Council Minutes 04/20/1977 (3)
April 20, 1977
regulations. More restrictive rules may be put into effect later if
necessary due to the existing drought conditions. It was requested
that Councilman Lee go ahead with the plans for cement repairs that
are needed this year, so that the work can be completed during the good
construction weather.
Bonneville Council of Governments - A report by Councilman Swensen indicated
that Ammon's share of the BCOG budget for this year, based on population
and valuation, is $1,056.50. He mentioned that the City should be aware
that BeOG is trying to determine if public hearings may be required on
~ariances under the new State land use law. Councilman Swensen stated that
he was asked to inquire if the City of Ammon is having any problems with
the building inspection arrangements provided by cooperative agreement with
the City of Idaho Falls, and it was suggested that it would be good to know
what procedure is used when the inspectors find a violation. In response
to a question about sand bag sacks which were used during the Teton Dam
Flood last year, it was determined that a claim for four bundles should
be filled.
F.n9ineer- Concerning the matter of someone fromt.he City of Idaho Falls
Engineering Department attending the City of Ammon Planning and Zoning
Commission meetings as intended under the Subdivision Inspection Agreement,
Mayor Wehmann indicated that the City of Idaho Falls people will be given
more information as soon as a procedure is worked out. Engineer Benton
explained the situation regarding why the preliminary plat for development
of the Russ Wallace property has been submitted to the City of Idaho Falls
and Bonneville County as well as to the City of Ammon, and ~~yor Wehmann
stated that the County is to be informed that the Russ Wallace proposal is
in abeyance with the City of Ammon, with a public hearing having been held.
Mayor Wehmann also reported that he has written to Robert Nixon concerning
the water main that goes across Sand Creek without an official easement
and the street which has not been dedicated, informing him that no building
permits will be issued for construction of buildings on the recently
re-zoned property in the Eastgate area west of Sand Creek until these items
are taken care of.
Traffic Safety - In response to a report by Councilwoman Dille that the
County has asked if the City Council would like to consider having the
traffic signing in Ammon taken over by the County, it was requested that
cost information be submitted before there can be any discussion of such a
proposal. With reference to the recent meeting of the City Traffic Safety
Commission, Councilwoman Dille stated that Rodney Ragan was elected Vice
C~irman, that a request was made to have representatives of the City
Attorney, the City Engineer, and the police present at the meetings, and
,~at each member of the Commission is to come to the next meeting with
suggestions as to what is wanted out of a traffic study. In addition, a
motion was made at the Traffic Safety meeting' to send out a letter asking
for quotations from different engineering firms on the cost and what
information would be provided by a traffic study.
Fiscal Operations- Councilman Swensen reported that a 30-day binder on the
City~s present liability and loss insurance has been obtained, pending a
study of a proposal from another company. He noted that the repair work on
the damaged truck is almost completed. Regarding funding for the hiring of
additional maintenance employees under the Federal CETA proqram, Councilman
Swensen stated that it will be sometime in Mayor later before the status
of the City's application can be known, so he recommended that some older
boys be hired for cleaning ditches, and Mayor Wehmann suggested that the
employment office be contacted about the availability of day laborers.
Planning and Zoning - Councilwoman Dille reported that the Commission mem-
bers had made a recommendation regarding sidewalks in new subdivisions, but
the minutes of the meeting do not accurately reflect the intent of the mo~-
tion as it was made, so this needs to be clarified before presenting it to
the Council for action. It was pointed out by Councilwoman Dille that, due
to themcreased amount of subdivision and zoning bus~ness lately, the
Planning and Zoning Commission recommends that requests for variances be
handled entirely through the City Council which sits as the Board of