design costs and facilitates integration of adjacent facilities 4. Based on the following criteria, Staff recommends hiring Keller Associates for the project: a. Past experience and familiarity of Ammons water system. b. Competency of the listed team members. Financial Impact Motion approve Keller Associates Agreement for Professional Services for the design of the Well and Tank #13, according to the RFP issued on August 8, 2018 Attachments: 1. Agreement for professional services for design of the new Well and Tank #13 2135 South Ammon Rd., Ammon, Idaho 83406 City Hall: (208) 612-4000 www.ci.ammon.id.us Page | 1 6 of 49 A GREEMENT FOR P ROFESSIONAL S ERVICES This is an Agreement effective as of ____________ΗΗΗΗΗΗΗΗΗΗΗΗΗΗΗΗΗΗΗΗ Λͻ9ŅŅĻĭƷźǝĻ 5ğƷĻͼΜ ĬĻƷǞĻĻƓ ƷŷĻ _______City of Ammon_______________ ("Owner") and Keller Associates, Inc. Λͻ/ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷͼΜ͵ Owner's Project, of which Consultant's services under this Agreement are a part, is generally identified as follows: Water Supply Improvements ΛͻtƩƚƆĻĭƷδΜ͵ The Owner and the Consultant agree to the following Project scope, schedule, and compensation: SCOPE: /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ͸ƭ ƭĻƩǝźĭĻƭ ǒƓķĻƩ Ʒŷźƭ !ŭƩĻĻƒĻƓt are generally identified as described in Attachment A. SCHEDULE: The Agreement shall commence on the above written date. See Attachment A for project Schedule. COMPENSATION: Basic Services. As compensation for services to be performed by Consultant, the Owner will pay Consultant the following lump sum amounts as outlined in Attachment A. Phase 1 Improvements Α 9ƓŭźƓĻĻƩźƓŭ ƭĻƩǝźĭĻƭ ŅƚƩ ķĻƭźŭƓ ğƓķ ĭƚƓƭƷƩǒĭƷźƚƓ ƚŅ ğ ƷĻƭƷ ǞĻƌƌ ğƓķ ğ ĭƚƓƭƷƩǒĭƷźƚƓ ǞĻƌƌ as described in Attachment A: $79,620.00 (seventy-nine thousand six hundred twenty dollars). Phase 2 Improvements Α 9ƓŭźƓĻĻƩźƓŭ ƭĻƩǝźĭĻƭ ŅƚƩ ƷŷĻ ķĻƭźŭƓ ğƓķ ĭƚnstruction of a well house, water storage tank, booster station, and distribution improvements as described in Attachment A: $589,033.00 (five hundred eighty-nine thousand thirty- three dollars). Additional Services. Compensation for performing Additional Services will be pursuant to a mutually agreed upon amendment(s) to this Agreement. For Additional Services, an Administrative Reserve of $50,000 is included for the Phase 2 improvements to be authorized by the Owner as needed on a case-by-case basis. In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. Owner further acknowledges that it has reviewed and accepted the attached Standard Terms and Conditions. OWNER: CONSULTANT: Keller Associates, Inc. Signature: Signature: Name: Name: James P. Mullen Title: Title: Vice President rd Address: Address: 305 N. 3 Avenue, Ste A Pocatello, ID 83201 Date: Date: 7 of 49 Consultant Project #218079-000 AGREEMENT Page 1 of 3 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. CONTRACT Α ŷźƭ ķƚĭǒƒĻƓƷ ĭƚƓƭƷźƷǒƷĻƭ ƷŷĻ Ņǒƌƌ ğƓķ ĭƚƒƦƌĻƷĻ !ŭƩĻĻƒĻƓƷ ĬĻƷǞĻĻƓ ƷŷĻ ƦğƩƷźĻƭ ğƓķ ƭǒƦĻƩƭĻķĻƭ ğƌƌ ƦƩźƚƩ negotiations, representations or agreements, whether written or oral. The Agreement may be amended only if both parties specifically agree in writing to such amendment of the Agreement. 2. INVOICES AND PAYMENT Α hǞƓĻƩ Ǟźƌƌ ƒğƉĻ ƦğǤƒĻƓƷ ǞźƷŷźƓ ЊЎ ĭğƌĻƓķğƩ ķğǤƭ of the invoice date. Consultant shall keep accurate records of expenses. If Owner contests an invoice, Owner shall advise the Consultant within 15 days of receipt of invoice of the specific basis for doing so, may withhold only that portion so contested, and shall pay the undisputed portion. Interest. If payment is not received by the Consultant within 30 calendar days of the invoice date, Owner shall pay interest at a rate of 1½% per month (or the maximum allowable by law, whichever is lower) of the past due amount. Payments will be credited first to interest and then to principal. Suspension. If the Owner fails to make payments when due, the Consultant may suspend performance of services upon ŅźǝĻ ΛЎΜ ĭğƌĻƓķğƩ ķğǤƭ͸ ƓƚƷźĭĻ Ʒƚ the Owner. Owner agrees to indemnify and hold Consultant harmless from any claim or liability resulting from such suspension. 3. DOCUMENTS Α !ƌƌ ķƚĭǒƒĻƓƷƭ ƦƩĻƦğƩĻķ ƚƩ ŅǒƩƓźƭŷĻķ ĬǤ /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ are instruments of service, and Consultant retains ownership and property interest (including the copyright and the right of reuse) in such documents. Owner shall have a limited license to use the documents in and for the Project subject to full payment for all services relating to preparation of the documents. The Owner agrees to obtain prior written agreement for any reuse or modifications of the instruments of service, and understands that any unauthorized use of the instruments of service shall be at the OwneƩ͸ƭ ƭƚƌĻ ƩźƭƉ ğƓķ without liability to the Consultant. 4. STANDARD OF CARE Α The standard of care for all professional engineering and related services performed or furnished by the Consultant under this Agreement will be the care and skill ordinarily used by members of the subject profession practicing under similar circumstances at the same time and in the same locality. The Consultant makes no warranties, expressed or implied, under this Agreement or otherwise, in ĭƚƓƓĻĭƷźƚƓ ǞźƷŷ ƷŷĻ /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ͸ƭ ƭĻƩǝźĭĻƭ͵ /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ shall exercise usual and customary professional care in its efforts to comply with applicable codes, regulations, laws, rules, ordinances, and such other requirements in effect as of the date of execution of this Agreement. 