02232011CouncilMinutes-SPECIAL WS
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2011 – 6:30 P.M.
1.Hitt Road - 1 Street to Sunnyside - Memorandum of Understanding*
2.EIRWWA Sewer Line*
3.Hitt/Hackman Road - South of Sunnyside
City Officials Present:
Mayor Steve Fuhriman
Councilmember Dana Kirkham
Councilmember Brian Powell
Councilmember Rex Thompson
Councilmember Sean Coletti
Councilmember Lee Bean
Councilmember Russell Slack (arrived 6:45 p.m.)
City Clerk Leslie Folsom
City Engineer Lance Bates
City Planner Ron Folsom
City Officials Absent:
City Attorney Scott Hall
City Treasurer Jennifer Belfield
Mike Pepper, moderator from Twin Falls opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. Both
Mayors thanked everyone for attending. Mr. Pepper explained the need for a facilitator and the benefits. He
explained tonight’s discussion is about the future, not the past. He talked about clarifying misconceptions, stating
objectives, and developing a framework for success and trust for a long-term relationship. He would like to start
with broad input and moving on from that point. He discussed the issues on the agenda and how they will proceed.
Mr. Pepper asked everyone to introduce themselves, explain their expectations, and where would they choose to go
on vacation.
Renae McGee, Chris Fredrickson, and Knut Myron were in attendance from the Idaho Falls staff. Ron
Folsom, Lance Bates and Ray Ellis from the City of Ammon staff were in attendance. Introductions were made
from both Councils. Ida Hardcastle stated she is in her 5 term and would like the City’s to move forward. Ken
Taylor stated he is the youngest on the Council, at least service-wise, and his expectations are to establish a
communication. Mike Lehto stated he has been on the Council for 11 years and would like to hear different
opinions and perspectives. Tom Hally stated this is his 8 year on Council and has a macro feeling that the
Bonneville County area is a strong economic area and is ready to move forward strongly and have the partners work
together to not inhibit the thrust forward. Karen Cornwell is on the 2 year of her 2 term and would like everyone
to play in the same sand box. Sharon Parry is in her 4 year of her first term and her expectations are to be proud of
your work. Mayor Jared Fuhriman stated his expectation is to find common ground. Mayor Steve Fuhriman stated
his expectation is to set the stage for future cooperation. Rex Thompson stated he has been on the Council for 7
years and his expectation is to plan for the future for 50 years. Sean Coletti stated he is starting his 2 year on the
Council and he would like to get a good understanding of Idaho Falls’ issues. Lee Bean stated he has been on the
Council for quite a while and would like for the groups to work together again, as they have in the past. Russell
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Slack stated this is his 2 year as a Council member and would like to work the issues out and see the cities to grow
and flourish. Brian Powell stated he has been on the Council for 4 years and would like to hear opinions from Idaho
Falls and not have hearsay, so the Councils can deal with facts. Dana Kirkham stated she knows most everyone and
would like to get to a resolution.
Mr. Pepper stated suggested ground rules: to listen, no side talk, don’t use “you” statements - use “I”
statements, Win-Win, respect, encourage others, and stay in the present. He explained to seek first to understand,
focus on the issues not people, find consensus, focus on win-win, and demonstrate trust.
Mr. Pepper showed the list of the agenda items and asked for input. Councilmember Kirkham stated
that EIRWWA sewer line would be better addressed with the sewer board. He stated the agenda items from Mayor
Jared Fuhriman in Idaho Falls are the Hitt Road maintenance, area of impact, boundaries, capital costs and other
issues. Discussion ensued on which issues to start to address first. Mike Lehto was concerned with separating Hitt
Road into sections. Ida Hardcastle stated we could call it a “corridor”. Councilmember Kirkham explained the
reason that it is separated is, because there is a section already developed and feels shooting all the way to Shelley
might not be productive. It was discussed that the concern is safety issues. Mr. Pepper suggested addressing Hitt
Road and breaking it into sections. Councilmember Slack said he wouldn’t mind knowing what Idaho Falls is
concerned with on the Regional sewer line and Ammon could take it to the board. Ammon Council explained they
do not have much control over the board. Sharon Parry feels that sewer services are the bigger issue.
Councilmember Bean said sewer servicing comes from the Region. Councilmember Kirkham said the sewer line is
the Regions line and the City is a customer of the District. Mike suggested using boundaries to the best use for the
City’s. It was clarified that no decisions would be made tonight, just discussion as to what to work on in the future.
