04252007CouncilMinutes - SpecialCITY OF AMMON
WEDNESDAY, April 25, 2007
Mayor Bruce Ard at 8:00 p.m.
1.Proposal to Join Bonneville County Fire District
1. Resolution 2007-011 Bonneville County Fire District Proposal
The work session started at 8:20 p.m. in the Ammon Elementary School, 2900 Central Avenue, Ammon, Idaho, with
the following City Officials present:
City Officials Present:
Mayor Bruce Ard
Councilmember Lee Bean
Councilmember Rex Thompson
Councilmember Dana Kirkham
Councilmember Randy Waite
City Administrator Bruce Rose
City Clerk Leslie Folsom
City Officials Absent:
City Attorney Scott Hall
City Engineer Bill Manwill
City Planning Director Ron Folsom
1. Proposal to Join Bonneville County Fire District:
Mayor Ard opened the Public Information Meeting and explained the reason for the meeting. He explained
the City Council has had many meetings with the Bonneville Fire District about the possibility of joining the Fire
District. He explained what the Fire District is proposing, and that it is a “win-win” for both sides. He explained the
benefits for Ammon would be that we would move several years forward with manned stations 24 hours a day/7
days a week. We would have an additional fire station and a back up station. He explained it would help the Fire
District because they would have a firehouse on the eastside by using the Ammon fire station. Lastly, he explained
Ammon would have the ability to opt out within a year, if necessary.
He explained the downsides to joining the District. The main reason being the money, that cost would be
about $120 per $100,000 per year. The offset would be that we would increase our insurance rating and lower the
insurance costs.
He stated there would be benefits for both the City of Ammon and the Bonneville Fire District with mutual
faster response time, better training, better maintenance, and full time people.
He turned the time over to the public. Leslie Folsom explained they will be called in order of receipt, and
in the groups: for, neutral, and against.
Janet Tracy, stated she would mainly like to make a statement more than ask a question. She inquired how
much it would cost for fire, we already pay $56 towards fire. Councilmember Bean explained a $175,000 home
would cost around $120 per year. There is a $75,000 homeowner tax exemption.
Matt Fryler, stated he was in support of joining the Fire District. He comes from southern California and
stated you cannot put a price on response time. He stated it comes down to 34 cents a day, he is willing to pay that
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knowing he is paying for dedicated fire department. He explained it would bring EMS to Ammon and having it in
place now and ready to go as our Ammon grows.
Charlene Seward, Dollar Cuts, stated she is for it. We need a full-time department for us and our
Diana Black, 4313 Mason Street, stated she is a new member of this community and comes from
California. She has been through this process. She is neutral and cautioned that as we go forward to make sure we
have infrastructure in place. There are still issues with the area she came from; there were positive and negative
aspects. She cautioned them to do the homework and take it slow.
Marv McGary, 3255 Meadow Lane, stated he had been an Ammon resident since 1958 and been on the fire
department for 20 years. He inquired why we cannot go to mutual aid again. Councilmember Bean stated we do
have mutual aid. Marv McGary stated Ammon hasn’t suffered a lot of fires.
Mark Chapman, stated he has lived in Ammon for 2 ½ years. He inquired about the two different levies
and when will the first be paid off. He also inquired about how many stations they would have and where they
would be located. Councilmember Kirkham explained the levy is not a bond and will not be paid off, it will be
assessed every year. She explained there will be four fire stations, and explained the locations and the plans for the
fourth station. Councilmember Bean responded this is why we feel this is a plus for the City. He explained the
response time for the mutual aid versus having a station nearby. He explained our back up and additional protection
is significantly improved through the Fire District.
John Walker, 2070 Ross, stated he would like to see the plan for fire department/district so we can see
where our money is going. He is concerned when our truck will be drawn out of our station for another fire, what
becomes of our response time. He inquired if there is a back up plan and what is it. He inquired to Councilmember
Kirkham about her quote saying the City of Ammon is not interested in joining the Fire District, as long as, the City
of Idaho Falls has the contract. Councilmember Kirkham stated she said just the opposite. Councilmember
Kirkham stated she would like to have Idaho Falls be a part of the District. John Walker stated he would like us to
look at this deeper and see if this is feasible.
