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03072007PZMinutesCITY OF AMMON
Wednesday - March 7, 2007
2135 South Ammon Road 7:00 P.M.
I.Pledge of Allegiance:
February 7, 2007
III.Public Hearings:
1.Conditional Use Permit, Liberty Square/Angela Tanaka, Physical/Occupational Therapy Office
IV.Action Items:
Site Plan, Ideacom
Recommendation on additional hearing for Public Hearing item.
V.Discussion Items:
Proposed Changes to Title X
Work Session March 21, 2007 – Comp Plan assignments
City Council actions
City of Idaho Falls Planning and Zoning actions – Cindy Donovan
Bonneville County Planning and Zoning actions – Tom Hunsaker
Call for Adjournment:
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cindy Donovan at 7:00 p.m. in the City Building at 2135 South
Ammon Road, Ammon, Idaho
Members Present
: Cindy Donovan, Chairman
Jarin Hammer, Vice Chairman
Tom Hunsaker
Robert Gustafson
Greg Maeser
Richard Jaussi
Bruce Cook
Quinn Simmons
Scott Wessel
Members Absent
: None
City Officials Present
: Ron Folsom, Planning Director
Leslie Folsom, City Clerk
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City Officials Absent
: Gay Leming, Deputy Clerk
Bill Manwill, City Engineer
Quinn Simmons led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
February 7, 2007. Tom Hunsaker reported that Rodney Allen has been replaced and should not be
listed on the minutes. Cindy Donovan mentioned on the first page - the AIC meeting should be the 24 instead of
the 17. Tom Hunsaker mentioned, on page 2 of the Public Hearing, to restate how it is explained. Cindy Donovan
mentioned, on the same page, about the conditional use permit. Tom Hunsaker pointed out various other changes to
the minutes. Tom Hunsaker also suggested on the motion page 6 to state that the garages are “attached, detached, or
both” on the first three parts on the motion. Bob Gustafson motioned to approve the minutes as amended. Bruce
Cook seconded. All in favor, the motion passed.
1. Conditional Use Permit, Liberty Square/Angela Tanaka, Physical/Occupational Therapy Office
: Cindy
Donovan explained the Public Hearing procedures to the public in attendance. She stated it will go before Council
on March 15. Cindy Donovan opened the public hearing. Planning Director Ron Folsom explained where Liberty
Square is located.
Angela Tanaka, stated she is a citizen of Ammon and would like to have her business in Ammon. She has
a lot of experience in running a clinic. She understands the risks, laws and benefits of running a clinic. Her primary
area of focus is neurological and orthopedic conditions. Greg Maeser inquired of Ron Folsom why a Conditional
Use was needed. Ron stated P&Z took out all offices from the residential zones and this is R3A. Greg inquired of
Angela Tanaka if there would be a sign. Angela Tanaka stated she would like to have one if it is possible. She
would like to see 10-15 patients a day. Quinn Simmons asked about where the entrance will be located. Angela
stated that there is an outside entrance directly down the hall. Quinn asked about adequate access for emergency
care. Angela Tanaka stated she is CPR certified, and a 911 call would be the quickest form of help. Quinn asked
about her hours of operation. Angela Tanaka stated she would like to start at 8am with special accommodations for
others. She would not be open on Sunday, but would have a couple of hours on Saturday (8-10am). She would like
the last patient appointment at 5pm or 5:30pm. She would like to be flexible with the hours for her clientele. Quinn
asked Ron Folsom what limits we are able to put on the Conditional Use Permit. Ron said you can limit signs,
hours, etc. Angela stated she would like the sign to be able to let people know about the business. Quinn asked if
the facility has dedicated handicapped spots. Angela Tanaka stated yes. Quinn inquired if there will be any
additions to the building. Angela Tanaka stated no – she’s not interested to expand – she just wants to maintain a
small clinic. Quinn asked if she would like the Conditional Use Permit tied to her lease. She stated she does not
want that.
