Council Minutes 10/05/1977 (2)
September 21, 197i
installed. It was pointed out that Attorney Anderson is making contact
with Fred Kvarfordt and Wayne Peterson on the title for Well #5 so that
final payment can be made. ~~yor Wehmann requested that Council members
report to h~m if they observe the nee~ for street repair within the next
week so that this can be taken care of while the weather is still good
for patching, and he mentioned that the concrete work which is to be done
on sidewalks and curbs and gutters at several locations throughout the
City should be completed ri9ht away also.
Regarding unfinished business, Councilwoman Dille referred to a vacancy
on the Planninq and Zoning Commission, and Mayor Wehmann suggested that
something be done by the City for Joseph Wenger in appreciation of all
the time and effort he put into assisting the City on the Utah Power &
Light case. Councilman Swensen noted that a bid of around $3,000 has been
received from Lynn Reiman for a complete repair of the City Building roof,
compared to a $400 bid from another individual to repair only the part
that is bad at this time, and it was recommended that Mr. Reiman be given
an opportunity to bid on the partial job before making a decision. Re-
garding the problem of fences in the easement for access to the 17th St.
storm sewer station, Mayor Wehmann reported that a letter is being prepared
to send to the property owner regarding this matter.
Regarding the continuation of the Public Hearing on Mountain Valley Estates,
which was to have been conducted on this date, it was noted that neither
the developer or Douglas Hall, who has a special interest, were present.
Councilwoman Dille moved to recess said hearing until October 5, 1977.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; the voting was Dille, yes;
Swnsen, yes; Lee, abstained; motion carried.
Claims were approved for payment. Councilwoman Dille moved to adjourn;
the motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; the meeting was adjourned at
11 :00 P.M. __/'(K?~;I'dj7 ~/!r7 ~'f/?:> ;'<?~!<"
October 5, 1977
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council and a
Continuation Hearing on Mountain Valley Estates:
The following City Officials were
Mayor George Wehmann
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Councilwoman Carol A. Dille
Councilman Francis Lee
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Office Clerk Aleen Jensen
Asst. Engineer Robert Butler
Attorney W. Joe Anderson
Others present were: Rod Blossom, Benton Engineering, and H. Dwight
Whi ttaker--both representing Mountain Valley Estates; Douglas Ilall, pro-
perty owner adjacent to Mountain Valley Estates; and Roland T. Romrell
came in for a few minutes near the end of the regular meeting.
The Continuation Hearing was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor George
Wehmann. Due to conflict of interest, Councilman Francis Lee exempted
himself from the hearinq on Mountain Valley Estates. i~od Blossom and H.
Dwight Whittaker presented the preliminary plat for the new development.
The need to annex a small portion of the railroad right-of-way and a rail-
road crossin9 at Wanda Street, approximately midway between 17th Street
and Sunnyside Road, was discussed. The development comes within 300 feet
of the Bonneville-Iona Sewer District and Mr. Whittaker pointed out where
the sewer line wou1d be. Discussion followed concerning whether or not
homes would be required to hook on to the sewer. The County has the re-
quirement to hook on to the sewer if the property is within 300 feet. In
discussing whether or not a property owner would be forced to hook on, the
example of property owners on Sunnyside Road being required to hook on to
the Idaho Falls sewer was cited. The reason for this action was not known,