James Crumb, 2270 Curlew, stated he has been on the department for 16 years and was present when the
first proposal was made to join the District. He is concerned about the where the truck is when other fires are going
on. Councilmember Kirkham inquired as to how that differs from now. The City of Ammon helps with brush fires,
etc. and we are not guaranteed that truck will be there at any time. James Crumb stated you are more likely to have
it in the City now than if you are with the County. He would rather see us use the money to pull up our own
department. He is concerned about the ownership of the apparatus. Councilmember Bean explained we have
looked at funding our own department with the same level of service with the amount of money proposed and it
cannot be done for that amount. The best bang for our buck is to go with the District. It is not the best, but will be
better service. James Crumb stated he has no qualms about paying more for more service. He feels the money is
better spent in the City. He explained you are going from an ALS unit to a BLS unit. Councilmember Bean stated
he is not sure it would be different. James Crumb explained the response times, from his point of view, as a
firefighter previously for the City. Stacy (Fire Marshall) stated how the response time works. He explained not all
calls would require an engine with the ambulance, only a select few. He also explained we won’t lose our paid
volunteer system at all. Councilmember Bean explained there have been changes to the department since Mr.
Crumb worked there. City employees had to be part of the department and they were around and available. That is
not the case now. He explained Stacy has implemented a strong training program, and the response time is great,
but can we improve that.
Eldon Harker, stated he called his insurance company and they stated the classification with the fire district
would not change his rate. He inquired about how the rate compares with Idaho Falls. Councilmember Kirkham
explained Idaho Falls is 4 times more what we pay. Their levy rate is .0089 and ours is .0019. He inquired if it will
be by vote or resolution. Councilmember Kirkham explained they can do it by resolution, but she feels it would be
better by vote. He is concerned about the increase of water, sewer, etc. and would like to see us look into it further.
Councilmember Bean stated he does not see us doing it just for one year. He explained our budget to the public. He
explained we have significant growth, and thanked them for their support for sewer and water. He explained we will
have a better infrastructure in the future due to this. He explained our budgeting challenges. He explained we
contract with the Bonneville County Sheriffs Office and pay a significantly low amount. They are requesting to
increase that amount over the next few years and we will be asking for a levy increase for that. We save a lot of
money by contracting, which is why we are looking at this option.
Raymond Born, stated he is neutral and came to get some information. He feels the citizens are not getting
enough information. Councilmember Bean asked what you need and we will get it to you. Raymond Born stated
Council has not answered any questions. Councilmember Bean stated he tried to respond to the questions and that
the makeup is not the same and the 90 second response time is not available anymore because the City employees
are not part of the department.
Councilmember Kirkham stated this is not a done deal, and this is why they are having this meeting. There
is no question the services will be better with the District, but the question becomes whether you are happy now or
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want to pay more for better services. They are not here to force anyone into anything. Raymond Born stated he will
support them but just wants the information. Councilmember Kirkham asked what information he needed. She
stated currently you have 35 volunteers, a full-time fire chief, a full-time fire marshal in the office from 8-5 M-F. If
we go to this plan, you will have 27 full-time firefighters, 3 different stations with 5 personnel at the station at all
times. She explained the current response time. It was discussed what “paid volunteers” were.
Dick Jorgensen, stated he would pass.
Paul Hanna, stated he would pass.
Lennis Ter, left.
Brad Anderson, Iona mayor, stated he feels like they are the ugly step child. He stated they have had no
calls and they have not been advised. His concern is that we are moving too quickly. Councilmember Bean stated
he is addressing issues that pertain to the District. Brad Anderson stated he does not see the difference.
Councilmember Bean apologized; he is just trying to give the Ammon residents their time. Councilmember
Kirkham stated they have discussed representation in the District and it being a 3 member to 5 member and Iona
participation. Brad Anderson stated he has not heard anything and is concerned about a decision being made
without personal input. He feels it needs to be open to the public.
Bruce Pickett, 3708 Heartland, stated he moved here in1979. He is representing 102 homeowners; he is
president of Briarwood Homeowner Association. Those 102 homeowners are satisfied with the current protection
they have. A citizen spoke up and stated he is a Briarwood homeowner and he has not been spoken to. Bruce
Pickett responded they gave a questionnaire. He inquired how many in the room are on a single fixed income. He
stated he is not, but speaking as 102 homeowners 90% are on fixed incomes. $2-$3 month is difficult for these
homeowners. He would like to see the issue addressed and addressed fairly. He feels more homework needs to be
done. He would be happy to support the Council, if the benefits support the amount requested.
Joseph Filutze, 3085 Willowwood Cir., stated his in opposition. He stated he feels it is not fair to make a
decision for 10,000 people with only 1% represented. He feels he pays too much now. He inquired what is in
reserve funds. Councilmember Bean stated it is very nominal.
Ken Lemerick, stated he was on the fire department a few years ago. He is opposed.
Carol Nelson, is opposed.
Dwight Parkinson, 3682 Cottonwood Drive, stated sometimes we lose focus of what we are doing. He is
from Woodland Hills and most everyone he has talked to is satisfied. He would like the citizens to be able to
Jim Jardine, stated there are a lot of things missing from the flyer. Mayor Ard explained the costs and that
we would retain our assets. He is concerned about costs of salaries and state retirement fund. Councilmember
Kirkham explained they are a separate entity. Councilmember Kirkham addressed mutual aid and we’re not able to
do it with Idaho Falls due to the contract with Bonneville County.
