Council Minutes 02/16/1977 (2) I ~ o en ~-i CQ CO I I 24 reported that a bid for $87. 55 for the repair work has been obtained from Whee-Go Custom Built. She suggested that the Tremaynes be given an oppor- tunity to accept this bid along with an offer of $50 for the labor which the owner has already put into straightening the door, etc. Councilman Lee moved that the City offer Mr. Tremayne $150 which would be enough -to pay for the repair of the trailer at Whee -Go. Custom in the sum of $87.55 with the rest being for his own labor--this to be in full settlement of the claim, and that the bid from Whee -Go Custom Built be forwarded along with the offer. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Attorney Anderson advised that the check, when written, should have a statement on the back for.Mr. Tremayne to sign as a release for full settlement on the damage to the trailer, with the date of the accident to be included in the statement. Public Works - Councilman Lee recommended that the City's deposit policy re- main as it is in that a $15.00 deposit is required -on all new accounts which is to be refunded (or applied on the amount due) when the account is closed, so no further action was taken on a suggestion m.ade recently by a City water user that the deposit be refunded after two years to those who show a good paying record. Regarding the snow plow which is on order, Maintenance Supervisor LaVern Williams reported that delivery has been delayed due to the shutdown of the factory (in Wausau, Wisconsin) during the recent gas shortage emergency caused by severe weather conditions. Old Business- Councilman Swensen mentioned that most of the repair work on the damag.ed truck has been completed; but the body shop is still waiting for one part to be received before the job can be finished. It was noted by Engineer Butler that more windows have been broken out at Well #6 pumphouse, so replacement of the glass, at least on one side of the building, with a break-resistant product should be done as soon as possible. Nt*w Busiriess- Reference was made to a bill regarding zoning that is to come before the State Legislature which would create a problem for. cities if passed. Councilman Swensen requested the consideration of the Council on a re,commenda- tion made by Mayor' Wehmann that employee, Milford Strong, be promoted to Grade 4.-,1 starting with.the next pay period. Councilwoman Dille moved to approve the proposal; the motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; voting was all in favor; motion carried. " i Claims were approved for payment. Councilman Lee moved to adjourn at 10::05 P. M.; seconded by. Councilwoman Dille. L , ~~~~ - /CIT. . LERK CITY OF AMMON February 16, 1977 Minutes of the Regular 'Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7 :40 the following City Officials present:: Mayor George Wehmann Coutl.cilnian RussellN. Swensen Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Councilrrian Francis Lee arrived later P. M. by Mayor George Wehmann with Clerk Deon Hemingway AttorneyW. Joe Anders0n Asst. Engineer Robert Butler Maint. Supv. LaVern E. Williams in the meeting. . f The,pledgeo!' allegiance to the flag was. led by Councilman Anderson; the invoca- tionwas offered by Councilman Swensen.' Minutes of the ,meeting of February 2; 1976, . were ,approved',as prepared. COMMITTEE REPORtS Mayor- It was <reported by Mayor Wehmann that a letter had been sent to the principal of the Hillview School regarding glass breakage at Well #6. He referred