Discussion ensued whether there would be separate sub-groups. It was discussed that was the thinking.
Councilmember Bean wants to hear from the group as a whole, before they break off into sub-groups. He suggested
working on the first issue on the agenda – Hitt Road, then sewer lines issues, and then boundaries, which were his
top priority. Discussion ensued on how to handle future growth with common boundary lines, versus areas of
Mike Lehto said the previous Council in 2000 set up the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU area
impact) and it has worked until now, but growth has changed some of the needs. He feels we need to revisit this
discussion. Ken feels that all the issues are interrelated and suggested tackling one and trying to solve it and then
see how it impacts the other two issues. Councilmember Bean clarified that the MOU ran from First Street to
Township and not further. He stated that once you go beyond Township you go into the area of impact issue. He
would like to talk about Township and 1 Street. Ida Hardcastle asked if that is beyond the scope of the meeting
tonight. Mr. Pepper stated that it would be beneficial, it may be solved, but you can hear the issues. It was
discussed this is a good starting point, because it is a sensitive issue. Councilmember Bean stated once you go
beyond Township, the agreement is affected by the area of impact. He stated the current agreement on Hitt Road
may not work.
Tom Hally stated Hitt Road is always changing and will need construction and maintenance, as far as,
attracting business and moving traffic. In two senses, it is a boundary and it is a road. If it is a boundary, we need to
define who is responsible for what. Councilmember Powell would like to hear about the sewer line first and then
discuss the MOU. The moderator said let’s break down the issues for the sewer. Sharon Parry stated she is not
prepared to get into issues collectively. They are under the impression that they were to give interests.
Councilmember Bean stated he would like to know individually how each Councilmember feels. Ken asked what
the difference is between interest, position and feel. Mr. Pepper said interest is how you feel about something or
what is important to you about something. He stated interest is to tell me what is important on an issue that should
be considered. A position would be a 5 year maintenance plan on a road. Mike Lehto said a strong issue is seeing
the Regional Wastewater Facility or the Shelley plant and infrastructure are built to standards and specifications. He
talked about International Building Code. Councilmember Bean asked how this affects Idaho Falls. Mike Lehto
said it is a personal interest. Ida Hardcastle would like any construction, within the right of way, not interfere with
the City utilities. Sharon Parry said fairness in fees where the two lines and services are available. Ida Hardcastle
wants residents within the Idaho Falls area of impact interests considered. Councilmember Kirkham said ultimately
that would be up to the consumer. Ida Hardcastle said why we are discussing this, since Ammon can’t do anything
about it. Ken asked if the sewer was going to be going down Hitt Road south of Sunnyside. Ammon said that has
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been changed. Tom Hally is concerned with the fairness of rates – they don’t charge people to the South more than
the North for electricity. He would like to see uniformity. Councilmember Kirkham stated the IBSD has
uniformity, as well. Sharon Parry talked about having the same rates within the City of Idaho Falls.
Councilmember Kirkham asked what does this have to do with Ammon. Sharon Parry asked what they have not
addressed. Councilmember Powell said he heard Idaho Falls wasn’t happy on the area of impact. He never heard it
exactly from Idaho Falls, however, but he would like to know their feelings. He explained it was not an Ammon
Councilmember Kirkham said there was some idea that Ammon had strip annexed to Shelley and this
was not the case. Councilmember Bean said he feels Idaho Falls wasn’t happy with Ammon going to the Region,
but he would like the Idaho Falls Council to support the project. Mike Lehto said they were originally on the board
in the beginning and is supportive of the project and would like to see it come to fruition. Councilmember Bean said
he would welcome everyone to come to the Region to discuss any issues they might have. Councilmember Bean
advised the Idaho Falls Council that he sits on the board. Councilmember Slack said Ammon is paying two fees at
this time, one to Idaho Falls and another to the Region. Councilmember Kirkham asked Councilmember Sharon
Parry since she has been the most vocal on the sewer and would like to know her concerns. Councilmember Parry
said fairness and should Idaho Falls grow to the Region with their line, the rates. Councilmember Bean said fairness
within the boundaries. Councilmember Thompson said sewer flows downstream for free, since it doesn’t require lift
stations and maybe Idaho Falls would want to join the Regional sewer line, which can be explored in later
discussions. Councilmember Parry inquired about the “boundaries” comment. Councilmember Bean stated he
meant the fairness in the boundaries for Idaho Falls and the regional sewer’s boundaries. Mr. Pepper clarified the
interests between them. Councilmember Ken Taylor said he had a concern when Ammon sewer was going down
the west side of Hitt and was afraid they would block Idaho Falls from growth south of Sunnyside. Councilmember
Kirkham stated she heard that also, but that was not the intent. Mr. Pepper said he added to the list that Regional
Plans need to consider Idaho Falls City’s plans and what this means.