5. CHANGES OR DELAYS Α The proposed scope of services, compensation, schedule, and allocation of risks reflect /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ͸ƭ ǒƓķĻƩƭƷğƓķźƓŭ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ tƩƚƆĻĭƷ ğƷ ƷŷĻ ķğƷĻ ƚŅ this Agreement. Costs and schedule commitments shall be subject to renegotiation for changed conditions, unreasonable delays caused ĬǤ ƷŷĻ hǞƓĻƩ͸ƭ ŅğźƌǒƩĻͲ źƓķĻƦĻƓķĻƓƷ government agencies, acts of God, or causes beyond the reasonable control of Consultant. Where this occurs, changes in the Agreement shall be negotiated and an equitable adjustment shall be made. 6. TERMINATION Α ŷĻ hǞƓĻƩ ğƓķ /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ ƒğǤ ƷĻƩƒinate this Agreement in whole or in part at any time by giving 30 days written notice thereof. The Owner shall promptly pay Consultant for all services rendered to the effective date of suspension of services, plus suspension charges, which shall include the cost of assembling documents, personnel and equipment, rescheduling or reassignment, and commiƷƒĻƓƷƭ ƒğķĻ Ʒƚ ƚƷŷĻƩƭ ƚƓ ƷŷĻ hǞƓĻƩ͸ƭ ĬĻŷğƌŅ͵ 7. SUSPENSION OF SERVICES Α LŅ ƷŷĻ hǞƓĻƩ ƭǒƭƦĻƓķƭ ƭĻƩǝźĭĻƭ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ ŅƚƩ ğƓǤ ƩĻğƭƚƓ ŅƚƩ ƒƚƩĻ ƷŷğƓ ƷŷźƩƷǤ ķğǤƭͲ the Consultant shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred due to suspension of services, including costs associated with rescheduling or reassigning personnel, and commitments ƒğķĻ Ʒƚ ƚƷŷĻƩƭ ƚƓ hǞƓĻƩ͸ƭ ĬĻŷğƌŅ͵ 8. INDEMNITY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Α hǞƓĻƩ ğƓķ /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ Ļğĭŷ ğŭƩee to indemnify and hold the other (including their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, owners, shareholders, members, partners, sub- consultants, subcontractors, and representatives) harmless from and against liability for all claims, losses, damages and expenses, to the extent such claims, losses, damages, or expenses are caused by the indemnźŅǤźƓŭ ƦğƩƷǤ͸ƭ ƓĻŭƌźŭĻƓƷ ğĭƷƭͲ errors or omissions. In the event claims, losses, damages, or expenses are caused by the joint or concurrent negligence of Owner and Consultant, they shall be borne by each party in proportion to its negligence. Neither the Owner nor Consultant shall be liable for incidental, indirect or consequential daƒğŭĻƭ͵ ŷĻ /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ͸ƭ ƌźğĬźƌźƷǤ Ʒƚ ƷŷĻ hǞƓĻƩ ğƓķ Ʒƚ all construction contractors and subcontractors on the Project, ķǒĻ Ʒƚ ƷŷĻ /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ͸ƭ ƓĻŭƌźŭĻƓt acts, errors omissions, or breach of contractual obligations relating to or arising out ƚŅ ƷŷĻ tƩƚƆĻĭƷ ƭŷğƌƌ ƓƚƷ ĻǣĭĻĻķ ƷŷĻ /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ͸ƭ ƷƚƷğƌ ŅĻĻ͵ 8 of 49 Consultant Project #218079-000 AGREEMENT Page 2 of 3 9.OPINIONS OF COST Α /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ͸ƭ ƚƦźƓźƚƓƭ ƚŅ ƦƩƚĬğĬƌĻ ĭƚƭƷ ƩĻƦƩĻƭĻƓƷ /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ͸ƭ ƆǒķŭƒĻƓƷ ğƭ ğƓ ĻǣƦĻƩźĻƓĭĻķ ğƓķ qualified design professional. Since Consultant has no control over the cost of labor, materials, equipment, or services ŅǒƩƓźƭŷĻķ ĬǤ ƚƷŷĻƩƭͲ ƚƩ ƚǝĻƩ ƷŷĻ hǞƓĻƩ͸ƭ ğƓķ ƚƷŷĻƩ ĭƚƓƷƩğĭƷƚƩ͸ƭ ƒĻƷŷƚķƭ ƚŅ ķĻƷĻƩƒźƓźƓŭ ƦƩźĭĻƭͲ ƚƩ ƚǝĻƩ ĭƚƒƦĻƷźƷźǝĻ bidding or market conditions, the Consultant cannot and does not guarantee that proposals, bids, or actual construction cost will not vary from opinions of probable cost prepared by the Consultant. 10. CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES Α If Consultant performs any services during the construction phase of the Project, Consultant shall not supervise, direct, or have control over CoƓƷƩğĭƷƚƩ͸ƭ ǞƚƩƉ͵ /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ ƭŷğƌƌ ƓƚƷ ŷğǝĻ ğǒƷŷƚƩźƷǤ ƚǝĻƩ ƚƩ responsibility for the construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the work of the Contractor. Consultant does not guarantee the performance of the construction contract by the Contractor and does not assume ƩĻƭƦƚƓƭźĬźƌźƷǤ ŅƚƩ ƷŷĻ /ƚƓƷƩğĭƷƚƩ͸ƭ ŅğźƌǒƩĻ Ʒƚ ŅǒƩƓźƭŷ ğƓķ perform its work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 11. MISCELLANEOUS Right of Entry: ƓƌĻƭƭ ƚƷŷĻƩǞźƭĻ ƓƚƷĻķ źƓ ƷŷĻ ƭĭƚƦĻ ƚŅ ǞƚƩƉͲ ƷŷĻ hǞƓĻƩ ƭŷğƌƌ ƦƩƚǝźķĻ ŅƚƩ /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ͸ƭ ƩźŭŷƷ Ʒƚ ĻƓƷĻƩ ƷŷĻ property owned by the Owner and others in order to fulfill the services to be performed hereunder. Dispute Resolution: Owner or its Contractor agree to notify Consultant of any claims against the Consultant within 10 days of discovery of any allegations, errors or omissions. Should a dispute arise, Owner and Consultant agree to negotiate disputes between them in good faith for a period of 30 calendar days from the date the dispute is raised in writing by either the Owner or Consultant. If the parties fail to resolve the dispute through negotiation, then the dispute shall be decided through non-binding mediation or other mutually agreed alternative dispute resolution technique. Fees and expenses for mediation shall be split equally between the parties. The Owner and Consultant agree non-binding mediation or other mutually acceptable dispute resolution technique shall precede litigation. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State where the Project is located. Hazardous Environmental Conditions: ŷĻ ƭĭƚƦĻ ƚŅ /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ͸ƭ ƭĻƩǝźĭĻƭ ķƚĻƭ ƓƚƷ źƓĭƌǒķĻ ğƓǤ ƩĻƭƦƚƓƭźĬźƌźƷǤ ŅƚƩ detection, remediation, accidental release, or services relating to waste, oil, asbestos, lead or other hazardous materials, as defined by Federal, State, and local laws or regulations. Consultant is not required to be become an arranger, operator, generator, or transporter of hazardous substances, and shall have no responsibility for the discovery, handling, removal, disposal or exposure of persons to hazardous substances of any form. Consultant Reliance: Consultant shall be entitled to rely, without liability or the need for independent verification, on the ğĭĭǒƩğĭǤ ğƓķ ĭƚƒƦƌĻƷĻƓĻƭƭ ƚŅ ğƓǤ ğƓķ ğƌƌ źƓŅƚƩƒğƷźƚƓ ƦƩƚǝźķĻķ ĬǤ hǞƓĻƩͲ hǞƓĻƩ͸ƭ ĭƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷƭ ğƓķ ĭƚƓƷƩğĭƷƚƩƭͲ information from public records, and information ordinarily or customarily furnished by others, including, but not limited to specialty contractors, manufacturers, suppliers, and publishers of technical standards. Certifications: Consultant shall not be required to sign any documents that result in Consultant having to certify, warrant, or guarantee the existence of conditions whose existence Consultant cannot ascertain within its services for the Project. Third Parties: Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a contractual relationship with, or a cause of action in favor of, a third party against either the Owner or Consultant. /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ͸ƭ ƭĻƩǝźĭĻƭ ŷĻƩĻǒƓķĻƩ ğƩĻ ĬĻźƓŭ ƦĻƩŅƚƩƒĻķ ƭƚƌĻƌǤ for the benefit of the Owner, and no other entity shall have any claim against Consultant because of this Agreement or /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ͸ƭ ƦĻƩŅƚƩƒğƓĭĻ of services hereunder. Severability & Waiver: In the event any of these Contract Provisions are found to be illegal or otherwise unenforceable, the unenforceable Contract Provisions will be stricken, and those remaining Contract Provisions shall continue in full force and effect. The failure of either party of this Agreement to insist, in any one or more instances, upon the performance of any of the terms, covenants or conditions of this Agreement, shall not be construed as a waiver of such term, covenant or right. Joint Drafting: The Parties expressly agree that this Agreement was jointly drafted, and that they both had opportunity to negotiate its terms and to obtain the assistance of counsel in reviewing its terms prior to execution. Therefore, this Agreement shall be construed neither against nor in favor of either Party, but shall be construed in a neutral manner. 9 of 49 Consultant Project #218079-000 AGREEMENT Page 3 of 3 Attachment A Scope of Services Water Supply Improvements City of Ammon, ID Keller Associates Project No.: 218079-000 Background The City of Ammon (Owner) identified a need to construct improvements to the drinking water system. The project will be divided into two distinct phases. Phase 1, will be for the design and construction of a test well and a production well based on the findings of the test well. Phase 2 will be for the design and construction of a well house, water storage tank, booster station, and transmission improvements to connect to the existing water distribution system. Phase 1 Phase I consists of designing a test well and a production well at the project site. The site is located at the south end of the Woodland Hills Subdivision on parcels owned by Empy Revocable Trust and Rockwell Homes. The site is approximately two acres. The purpose of the test well is to determine generally anticipated water quality, quantity, and depth of the production well. A 24-hour pumping test will be conducted in the test well to give an indication of the potential flow rate from the production well. The findings of the test well will be used to finalize the design of the production well. It is anticipated that the test well and production well will be bid separately in order to allow the design of the production well to be adjusted based on the findings during the construction of the test well. Bid quantities for the test well will be estimated based on a review of nearby well logs. Estimated quantities and costs for the production well will be refined after the test well is completed. Keller Associates (Consultant) will complete the coordination/design for the test and production wells at the site. Water quality testing for the test and production wells will be paid for by the Owner. Consultant will coordinate with a hydrogeologist (Subconsultant) and contractors to prepare design and bidding packages for the test and production wells. Phase 2 Phase 2 consists of design of a well house, 2.0 Million gallon water storage tank, booster station, and transmission piping to connect to the existing water system. The following paragraphs describe the key components of the Phase II improvements. Well House: The well house will be of CMU construction and will house the vertical turbine, motor, electrical controls, and HVAC equipment. Mechanical piping and equipment will include a submersible pressure transducer, air relief valve, check valve, pump to waste, flow meter, sample tap, and disinfection equipment. Alternatively, the Owner may elect to install a submersible pump and motor in the well separate from the tank and booster station with the electrical and ancillary ĻƨǒźƦƒĻƓƷ ŷƚǒƭĻķ źƓ ƷŷĻ ĬƚƚƭƷĻƩ ƭƷğƷźƚƓ͵ ŷĻ hǞƓĻƩ͸ƭ ƦƩĻŅĻƩĻƓĭĻ Ǟźƌƌ ĬĻ ķźƭĭǒƭƭĻķ źƓ ƷŷĻ ƦƩĻΏ design meeting and incorporated in the design. Water Storage Tank: Tank type will be selected by the Owner following the presentation of an alternatives analysis by the Consultant. Tank features such as volume, diameter to height ratio, roof Ammon Water Supply Improvements 1 | Page KA Project No. 218079-000 10 of 49 type, interior and exterior access, bury depth, internal piping, and mixing will be determined in a pre-design meeting with the Owner. Booster Station: The booster station will be designed with a target pumping capacity of 3,000 to 4,000 gallons per minute, depending on the capacity of the completed production well. The building will be of CMU construction and will be approximately 3,000 square feet. It is anticipated the booster station will house the production well, or a submersible pump and motor could be used that would allow the well to be located outside the booster station. Pump controls will be located inside the booster