Planning Minutes 02/03/1999 (3) CITY OF AMMON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION April 6, 1999 . Minutes of the Public Hearing and Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Kevin Murray at 6:30 p.m. in the City Building at 2135 South Ammon Road, Ammon, Idaho. Kevin Murray, Chairman Ron Folsom, Vice Chairman Greg Maeser Randy Waite MEMBERS PRESENT Tom Hunsaker Elaine McGary Karen Anderson Maxine Hardy Dick Bybee MEMBERS NOT PRESENT Bruce Ard, Mayor Bill Manwill, City Engineer David Wadsworth, Public Works CITY OFFICIALS PRESENT Aleen C. Jensen, City Clerk Ira Hall, City Councilman Deon Cole . Brad Pickett Tony Wise Laraine Sant OTHERS PRESENT Garth Cunningham Gary Sant Elaine McGary led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Karen Anderson moved to approve the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting held March 2, 1999. The motion was seconded by Ron Folsom. Voting was unanimous in favor. The motion carried. Kevin Murray reported on the meeting of the Bonneville County Planning and Zoning Commission held February 24,1999. Michael Armstrong: Application for rezone from Agriculture A-I to Residence Zones including R-I and R-3.Warm Spring Meadows, Preliminary Plat General Location: South of 1st Street and East of 45th E. (Crowley Road) between McDonald's Farm Subdivision and West of the railroad tracks, Bonneville County, Idaho. Five Star Development Corporation: Application for Rezone from Residential-Agriculture RA-I to Residence Zone R-I. General Location: The Northeast corner of Ammon Road and lona Road, Bonneville County, Idaho. . U.S. Bank Trustee of the John and Faye Jordin Living Trust and Bagley Enterprises: Application for Comprehensive Land Use Plan Change from Industrial to Commercial. General Location: West of South Yellowstone Highway, South of 65th South (York Road) and East of the Snake River, Bonneville County, Idaho