Mr. Pepper moved the conversation to the “Hitt corridor”. Councilmember Ida Hardcastle spoke
about fair allocations to either City. Councilmember Kirkham stated the City of Ammon needs to configure
finances and there are time sensitive issues. Councilmember Tom Hally asked for the road to be broke into two
areas - maintenance and construction. Councilmember Bean said one of the issues has been who has paid for what
on Hitt Road and would like to put this behind us and address what are we going to do now. His understanding on
the MOU was each City was responsible for the construction of their respective sides of the road. The maintenance
would be the responsibility of the City of Idaho Falls, since they owned and controlled the road and Ammon wanted
accesses for the developers. The items that affected our sides such as the lights on 17 or on First Street, we would
pay for that segment that directly affected the City of Ammon. Councilmember Ida Hardcastle stated her viewpoint
is very different and is warranted for a later discussion as we are just getting our interests our right now. Mr. Pepper
said basically the opportunity now is to go forward. Councilmember Bean said his interest is who is responsible for
what. Mr. Pepper asked if his interest was to leave that stuff in the past. Councilmember Bean said maintenance
isn’t Ammon’s responsibility, since Idaho Falls owns the road. Mr. Pepper explained that is a position.
Councilmember Hally said he has an interest in seeing the road develop, but his real issue is to define construction
and maintenance. Councilmember Kirkham said does Idaho Falls own the road and then they need to decide on
percentages. Councilmember Hardcastle wants to be fair on both construction and maintenance. Councilmember
Mike Lehto said capital infrastructure improvements is maintenance and what he feels “maintenance” is. He would
like to come to an agreement with level of service and lanes, which he feels is “capital infrastructure improvement”.
Councilmember Parry asked for the City of Ammon’s interests. Councilmember Coletti wants to
know the boundaries, and for construction and maintenance to be defined. Councilmember Slack said his interest is
that the City of Ammon would be an equal partner in drafting the improvements. It makes it difficult to support
them for capital improvement without being part of the design, so we can work it within the budget.
Councilmember Slack said we are so thin on our budget and it is almost impossible to come together on this without
knowledge. Councilmember Powell said Ammon doesn’t have the bank account Idaho Falls has and sharing 50/50
isn’t possible. Councilmember Ida Hardcastle said Idaho Falls recognizes this. Councilmember Kirkham said
Ammon does not develop without developers on roads. Councilmember Powell said the City’s need to define
maintenance. Councilmember Parry said Idaho Falls does own the road. Mr. Pepper said costs can’t be an equal
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share, since the population is less. Ammon agrees they need to participate on capital improvements, but to a limited
extent. Councilmember Hardcastle said the City’s want to do everything they can to move the traffic.
Councilmember Taylor said he would like to see an agreement, so we don’t have to come back to the table every
time something needs to be done. Councilmember Slack said if you would allow Ammon to have a few years, then
we can address it. Mr. Pepper stated Ammon needs some lead time and needs to sit at the “planning table”.
Councilmember Parry suggested standards and commonality. Mr. Pepper said there are design standards and then
there are functional standards
Mr. Pepper questioned if there is a willingness to share either the construction, capital or maintenance
costs. Councilmember Coletti said there is a willingness to come to an agreement. Councilmember Hally said every
project, they are doing now, is 30% cheaper and the City’s need to look at the windows of opportunities.
Councilmember Coletti has an interest in future dialogue as to how City’s can handle items and perhaps won’t need
a facilitator. Mayor J. Fuhriman asked if everyone wants to revise the MOU. Everyone said yes. It was discussed it
needs to be modified and to have a smaller group look at it and then present it to both Councils. It was discussed to
have a Councilmember present at Council meetings in both Cities. Mr. Pepper stated we have not talked about
boundaries and the next steps and asked if they would like to spend more time on Hitt Road or discuss boundary
issues. It was discussed to extend the meeting a little bit and to move to areas of impact and discuss general issues.