station. The production well will feature a magnetic flowmeter that will be integrated with the SCADA system. A submersible level transducer to monitor groundwater level in the well may also be included. The booster station will house booster pumps with variable frequency drives that pump from the water storage tank into Pressure Zone 1. It is anticipated the booster station will include an emergency generator. These pieces of equipment and other specific booster station equipment will be coordinated with the Owner in a predesign meeting. Booster station controls will be integrated ǞźƷŷ ƷŷĻ hǞƓĻƩ͸ƭ ĻǣźƭƷźƓŭ {/!5! ƭǤƭƷĻƒ͵ {źƷĻ ǞƚƩƉ will consist of site piping, grading, stormwater handling, access and parking, as well as security fencing, and landscaping. Transmission Piping: The booster station will be connected to the distribution system through transmission piping that has been sized to accommodate the pumping capacity of the booster station. The connection point to the distribution system will be determined with input from the Owner and based on modeling. The anticipated connection point is approximately 1,000 feet from the intersection of Tawzer Way and Cottontree Lane. If the connection location changes, additional services will be negotiated. The following describes the scope of work to complete the engineering for the Project Administration, Preliminary Evaluation and Design, Design Services, Services During Bidding, Construction Services, and Project Closeout to complete Phases 1 and 2 of the project as described above. Task 1. Project Administration: Consultant Responsibilities: 1.1 Provide general project management activities, including: monthly invoicing, progress reports, maintaining project schedule, and internal project administration. 1.2 Attend project kick-off meeting. Assumptions: 1.3 Project duration is anticipated to be 28 months. 1.4 Project funding is by the City. Deliverables: 1.5 Monthly progress reports and invoices. 1.6 Design review meeting agendas and meeting minutes. Ammon Water Supply Improvements 2 | Page KA Project No. 218079-000 11 of 49 Task 2. Preliminary Evaluation and Design: Consultant Responsibilities: 2.1 Arrange and attend an initial visit of the proposed well site with DEQ and City personnel (completed by Subconsultant). 2.2 Complete well site evaluation report to be submitted to DEQ for review (by Subconsultant). 2.3 Site topographic survey. 2.4 Geotechnical report (completed by Subconsultant). 2.4.1 Request Digline locates 2.4.2 Advance two boreholes to 60 feet each and one borehole to 25 feet 2.4.3 Classify soils encountered, and note depth to rock and groundwater, if applicable 2.4.4 Provide recommendations for structure foundations, infiltration rates, light and heavy duty pavement sections, lateral earth pressures for existing soils, and backfilling 2.5 Prepare and present to the Owner a life-cycle cost analysis of up to three tank alternatives. 2.5.1 Bolted steel 2.5.2 Conventional reinforced concrete 2.5.3 Pre-stressed concrete 2.6 Pre-design meeting to select tank and booster station features. Owner Responsibilities: 2.7 Provide site access 2.8 Land acquisition, property survey, and platting. 2.8.1 Provide electronic basemap on City datum 2.8 Water right transfer. 2.9 Attend the well site inspection. 2.10 Select tank type with input from the Consultant. 2.11 Provide input into the selection of tank and booster station features. Assumptions: 2.12 Preliminary Engineering Report will not be required since Water Facilities Planning Study has been approved. However, design criteria will be documented in the pre-design meeting minutes. Deliverables: 2.13 Presentation of life-cycle cost analysis 2.14 Pre-design meeting agenda and minutes Task 3. Extended Period Modeling and Energy Efficiency Evaluation Consultant Responsibilities 3.1 Provideone Consultant staff for up to two days of field work to flow test and troubleshoot portions of the system that are targeted for calibration. It is anticipated one day of flow testing will be provided initially and one day of follow up flow testing if additional areas of concern are found. 3.2 Provide up to 48 hours of model calibration and extended period model verification 3.3 Provide up to 80 hours of modeling to evaluate alternatives and optimize the proposed facilities based on energy and operational efficiency. Optimization includes the following: 3.3.1 Review tank sizing after production well is completed. 3.3.2 Booster pump sizing. Ammon Water Supply Improvements 3 | Page KA Project No. 218079-000 12 of 49 3.3.3 Transmission line sizing and connection point. 3.3.4 Recommended system operational settings for well and booster pumps. 3.4 Prepare a draft Technical Memorandum to document findings and assumptions. 3.5 Meet with City to discuss the findings in the draft Technical Memorandum. Incorporate City input in a final Technical Memorandum. Owner Responsibilities 3.6 Provide a copy of prior energy efficiency studies and findings for the purpose of establishing a base line scenario for the new facilities. 3.7 Provide a copy of the most recent extended period model with pump and tank control set points. 3.8 Provide field support for hydrant flow testing for hydraulic model calibration; anticipate one operator to open hydrants and install data loggers, one operator to monitor SCADA system, and potentially a third operator to assist with traffic control. 3.9 Install up and down stream pressure data loggers during hydrant flow testing in place of additional field personnel. Manually record observed pressures as field verification of data loggers. 3.10 Download data loggers and email information to Consultant. Deliverables 3.11 Updated calibrated hydraulic model . 