12102009CouncilMinutes-WSCITY OF AMMON
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2009 – 4:30 P.M.
1.City Code 5-9-10 Handbill Postings Rewrite or Not (Leslie)
2.HRA Proposal (Jennifer/Leslie)
City Officials Present:
Mayor Bruce Ard
Councilmember Dana Kirkham
Councilmember Lee Bean
Councilmember Randy Waite
Councilmember Rex Thompson
City Clerk Leslie Folsom
City Engineer Lance Bates
City Planner Ron Folsom
City Treasurer Jennifer Belfield
City Officials Absent:
Councilmember Brian Powell
Mayor Ard opened the meeting at 4:39 p.m. at the City Office Building located at
2135 South Ammon Road.
1. City Code 5-9-10 Handbill Postings Rewrite or Not (Leslie):
Leslie explained that she feels this is
an obsolete bill and would like to remove it. This is concerning solicitations on door knobs, even political signs.
The City would have a hard time to enforce this law. She feels bad that the law obeying constituents are being hurt
more than the rest. With the current economic environment more people can afford to take the time to deliver a
flyer door to door than to pay the postage. Ron said he searched other cities and there are only two who regulate
handbills. Councilmember Bean said he is afraid of what’s going on the doors. Discussion ensued concerning
enforcement. Councilmember Waite stated this ordinance affects the boy scouts, food drives, churches and the City.
Councilmember Bean said it’s ok to adjust the ordinance and remove it. Ron stated he will fix it.
2. HRA Proposal (Jennifer/Leslie):
Jennifer addressed the Council. Some employees never use their
health plan, since they have other coverage, so the City is making an insurance payment that is never used. She
would like to propose an alternative for the employees with double coverage to encourage them to not take the
insurance. HRA’s could be vested at 80% of the insurance premium, then they can use the HRA for the deductible
and if terminated, the funds roll back to the City of Ammon.
She introduced Ray Severe who sets up and administers the HRA’s.
Ray Severe, Lincoln Employee Benefits, 1958 First Street, addressed the Council stating the
employee is receiving 100% of the policy and some are double insured. He said if you are paying 100% of
anything, you will have people take the policy whether they want it or not. He explained what happens with double
coverage, which is, insurance coordinate benefits. The primary carrier will pay as if there is no other carrier and the
second carrier will pay the difference according to their plan. Most companies don’t pay 100%. If the employees’
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premium is $312 and the City paid 80%, this would amount to a savings of $62.50 to the City. This will help
alleviate employees from taking a plan when it wasn’t needed. He has set up some options. Health Reimbursement
Arrangement (HRA) makes it so that all eligible employees would receive the funds to help offset medical costs
with those who take the City insurance having the premium paid in full and those not on the health plan would only
receive 80% of the premium. Employees can pay for premiums on their non-City insurance, other medical
expenses, etc. If they don’t use the funds, you can decide how much to carry forward year to year. If terminated
they can submit claims for so long, then the funds go back to the City. Councilmember Kirkham asked what the
maximum is that most employers pay. Ray stated most are 80%, some 50%. Leslie stated that the City of Idaho
Falls is 100%, but they are self-funded. Councilmember Kirkham stated that the City likes to offer this plan, since
most municipal salaries are lower than private industry and this helps to be more competitive. Councilmember
Thompson said this might be a good plan. Councilmember Bean asked about insurance premiums being based on
experience. Ray said that is not true – it depends on the total premium and expected risk. Having employees not go
on the plan can work for you or against you. More unhealthy people would be double covered, since they want to be
sure they get every benefit that they can. Ray said your plan can be the primary carrier. Councilmember Thompson
said this would only be for double covered people. Ray said the question would be those not taking coverage at all.
Councilmember Bean said he would like to see a spreadsheet. Jennifer said the HIPAA (Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act) laws won’t allow dissemination of personal information and she doesn’t have
the knowledge of all the individuals needs and how they might have had double insurance. Councilmember Bean
said create a spreadsheet to evaluate the savings and how much per employee it would be. Jennifer said everyone
that is eligible is covered now. Councilmember Thompson said it would still be a benefit to be on the plan rather
than just the HRA, but it would help those who are double covered. There was discussion concerning the reasons
for double insurance with one being a married couple and she has insurance available through her work and the
spouse is covered, but since it is free with the City they elect to have both. Leslie stated the other reason would be
like herself where she has to maintain a personal policy, but has been told to take the coverage through the City also.
Ray mentioned another IRS sanctioned option, an HSA (Health Savings Account), which is basically a health IRA.
An HSA requires a major medical plan that fits the design, which Ammon’s does not. HRA’s are funded by the
employer and you can customize the plan to suit your needs. With an HSA, the money goes with the employee, but
with an HRA the funds stay with the City. Ray said an HRA gives the employee an option for out of pocket medical
expenses. The employee would pay for the premium. HRA’s can carry over claims. With a cafeteria plan, you lose
the money at the end of the year. The City can terminate an HRA anytime they want and amend it from year to
year. HRA’s are flexible and work for the City. Councilmember Bean asked regarding the premium, can an
employee pay a portion back. Jennifer said one proposal is if they choose not to participate in our medical plan, then
they can have an HRA. Ray said the City will set up the parameters. Ray said if we are making the contribution
for everyone that is eligible for the insurance plan, those who go on it will receive the full benefit and those who
don’t will receive the 80% of premium and stop the double coverage. Councilmember Kirkham said this won’t cost
the City any more and there is a potential savings of 20% and it will give an additional benefit to the employees.
Councilmember Thompson said it gives the employee the opportunity to put more money in and save the taxes and
help with their medical expenses. Ray presented a spreadsheet showing it will save the City FICA and the employee
will save FICA. The benefit is the pretax dollars.
Councilmember Bean asked what the cost was to administer it. Ray said he doesn’t charge anything
to set it up, if he is the broker to handle the major medical. There would be a $4 charge per month per participant to
administer the plan. Jennifer said the cafeteria plan isn’t requiring a payment, at this time, since it’s not set up to
add funds to. Councilmember Kirkham asked what we pay the broker every month. Ray said his would be the
same. Ray said you would have to change from the current broker to him and then it is $4 per month. If you wanted
him to provide the service, but not the major medical the fee would be $1200 for the set up and $8 per month. If we
went with him, he would also provide us at no cost a flexible spending cafeteria document plan, so people could pay
for their babysitters, etc. with pretax dollars. He would suggest providing a 2 ½ month grace period at the end of the
contract for yearly carryover. We would use the cafeteria first, then the HRA. The City is the trustee. Mayor Ard
asked Jennifer to try and put this together. Councilmember Kirkham and Councilmember Thompson said we would
look at 80% for the plan.
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3. Misc.
Leslie stated that UCMC performs utility audits and asked the Council if they would be
interested. If they don’t save the City any money, there is no charge. However, if they find the savings they keep
50% and the City gets 50% for three years forward and back.They will audit services provided by Utah Power &
Light and would also audit services provided by the City of Idaho Falls. The Council advised to go forward with the
Utah Power & Light audit and we will see from there. If the City doesn’t agree, we can tell them and there is no
Councilmember Waite motioned to adjourn. Councilmember Kirkham seconded. Roll Call Vote:
Councilmember Waite – Yes, Councilmember Kirkham – Yes, Councilmember Bean – Yes, and Councilmember
Thompson – Yes. The motion passed.
The meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
C. Bruce Ard, Mayor
Leslie Folsom, City Clerk
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