Cindy Donovan closed the public hearing. The Commission discussed whether allowing a sign would
make other tenants want a sign. Cindy Donovan stated that Liberty Square was to be more of a “word of mouth”
sort of advertising. Tom Hunsaker stated the limits under the Conditional Use Permit. Tom Hunsaker spoke about
advertising versus directional signs. Tom Hunsaker stated we need physical therapy offices in Ammon Ron Folsom
stated by granting a Conditional Use Permit, it does not set a precedent for other Conditional Use Permits. Bob
Gustafson inquired if parking was an issue. Ron Folsom stated it was not.
Liz Stanley, employee at Liberty Square, explained the entrance of Liberty Square. The Commission
discussed whether there was a spot for a directional sign. A second sign located around the corner was discussed.
Jarin Hammer motioned to approve the request for the Conditional Use Permit for Liberty Square with the following
1) The hours of operation are limited to Monday through Saturday from 7am to 7pm;
2) No advertising sign may be used on the front lawn, only a directional sign and a sign in the back;
3) The size of the space is limited to what is shown, 630 square feet;
4) The time frame is limited to three (3) years or when Tanaka no longer occupies the facilities and every
three (3) years it will need to be renewed;
5) The business is limited to one occupational therapist, one physical therapist, and any necessary staff.
Bob Gustafson seconded. All in favor, the motion passed.
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A. Site Plan, Ideacom:
Planning Director Ron Folsom explained where the property is located. Jarin Hammer
inquired what is located across the street. Ron Folsom stated Briar Creek is across the street. Ron Folsom stated the
parking is adequate. Bob Gustafson inquired if the entrance is too close to the corner.
Ryan Loftus, Aspen Engineering 10265 North Dorian Avenue, Idaho Falls, explained where the property
lines are located and the size of the entrances. He stated the will move the entrances if they are too close to the
corner. The existing curb is 6 feet from the back of the curb to the front of the property line. To match up with
Briar Creek Lane, there is a 6 foot green space and 5 foot sidewalk, and additional green space on the South side of
the sidewalk. It matches everything except Rockwell Development; which is on the other side of the street. Ron
Folsom mentioned when the Commission takes into account signage, they have to be 7.5 feet from the property line.
Ryan Loftus stated there is a spot for a sign already and it will be a monument sign, not elevated. Scott Wessel asked
if the driveways line up. Ryan Loftus stated they do not. Scott asked if they have to. It was discussed they do not.
Ryan Loftus stated all of this will be subject to staff review. Ron mentioned that it has not been reviewed by the
staff. Quinn asked if these buildings are two floors above ground. Ryan Loftus stated they are a main floor and a
Kurt Crupp Junior, Idaho Falls, stated the basement will be mainly storage and equipment. They will have
a tech area set up to prepare systems. Quinn asked if they would need a loading dock. Kurt Crupp Jr., stated the
building to the East will have stairs with a ramp/slide. Tom Hunsaker stated the reason they ask is because with this
amount of parking the maximum floor space you can have for offices is 7800. Anything beyond that has to be for
Greg Maeser motioned to recommend approval of the Site Plan for Ideacom subject to staff review and in
particular concern, the curb cuts and defer to Bill Manwill’s recommendation. Bob Gustafson seconded. All in
favor, the motion passed.
B. Recommendation on additional hearing for Public Hearing item:
Quinn Simmons motioned to recommend
not having an additional public hearing for Angela Tanaka/Liberty Square. Richard Jaussi seconded. All in favor,
the motion passed.
Planning Director Ron Folsom explained judicial laws regarding public hearings for the benefit of the new
Commission members.
A. Proposed Changes to Title X:
A discussion was held in regards to proposed changes to Title X. It was decided
to further discuss the proposals at the work session on March 21 and then make a formal proposal to Planning and
Zoning at the April 4, 2007 meeting for a hearing to be held on May 7, 2007.
B. Work Session March 21, 2007 – Comp Plan assignments:
Planning Director Ron Folsom explained we have
done this before and he will split it out again.
A. City Council actions:
Ron Folsom had nothing to report at this time.
B. City of Idaho Falls Planning and Zoning actions:
Cindy Donovan had nothing to report.
C. Bonneville County Planning and Zoning actions:
Tom Hunsaker reported a couple of items.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Cindy Donovan, Chairman
Leslie Folsom, City Clerk
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