3.12 Technical Memorandum that documents assumptions, operational efficiencies, and outlines the proposed theory of operation for the new facilities. Task 4. Design Services: Consultant Responsibilities: 4.1 Prepare one set of engineering plans, specifications, and bidding documents for the test well 4.1.1 Analysis of local geology and design of test well (by Subconsultant) 4.1.2 Prepare special conditions for test well bid (by Subconsultant) 4.1.3 Conduct a 90% design review meeting with Owner to review drawings and specifications for the test well 4.2 Prepare one set of engineering plans, specifications, and bidding documents for the production well 4.2.1 Well design (by Subconsultant) 4.2.2 Bid specifications, special conditions (by Subconsultant)4.2.3 Conduct a 90% design review meeting with Owner to review drawings and specifications for the production well 4.3 Prepare one set of engineering plans, specifications, and bidding documents for the well house, tank, booster station, transmission piping, and related appurtenances. 4.3.1 Provide structural design of the tank type selected by the Owner; booster station, and well house 4.3.2 Prepare electrical and controls drawings for the well house, tank, and booster station Ѝ͵Ќ͵Ћ͵Њ /ƚƚƩķźƓğƷĻ {/!5! źƓƷĻŭƩğƷźƚƓ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ ƓĻǞ ŅğĭźƌźƷźĻƭ ǞźƷŷ ƷŷĻ hǞƓĻƩ͸ƭ {/!5! ƦƩƚǝźķĻƩ 4.3.3 Prepare mechanical drawings for the piping, equipment, and HVAC for the well house, tank, and booster station 4.3.4 Prepare site, utility, and grading plans for the tank site Ammon Water Supply Improvements 4 | Page KA Project No. 218079-000 13 of 49 4.3.5 Prepare landscape drawings for the tank site (by Subconsultant). Anticipated landscaping is a simple layout of low-maintenance trees and shrubs 4.4 Conduct 50% and 90% design review meetings with the Owner to discuss the direction of the project and make decisions pertinent to the design of the tank and booster station. 4.5 Submit design the City and DEQ for review and approval. 4.6 Provide an opinion of probable cost using the bid schedule developed by the Consultant for Phases 1 and 2 of the project. 4.7 Coordinate electrical design with Rocky Mountain Power to help identify potential energy conservation incentives. Coordinate with Rocky MoǒƓƷğźƓ tƚǞĻƩ͸ƭ ƷŷźƩķ ƦğƩƷǤ ĻƓĻƩŭǤ źƓĭĻƓƷźǝĻƭ manager who will complete incentive applications and reports. Owner Responsibilities: 4.8 Provide comments and input on 50% design drawings 4.9 Provide comments and input on 90% design drawings and specifications Ѝ͵ЊЉ tƩƚǝźķĻ ƩĻǝźĻǞ ĭƚƒƒĻƓƷƭ ŅƩƚƒ ƷŷĻ hǞƓĻƩ͸ƭ {/ADA integrator. SCADA design and integration will ĬĻ ĬǤ ƷŷĻ hǞƓĻƩ͸ƭ {/!5! źƓƷĻŭƩğƷƚƩ͵ 4.11 Provide input into insurance requirements required by the Owner to be provided by the Contractor 4.12 Obtain easements and rights-of-way. Legal descriptions for easements will be provided by the Consultant 4.13 Provide legal and risk review services Assumptions: 4.13 Water treatment beyond chlorine disinfection will not be needed. 4.14 Booster building will have a pump room and electrical room. Emergency generator will be in a separate exterior enclosure. 4.15 No surge analysis or computational fluid dynamic modeling of tank mixing will be performed. It is anticipated that pressure relief piping will be directed back into the tank. 4.15 Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee (EJCDC) contract forms will be utilized. 4.16 Application for energy conservation incentives will be by others. 4.17 Traffic Control and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans will be prepared by the Contractor. 4.18 Since Consultant has no control over the cost of labor, materials, equipment, or services furnished ĬǤ ƚƷŷĻƩƭͲ ƚƩ ƚǝĻƩ ƷŷĻ ĭƚƓƷƩğĭƷƚƩ͸ƭ ƒĻƷŷƚķƭ ƚŅ determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions, the Consultant does not guarantee that proposals, bids, or actual construction cost will not vary from opinions of probable construction cost prepared by the Consultant. Deliverables: 4.19 50% design drawings (Phase 2 only). 4.20 90% design drawings and specifications (Phases 1,and 2). 4.21 100% stamped design package (Phases 1 and 2). 4.22 Opinion of Probable Cost (Phases 1 and 2). Task 5. Services During Bidding: Bidding for the test well will follow a semi-formal bidding process in accordance with Idaho Code in which bids are solicited from at least three contractors. The production well will be bid as a separate project from the well house, tank, and booster station following a formal bidding process in accordance with Idaho Code. Consultant Responsibilities: 5.1 Provide the Owner with an advertisement to be published in the local newspaper by the Owner Ammon Water Supply Improvements 5 | Page KA Project No. 218079-000 14 of 49 5.2 Conduct a pre-bid meeting for each project that is following the formal bidding process. The meeting will include a site tour and provide a forum for answering questions from contractors interested in the project. Ў͵Ќ LƭƭǒĻ ğķķĻƓķğ ğƓķ ğƓƭǞĻƩ .źķķĻƩƭ͸ ƨǒĻƭƷźƚƓƭ ķǒƩźƓŭ ƷŷĻ ĬźķķźƓŭ ƦƩƚĭĻƭƭ͵ 5.4 Attend and conduct the bid openings and review the bids and provide a summary of the bids to the Owner. 5.5 Provide standard construction forms and assist the Owner in placing the successful Bidders under contract with the Owner for the work. Owner Responsibilities: 5.6 Arrange and pay for Advertisement for Bids to be published in local newspaper for Phases 1 and 2. 5.7 Attend the pre-bid meetings for Phases 1 and 2. 5.8 Attend the bid openings for Phases 1 and 2. 