Councilmember Hardcastle said land interest to insure growth for the next 20-30 years. Councilmember Thompson
asked about Idaho Falls developments to the north and their concerns.
Councilmember Hardcastle talked about City standards. Discussion ensued on design standards
within the area of impact. Councilmember Kirkham inquired if standards and area of impact comes from the County
Commissioners. Councilmember Bean stated no. Councilmember Parry is interested in absolute respect of the folks
who have bought land where they live and their ideas of what City they may or may not be in, in the future.
Councilmember Kirkham said ultimately it is the land owner’s decision. Councilmember Hardcastle wants Idaho
Falls to be able to grow within the City that has had the plans in regards to utilities. Councilmember Slack said he
would like there not to be any differences between the two sides of the streets, in regards to building standards. Mr.
Pepper stated it reduces the issue, as to, where someone will build. Councilmember Bean asked if both Cities have
adopted the IBC standards. Everyone said yes. Councilmember Slack said his interest is not to have Ammon
pinned at the mountain, by the Country Club, so Ammon can’t grow any further. Councilmember Hardcastle wants
the ability to grow to the Southeast. Councilmember Bean shares the same interest.
Councilmember Bean asked Idaho Falls what limitations they have on pumping their sewer up hill,
instead of coming to the Region. The Region is for everyone’s use. Councilmember Taylor asked if they would be
paying Idaho Falls rates. Councilmember Hardcastle asked if Idaho Falls residents could join the Region.
Councilmember Bean said they would be customers and the rates would be the Region’s rates. Idaho Falls could
subsidize their customers if they want, but there is a set cost that everyone pays for the Regional line.
Councilmember Parry said she doesn’t agree and feels that Ammon should relook at the rates and should give on it.
Councilmember Kirkham said Ammon doesn’t set the rate, but the Region does. Councilmember Bean said you are
saying to charge two different rates, one for Idaho Falls and one for the Region. Councilmember Parry said two
different rates within the City of Idaho Falls aren’t fair. Mr. Pepper stated you want the same rates within the City
of Idaho Falls. Councilmember Kirkham said the line goes to Shelley and potentially Idaho Falls will become
contiguous with them and the landowners might want to annex into Idaho Falls, but they might also want to join the
Region, and they want all connections in the Region to pay the same rate. They would expect the Region to adjust
the bill to make it equal to Idaho Falls rates. Councilmember Lehto said this will come down to economics and will
it make sense for Idaho Falls to run a lift station and it will be a business decision. Councilmember Powell said he
would have an issue of a customer of a non-Idaho Falls EIRWWA paying a higher price, than an Idaho Falls
customer for the same connection. He explained that the MOU is only 5-7 years old and we have grown past this.
Councilmember Taylor asked how far north and how far south does Hitt go. He feels both sides of the table would
like to talk about that. Mr. Pepper stated this is an issue that needs to be defined.
Mr. Pepper stated the time is close to ending and asked about possibly forming smaller groups and
would like to know if they would like to continue this discussion to find all the interests. Mr. Pepper stated they
have not clarified things yet and feels there is more work to do. He feels they could benefit from some more time
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together. Councilmember Coletti feels this is step 1 the City’s and can set up smaller groups to talk about particular
issues. He feels we have broken down some walls. Mr. Pepper said the thing you gain with a small group is you
can get more detailed, but you will lose covering everyone’s individual interests. It was discussed to go into small
groups, then the individual Councilmembers will go back to the different Councils. Councilmember Bean said to
have each Council President assign the Councilmembers to different groups. Everyone concurred. Councilmember
Bean said to have someone to chair each group designated. Sharon talked about three subcommittees, thus far.
Councilmember Hardcastle would like to assign staff to attend the meetings, but not attorneys. It was discussed to
form three work groups. Mr. Pepper said each Council President needs to give the group a list of who is doing what.
It was discussed that expectations were met for everyone this evening. Mr. Pepper feels both Cities have a common
ground and commends them for working together. Mayor J. Fuhriman said in closing this turned out wonderful and
broke barriers and reached a consensus where we are all working together. He feels it was a great success. Mr.
Pepper will send out a draft of the results of the meeting to everyone.
The meeting concluded at 8:46 p.m
Steve Fuhriman, Mayor
Leslie Folsom, City Clerk
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