Gene Messenger, 5040 Vintage Lane, stated he came from Eastern Oregon and is satisfied with the service
they receive now. He explained he came from a community that did the same thing and the costs were 1 ½ times
more than they anticipated.
George Carlyle, stated he is opposed.
Sue Town, 254 S. Ammon Road, stated she is in Bonneville County and feels satisfied with our current
Sue Filutze, 3085 Willowwood Cir., stated she is opposed. She feels we outsource everything.
Councilmember Kirkham stated it is because it is cheaper. Sue Filutze stated we need to be concerned about
annexing and our schools being overcrowded, etc. She would like to know why developers aren’t paying more. She
feels it needs to be brought to a vote. Councilmember Kirkham stated development is slowed on the hill because we
can’t provide services. She stated development costs come to the state level. Public outcry is needed.
Councilmember Bean explained even if we do not annex, it does not stop growth. Sue Filutze stated she wants to
see us fix what we have, out schools are bursting. Councilmember Kirkham stated we recognize limitations with
growth. She truly wants to give it to the voters.
Lee Kasen, left.
Karen Bradley, stated she came here about a year ago. She would like to Council to just listen and then put
it to a public vote.
Council inquired to the public if there opinion would change if Idaho Falls were to be a part of the Fire
District also. A gentleman explained they would like to entertain it but would need more information and pictures.
It was discussed the public would like a metro fire department. It would still be an increase, but it is an option.
Marsha ? inquired what Wal-Mart would have to pay on the levy. It was discussed commercial pays more
than the residential and they do not get exemptions.
John ? explained the ambulance district funds the ambulance, it does not fund the fire trucks.
Charlene Seward stated we are satisfied with services; we need to look at the big picture. She inquired of
the constituents, if they look at what they give the firemen. The firemen give up their lives for free. You are
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satisfied with their service, but what are they getting back. Her husband works in the volunteer branch and gives a
lot to the City. She wonders if the constituents realize everything the volunteers do for the City.
Mayor Ard thanked everyone for coming and explained there are representatives from the Fire District
A Bonneville County resident asked why they have not been addressed about the issue. He is concerned
about going from 24 persons to 9 persons for response.
Matt Morgan, Bonneville County Fire District, responded to the question. He stated that is misleading.
There are 5 paramedics and 5 EMT drivers and one man that doesn’t leave the station.
Councilmember Bean addressed the Bonn. County resident concerning the amount of people responding to
an emergency. He stated it is not anyone’s intention to lower the amount of service received. He stated our back up
right now is Ucon, which is 15 minutes away. That is a significant difference. They want to find a level of service
acceptable and affordable. He stated we cannot move to a full-time department for quite awhile, especially with the
increased costs from the Sheriffs department.
Ralph, Bonneville County Fire District, stated they have 4 trucks and brush trucks they are getting. He
stated if they stay with Idaho Falls, it would be $143 not $121. Councilmember Kirkham inquired if the levy rate
would stay the same with Idaho Falls. Ralph stated they would be at that rate today, but the levy rate does increase.
Matt Morgan commented he wanted to clarify about what happens when the truck is gone. He stated that
happens at any fire station. That is the true value of the volunteer organization. He stated the training program is
Mayor Ard thanked everyone for coming. The public information portion closed at 10:20pm.
1. Resolution 2007-011 Bonneville County Fire District Proposal:
Councilmember Kirkham stated Mayor Fuhriman is more willing to venture forward. Councilmember
Bean stated it is wise to form a committee that is unbiased to look at Ammon and Idaho Falls. Councilmember
Kirkham commented the first step is for the mayors and everyone to hammer out all the details. Councilmember
Kirkham inquired to the Commissioners about the steps needed to move toward a metro fire department.
Ralph stated that has been the idea and concept they have talked about and now there is a recall effort. The
metro won’t be cheaper, but probably is the best solution.
Councilmember Kirkham stated it merited a 75% tax increase but it needs to be put to a vote, not
resolution. Councilmember Waite agreed we need a vote from the people.
Councilmember Bean declined the request to join the Bonneville County Fire District, at this time.
Councilmember Thompson seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Bean – Yes, Councilmember Thompson –
Yes, Councilmember Waite – Yes, and Councilmember Kirkham – Yes. The motion passed. It was discussed to
make every effort to promote a metro fire district.
Councilmember Bean motioned to adjourn. Councilmember Thompson seconded. All in favor, the motion
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m.
C. Bruce Ard, Mayor
Leslie Folsom, City Clerk
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