5.9 Provide legal review services as required. Assumptions: 5.10 One bid process is assumed for each phase of the work; if rebidding is required, Consultant will be eligible for additional compensation. Deliverables: 5.11 Summaries of Bids for Phases 1 and 2. This task will be complete for each phase when the /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ͸ƭ ǞƩźƷƷĻƓ Ĭźķ ƭǒƒƒğƩǤ źƭ ƦƩƚǝźķĻķ Ʒƚ ƷŷĻ City. It is anticipated there will be two bid packages for Phase 1 and one bid package for Phase 2. Task 6. Construction Services: Consultant Responsibilities: This task includes the engineering services that may be required to support the Owner during the construction of Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Water SǒƦƦƌǤ LƒƦƩƚǝĻƒĻƓƷƭ͵ /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ͸ƭ ƌĻǝĻƌ ƚŅ ĻŅŅƚƩƷ during construction is often affected by the selected Contractor. The fee estimate, level-of-effort projections, and schedule assumptions represent ConsǒƌƷğƓƷ͸ƭ ƦƩƚŅĻƭƭźƚƓğƌ ƆǒķŭĻƒĻƓƷ͵ !ƭ ǞĻ źƓźƷźğƷĻ activities, it may become apparent some modifications to this scope are necessary due to changes in the /ƚƓƷƩğĭƷƚƩ͸ƭ ƭĭŷĻķǒƌĻ ğƓķ ǞƚƩƉ͵ /ƚƓƭǒƌƷğƓƷ Ǟźƌƌ ğķǝźse the Owner of such issues and any fee and/or schedule impact prior to implementing revised activities. This task will include the following: 6.1 Attend a pre-construction meeting for each phase of the work to coordinate construction activities and construction meetings. Consultant will prepare an agenda and minutes for each pre- construction meeting. Џ͵Ћ wĻǝźĻǞ /ƚƓƷƩğĭƷƚƩ͸ƭ ƦƩƚƦƚƭĻķ ĭƚƓƭƷƩǒĭƷźƚƓ ƷźƒĻ ƭĭŷĻķǒƌĻ ğƓķ ĭƩźƷźĭğƌ ƦğƷŷ ƭĻƨǒĻƓĭźƓŭ͵ Џ͵Ќ wĻǝźĻǞ /ƚƓƷƩğĭƷƚƩ͸ƭ ƭǒĬƒźƷƷğƌƭ ŅƚƩ ŭĻƓĻƩğƌ ĭƚƓŅormance with the specified materials and equipment. Provide copies of approved submittals to the Owner for future reference. Џ͵Ѝ .Ļ ğǝğźƌğĬƌĻ ŅƚƩ ĭƚƓƭǒƌƷğƷźƚƓ ǞźƷŷ hǞƓĻƩ͸ƭ ƭƷğŅŅ ƚƩ ǞźƷŷ ƷŷĻ /ƚƓƷƩğĭƷƚƩ ƩĻŭğƩķźƓŭ ƷŷĻ ƦƩƚƆĻĭƷ 6.5 Test Well Hydrogeological Support 6.5.1 Provide up to 16 hours of drilling supervision and monitoring 6.5.2 Monitoring and data analysis for 24-hour pumping test 6.5.3 Log drill cuttings and prepare well log 6.5.4 Prepare final report. Meet with Owner/DEQ to discuss results Ammon Water Supply Improvements 6 | Page KA Project No. 218079-000 15 of 49 6.6 Production Well Hydrogeological Support 6.6.1 Provide up to 24 hours of drilling supervision to log drill cuttings and maintain log of drilling activities 6.6.2 Provide up to 6 hours to supervise grouting 6.6.3 Monitor pumping test and analyze data 6.6.4 Prepare well report and submit to DEQ 6.7 Conduct construction progress meetings every two weeks with Owner and Contractor representatives and distribute meeting minutes with action items to attendees. The frequency of ƦƩƚŭƩĻƭƭ ƒĻĻƷźƓŭƭ ƒğǤ ĬĻ ğķƆǒƭƷĻķ ĬğƭĻķ ƚƓ /ƚƓƷƩğĭƷƚƩ͸ƭ ƭĭŷĻķǒƌĻ ğƓķ ǞƚƩƉ ƦƩƚŭƩĻƭƭ͵ 6.8 Review and approve Contractor pay requests and change orders. Џ͵В wĻƭƦƚƓķ Ʒƚ /ƚƓƷƩğĭƷƚƩ͸ƭ wĻƨǒĻƭƷƭ ŅƚƩ LƓŅƚƩƒğƷźƚƓ͵ 6.10 The Consultant shall visit the site at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction in order to observe the progress and quality of the work completed by the Contractor. Such visits and ƚĬƭĻƩǝğƷźƚƓ ğƩĻ ƓƚƷ źƓƷĻƓķĻķ Ʒƚ ĬĻ ğƓ ĻǣŷğǒƭƷźǝĻ ĭŷĻĭƉ ƚƩ ğ ķĻƷğźƌĻķ źƓƭƦĻĭƷźƚƓ ƚŅ ƷŷĻ /ƚƓƷƩğĭƷƚƩ͸ƭ work but rather are to allow the Consultant to become generally familiar with the work in progress and to determine, in general, if the work is proceeding in accordance with the contract documents. Based on this general observation, the Consultant shall keep the Owner informed about the progress of the work and shall endeavor to guard the Owner against deficiencies in the work. Construction observation services are intended to be supplemental to the similar observations that will be completed by the Owner on a day-to-day basis. In completing these services, it is recognized that the Contractor is solely responsible for furnishing and performing the work in accordance with the contract documents. For budgeting purposes, the Consultant has assumed 16 hours of observation per week during a 427 day construction window. It is likely that a winter shutdown will be needed. 6.11 Participate in a final walkthrough of the project with the Contractor ğƓķ hǞƓĻƩ͸ƭ ƭƷğŅŅ ŅƚƩ ƷŷĻ purpose of issuing a Notice of Substantial Completion to the Contractor. This final walkthrough will źƓĭƌǒķĻ ƷŷĻ ķĻǝĻƌƚƦƒĻƓƷ ƚŅ ğ ͻƦǒƓĭŷΏƌźƭƷͼ ƚŅ źƷĻƒƭ for the Contractor to address prior to project closeout. Owner Responsibilities: 6.12 Pay for water quality testing for the test well and production well. 6.13 Provide part-time construction observation to supplement construction observation by the Consultant. Keep a record of construction observation. Alert Consultant of any concerns observed. 6.14 Attend progress meetings. 6.15 Review and process Contractor pay requests after review by the Consultant. Assumptions: 6.16 Contractor will prepare Operation and Maintenance manual information and submit it to the Consultant. 6.17 Testing services for items such as special inspections, soils, concrete, asphalt, pipe pressure, and bacteria will be provided by Contractor or others. Construction staking will also be provided by the Contractor. Deliverables: 6.18 Pre-construction meeting agenda and minutes. 6.19 Approved submittals. 6.20 Recommendations for payment 6.21 Substantial and final completion punch lists Ammon Water Supply Improvements 7 | Page KA Project No. 218079-000 16 of 49 This item will be complete upon the approval of ƷŷĻ /ƚƓƷƩğĭƷƚƩ͸ƭ ŅźƓğƌ ƦğǤ ƩĻƨǒĻƭƷ͵ !ķķźƷźƚƓğƌ ƷźƒĻ required for construction and granted to the contractor will constitute a change and result in Additional Services. Task 7. Project Closeout: This task includes the development of Record Drawings, and compilation of Contractor and manufacturer supplied Operation and Maintenance Manuals for the Project. Items included in this task are as follows: Consultant Responsibilities: 7.1 Receive from the Contractor specific project information and then prepare an operation and maintenance manual. The manual will outline equipment maintenance and operations procedures as provided by the manufacturer. Operation and maintenance requirements for major elements of the constructed facilities will be summarized. 