10/04/2006PZMinutes CITY OF AMMON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES October 4, 2006 2135 South Ammon Road7:00 P.M. AGENDA I.Pledge of Allegiance: II.Minutes: August 2, August 16 and September 6, 2006 III.Public Hearings: th 1. Rezone, 17 Street R-1 and C-1 to CC-1 th 2. ROW Vacation, 17 St Circle 3. Title X, Chapter 29, Bonding IV.Action Items: ? Action on Public Hearings ? Site Plan, Lincoln Industrial Park V.Discussion Items: None VI.Reports: ? City Council actions ? City of Idaho Falls Planning and Zoning actions – Cindy Donovan ? Bonneville County Planning and Zoning actions – Tom Hunsaker VII.Call for Adjournment: MINUTES The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cindy Donovan at 7:00 p.m. in the City Building at 2135 South Ammon Road, Ammon, Idaho Members Present : Cindy Donovan, Chairman Jarin Hammer, Vice Chairman Tom Hunsaker Robert Gustafson Rodney Allen Richard Jaussi Greg Maeser Members Absent : Steve Crandall Tristan John Leslie Folsom City Officials Present : Ron Folsom, Planning Director Gay Leming, Deputy Clerk City Officials Absent : Bruce Rose, City Administrator Bill Manwill, City Engineer Rodney Allen led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Planning & Zoning 10/04/2006 - 1 MINUTES: August 2, 2006: Tom Hunsaker motioned to approve the August 2, 2006 minutes as presented. Richard Jaussi seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. August 16, 2006: Greg Maeser motioned to approve the August 16, 2006 minutes as presented. Jarin Hammer seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. September 6, 2006: No documentation. No action taken. PUBLIC HEARINGS : th 1. Rezone, 17 Street R-1 and C-1 to CC-1: City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides of the requested annexation, location and vicinity. The property is located west of Trailwood Drive, east of Curlew and the Oakridge Subdivision. There are actually two separate properties – one running north and south along Trailwood Drive in the Trailwood Subdivision and the other in the Chambers Subdivision, both north and west of Rex’s. Joe Groberg, 1269 Homer Avenue, Idaho Falls, ID showed the land that they own. Casey Dennert from Benton Engineering, 3520 Devonwood stated they have cleaned up the area and the houses are gone. They would like to clean up the zoning into CC1. Greg Maeser motioned to recommend approval of the 17th Street Rezone as presented. Richard Jaussi seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. th 2. ROW Vacation, 17 Street Circle: City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides of the requested th vacation. This property is designated as 17 Street Circle in the Chambers Subdivision. Joe Groberg, 1269 Homer Avenue, Idaho Falls, ID. they acquired the cul-de-sac and realized that they could probably make use of it in their plans. Tom Hunsaker stated that it was planned to abandon it way back when. th Jarin Hammer motioned to recommend vacating 17 Street Circle as presented. Bob Gustafson seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. 3.Title X, Chapter 29, Bonding: CityPlanning Director Ron Folsom explained why this is being added to Title X. This will enable the City Council to have a developer bond, in order, to protect the city. Jarin Hammer questioned if there was another option available in lieu of bond. Ron Folsom said they could put the full infrastructure in before any building permits are issued. Jarin inquired if this will hurt any development within the City. Ron stated the developers were involved in the discussions. The City of Idaho Falls places a lien on every lot and then the City of Idaho Falls has to release it. Tom Hunsaker inquired concerning the 10% mentioned in the Title. Ron explained that the 10% is a built in factor for inflation, if the City should have to enforce the bond and do the work. It was inquired whether curb, gutter and sidewalk will be included in this and if we could require sidewalks to be in prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. Ron explained that we don’t tie the sidewalk into the certificate of occupancy because the certificate of occupancy of the building code is specific to the building not to landscaping and sidewalks. Tom Hunsaker made the motion to change Title X Chapter 29 to include bonding with a few minor grammatical error corrections.. Bob Gustafson seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Tom Hunsaker made the motion to not hold a second hearing. Greg Maeser seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. ACTION ITEM : Action of Public Hearings: Previously Completed Site Plan – Lincoln Industrial Park: City Planning Director Ron Folsom discussed the location being discussed. Rodney Allen made the motion to accept on Lot 5 and Lot 1 at Lincoln Industrial Point as outlined. Bob Gustafson seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Judy farm has water we can use instead of Woodland Hills. REPORTS: City Council – Per Tom Hunsaker nothing occurred on the PUD. The water study for the master plan is completed but they want to look at the sewer before they approve anything in the PUD area. Ron Folsom mentioned that they discussed the area of impact and where it should be. The discussion talked about whether it rd should be Country Club Road or 73. It looks like the proposal will be jumping Hitt Road and going west at the Planning & Zoning 10/04/2006 - 2 rd 73 street intersection. Cindy Donovan questioned, if the County will enforce our ordinances, if we take over these areas into our impact area. Ron Folsom said it is written in our agreement that they will enforce our standards. City of Idaho Falls Planning and Zoning: Nothing to report per Cindy Donovan. st Bonneville County Planning and Zoning: Per Tom Hunsaker, the SW corner of 1 and Crowley there are approx. 6 ¼ acres that are basically being rezoned from agriculture to apartment use. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. ________________________________________ Cindy Donovan, Chairman ___________________________________ Leslie Folsom, Acting City Clerk Planning & Zoning 10/04/2006 - 3