7.2 Record Drawings will be provided using ContraĭƷƚƩ ƒğźƓƷğźƓĻķ ƭĻƷ ƚŅ ͻwĻķΏ\[źƓĻͼ ķƩğǞźƓŭƭ ğƓķ Ǟźƌƌ show locations of installed components of the Project as identified by the Contractor. Contractor drawings will be reviewed, noted and submitted to Owner. Assumptions: 7.3 11-month warranty walkthrough will be completed as an additional service, or under separate agreement, if desired. Deliverables: 7.4 One electronic copy and one set of consƷƩǒĭƷźƚƓ ƦƌğƓƭ ƒğƩƉĻķ ͻwĻĭƚƩķ 5ƩğǞźƓŭƭͼ ğƓķ ƚƓĻ electronic and one copy of the Operation and Maintenance Manual will be submitted to the Owner and to DEQ. Task 8. Administrative Reserve (Additional Services): An Administrative Reserve amount of $50,000 is incorporated into this agreement to allow the Public Works Director to authorize Additional Services if needed. The scope, schedule and budget for such items will be agreed upon in writing prior to be incorporated into the work. Bid Packages It is anticipated that the following separate bid packages will be prepared. 1. ĻƭƷ ‘Ļƌƌ Α ƭĻƒźΏŅƚƩƒğƌ Ĭźķ ƦƩƚĭĻƭƭ 2. tƩƚķǒĭƷźƚƓ ‘Ļƌƌ Α ŅƚƩƒğƌ Ĭźķ ƦƩƚĭĻƭƭ 3. Wellhouse, Tank, and Booster Station (with site piping, grading, and connection to the existing distribution system; formal bid process) Ammon Water Supply Improvements 8 | Page KA Project No. 218079-000 17 of 49 Project Schedule Consultant anticipates the following project schedule. Dates are approximate. Actual schedule may vary: Task Date October 2018 Project Start Start Construction of Test Well (1 month construction, 1 month water quality and pump testing) December 2018 Start Construction of Production Well (3 ½ months construction including water quality and pump testing ) March 2019 May 2019 Start design of well house, tank, and booster station July 2019 50% Design Complete, Design Review Meeting August 2019 90% Design Complete, Design Review Meeting September 2019 Submit to DEQ October 2019 Bidding November 2019 Contract Award, review submittals, order pumps March 2020 Start Construction May 2021 End Construction Engineering Compensation Compensation for engineering services will be by lump sum method in the amount shown below. Reimbursable expenses will be billed at Keller Associates 2018 Title Code Billing Rates. Project will be invoiced monthly based on a percent complete for each task. The lump sum amount includes all costs for direct labor, indirect labor, overhead, reimbursable expenses, equipment, travel, per diem, and fixed fees. Task Phase 1Phase 2 1. Project Administration $4,500$16,690 2. Preliminary Evaluation and Design $11,220$28,310 3. Extended Period Modeling and Energy $0$18,420 Efficiency Evaluation 4. Design Services $35,750$259,250 5. Services During Bidding $7,200$13,150 6. Construction Services $18,850$240,793 7. Project Closeout $2,100$12,420 Phase Subtotals $79,620$589,033 Total Phase 1 and Phase 2$668,653 8. Administrative Reserve $50,000 Additional Tasks Keller Associates will be available to perform additional services should a need be identified. Additional services will be initiated through a mutually agreed upon task order in writing that will document the task, time, and associated fees that is being added to the contract. Ammon Water Supply Improvements 9 | Page KA Project No. 218079-000 18 of 49 19 of 49 20 of 49 1640 1674 1675 1677 16721673 1719 1703 1718 1700 1702 1743 1742 1765 1764 1711 1710 1709 1708 1783 1818 5183 4922 2022 2029 2032 2053 2054 2079 2078 2179 5170 2250 2207 2286 4941 02N38E25 2374 2406 5064 2427 2438 2499 2470 5056 2558 21 of 49 2581 2576 4725 4773 4925 2613 VICINITY MAP THE VILLAS, DIVISION NO. 3 PART OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 24, T. 2 N., R. 38 EAST, B.M. CITY OF AMMON, BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO QSFMJNJOBSZ!QMBU BLOCK 7 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 22,397 S.F. LOT 4 21,387 S.F. LOT 5 LOT 621,411 S.F. 21,394 S.F.0.514 AC LOT 7 21,397 S.F. LOT 80.491 AC 21,401 S.F. LOT 90.492 AC LOT 1021,404 S.F. 0.491 AC LOT 11 21,408 S.F. 0.491 AC 21,411 S.F. 0.491 AC 21,392 S.F. 0.491 AC 20,200 S.F. 0.491 AC 0.492 AC 0.491 AC 0.464 AC BLOCK 7 L6 LOT 7 BLOCK 8 LOT 1013,761 S.F. LOT 9 LOT 8 LOT 7 0.316 AC 12,452 S.F. 12,652 S.F. LOT 6 12,652 S.F. LOT 1512,652 S.F. 0.286 AC LOT 14 0.290 AC 12,452 S.F. LOT 13 LOT 120.290 AC 12,452 S.F. 0.290 AC 12,645 S.F. 0.286 AC 12,094 S.F. 100,535 S.F. 0.286 AC 0.290 AC 0.278 AC 2.308 AC BLOCK 7 RETENTION POND NON-BUILDABLE LOT 6 13,405 S.F. LOT 1 0.308 AC LOT 2 12,452 S.F. LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 512,652 S.F. 12,652 S.F.0.286 AC 12,652 S.F. LOT 16 LOT 1712,452 S.F. 0.290 AC 0.290 AC 0.290 AC LOT 1812,452 S.F. 12,652 S.F. 0.286 AC BLOCK 8 12,787 S.F.0.286 AC 0.290 AC 0.294 AC LOT 5 13,323 S.F. 0.306 AC LOT 4 LOT 11 13,241 S.F. LOT 12 16,540 S.F. LOT 13 LOT 15 LOT 14 13,123 S.F. LOT 17LOT 160.304 AC 13,123 S.F. 0.380 AC LOT 1812,553 S.F.13,123 S.F. 12,553 S.F.0.301 AC 15,375 S.F.11,754 S.F. 0.301 AC 0.288 AC0.301 AC 0.288 AC 0.353 AC0.270 AC BLOCK 6 BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION LOT 3 6.00' 13,160 S.F. LOT 10 BLOCK 6 Part of the SE1/4 of the SW1/4 of Section 24, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County, Idaho, more particularly LOT 24 0.302 AC 13,656 S.F. described as: LOT 23 13,815 S.F.LOT 5 LOT 4 LOT 19 14,592 S.F.0.313 AC 0.317 AC 14,006 S.F. Commencing at the southwest corner of Section 24 (CP&FR Instrument No. 821880) from which the east 1/4 corner of said section (CP&FR Instrument LOT 19 0.335 AC 0.322 AC 12,252 S.F. 0.281 AC section which is marked by a 1/2" iron rod with cap stamped PLS 827, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence along the boundary of the SE1/4 of the SW1/4 the following three (3) courses: LOT 9 LOT 2 1) 13,416 S.F. 12,719 S.F. LOT 22 LOT 252) LOT 6 0.308 AC 0.292 AC 10,765 S.F.12,302 S.F. 12222; LOT 3 3) LOT 20 0.247 AC0.282 AC BLOCK 6 feet from the northeast corner (northeast corner of Lot 1 Block 5) of The Villas Division No. 2 (Instrument No. 1202851); 14,001 S.F. BLOCK 6BLOCK 6 LOT 20 Thence along the boundary of The Villas, Division No. 2 the following eight (8) courses: 0.321 AC 1) 12,346 S.F. 30'30' BASIS OF BEARINGS NOTE 2) 0.283 AC 3) City of Idaho Falls Coordinate System of 2004 derived from the Idaho State Plane BLOCK 5 4) Coordinate System (East Zone 1101) US Survey Feet and using a combined scale BLOCK 7 5) BLOCK 6 24.32'factor of 1.000277265 for a grid to ground conversion. LOT 1 6) LOT 7 All bearings are grid north along the central meridian. LOT 27) LOT 1 LOT 218) LOT 21 10,033 S.F. 122.80' 12,241 S.F. 0.230 AC LOT 1 0.281 AC Containing 28.020 acres more or less. SEWER LIFT BLOCK 7 STATION LOT 60.08' LOT 10 LOT 7 LOT 8 SUBDIVISION DATALEGEND CURVE TABLE LOT 13 LOT 14 LOT 20 LOT 25 LOT 19 CURVEDELTA ANGLERADIUSARC LENGTHTANGENTCHORD BEARINGCHORD LENGTH TOTAL ACREAGE28.020 AC. SECTION CORNER CONTROL 13,734 S.F.14,823 S.F. C160.00'36.75'18.97'36.18' TOTAL # OF LOTS61 0.315 AC0.340 ACC250.00'11.43'5.74'11.41' PLACED 1/2" X 24" IRON ROD WITH C350.00'49.57'27.04'47.57' SMALLEST LOT SIZE0.237 AC. 4725 BLOCK 4 CAP MARKED PLS 12222 C450.00'49.57'27.04'47.57' LARGEST LOT SIZE2.308 AC. C550.00'49.57'27.04'47.57' PLACED 5/8" X 24" IRON ROD WITH C650.00'49.57'27.04'47.57' C7AVERAGE LOT SIZE0.370 AC. C2 ALUM. CAP MARKED PLS 12222 C750.00'8.61'4.32'8.60' LOT 9 DEDICATED R-O-W 5.702 AC. LOT 6C860.00'36.75'18.97'36.18' FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED LOT 21 C960.00'36.75'18.97'36.18' LOT 9DENSITY2.2 LOTS/ AC. LOT 2411,523 S.F. C1050.00'35.09'18.30'34.37' LOT 12 LOT 15 P.O.B.POINT OF BEGINNING 10,303 S.F. 0.265 ACLOT 18C1150.00'72.47'44.27'66.29' 0.237 AC C1250.00'63.24'36.64'59.11' P.U.E.PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT C1350.00'47.53'25.73'45.76' C1460.00'36.75'18.97'36.18' SECTION LINE C1579.50'81.07'44.46'77.61' C1679.50'41.56'21.27'41.09' SURVEYED BOUNDARY LINE C1760.00'14.23'7.15'14.19' LOT 10LOT 8 LOT 22C1860.00'22.53'11.40'22.40' LOT 5 LOT 11 C1950.00'112.03'103.38'90.02' 20,368 S.F. LOT 17 LOT 23LOT 16 C2050.00'106.31'89.86'87.38' 0.468 AC 19,981 S.F. C2160.00'16.26'8.18'16.21' 0.459 AC C2260.00'20.50'10.35'20.40' BLOCK 4 LINE TABLE LINEBEARINGDISTANCE LOT 7 L128.68' LOT 4 L227.88' CITY OF AMMON PLANNING DIRECTOR APPROVAL L328.68' L427.88' LOT 3 PRELIMINARY PLAT IS HEREBY APPROVED AS SUBMITTED THIS _____ DAY OF , 2018. L528.68' L615.00' L727.88' L828.68' CITY OF AMMON PLANNING DIRECTOR L927.88' L1028.68' L1127.88' L1228.68' L1327.88' L1427.19' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Shane C. Remer, a Licensed Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Idaho, do hereby certify that the survey of this Subdivision, designated as SHEET DRAWN BY GENERAL NOTESGRAPHIC SCALE THE VILLAS, DIVISION NO. 3, was made under my direction, and that said SCR 1) ALL PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS ALONG ROADWAY FRONTAGES ARE 15' IN subdivision is truly and correctly surveyed and staked as provided by law THE VILLAS, DIVISION NO. 3 1 CHECKED BY WIDTH UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. and in accordance with the accompanying plat as described hereon. SCR SW1/4, SEC. 24, T. 2 N., R. 38 EAST, B.M. OF PROJECT NO. CITY OF AMMON SHEETS0252 SCALE: 1" = 80' BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO Shane C. Remer P.L.S. 12222 DATE 1 10/15/2018 22 of 49 23 of 49 24 of 49 25 of 49 26 of 49 27 of 49 28 of 49 29 of 49 30 of 49 31 of 49 32 of 49 33 of 49 34 of 49 35 of 49 36 of 49 37 of 49 38 of 49 39 of 49 40 of 49 41 of 49 42 of 49 43 of 49 44 of 49 Ammon City Council October , 2018 Mayor Coletti and City Councilmembers: Discussion of Charitable Contribution Request from Hospice of Eastern Idaho Staff Presenting: Micah Austin, City Administrator Recommendation - Staff recommends the City Council discuss the request and determine whether any funding can be allocated to Hospice of Eastern Idaho. Summary of Analysis 1. On October 4, 2018, the Mayor and City Council adopted Resolution 2018-012R, establishing the City of Ammon Charitable Contributions policy. 2. According to the policy, this request from Hospice of Eastern Idaho meets the minimum requirements set forth by Resolution 2018-012R 3. Hospice of Eastern Idaho is located in Idaho Falls and provides services to citizens with the City of Ammon. 4. In their request submitted, Hospice of Eastern Idaho states that they have provided hospice services to 32 patients in Ammon and bereavement services to one family in Ammon within the last two years. 5. At previous meetings, funding requests totaling $13,500. 6. The total amount allocated for charitable contributions is $20,000. 7. The total remaining in our budget for charitable contributions is $6,500. Financial Impact 1. The Fiscal Year 2019 budget allocates $20,000 to community organizations. So far, the City Council has awarded $13,500 in contributions, leaving $6,500 remaining. Motion the fund the request from Hospice of Eastern Idaho in the amount of $_________, finding the request consistent with the City of Ammons Charitable Contribution Policy. Attachments: 1. Funding request from Hospice of Eastern Idaho 2. Resolution 2018-012R, the City of Ammon Charitable Contributions Policy 2135 South Ammon Rd., Ammon, Idaho 83406 City Hall: (208) 612-4000 www.ci.ammon.id.us Page | 1 45 of 49 46 of 49 47 of 49 48 of 49 49 of 49