Council Minutes 01/19/1977 (2)
meter station. Regarding the 17th Street Project, Mayor Wehmann expressed
concern that a copy of a letter from the State Highway Department indicates
acceptance of 17th Street for the City of Ammon, and informed the Council that
he intends to give notice that the City needs as -built plans and a maintenance
agreement on the storm sewer lift station in order to be satisfied with
acceptance fo the project.
City Clerk - A report listed a checking account balance of $6, 018. 51 with claims to
pay in the amount of $1,650.82. Delinquent accounts at the end of December, 1976,
were reported to be $303. 50. Attention was called to a problem of a resident,
Jay Reynolds of 3175 Rawson St., evidently being able to turn the water for his home
back on after the City has it disconnected for non-payment on his account, and
Attorney Anderson was asked to write to Mr. Reynolds about the legal implications
of this action;
Police and Fire Department - Councilwoman Dille made a report that the items
discussed at the recent meeting of the (county) Traffic Safety Committee included
sanding of icy roads and the traffic problem at the Lewisville -Highway 20 inter-
section. She noted that the Sheriff has indicated that the figures on the law en-
forcement contract for 1977 should be about the same as last year and are to be
apportioned for a 9-month budget. Names of citizens recommended to be on the
City Traffic Safety Committee were Kent Stewart, Margaret Hodges, Kay Davis,
Rodney Ragan, Ronald Speirs, Marcene Pierson, and Beverly Bowman. The terms
are to be staggered, and Mayor Wehmann will write a letter to each of the appointees.
Library - It was mentioned by Councilwoman Dille that a preliminary library
feasibility study has been made by a group of students which she will review and
report on at the next meeting_
New Business - In response to an inquiry by Mayor Wehmann, Engineer Benton
stated that the City's aerial map could be marked to show the location of irriga-
tion ditches. Mayor Wehmann suggested that consideration be given to establishing
regulations for culvert sizes, etc., by ordinance rather than just by a policy.
He reminded the Council that money is needed in the budget for cleaning out existing
culverts. Regarding business licenses which are provided for in the City Code, the
Council indicated approval of Mayor Wehmann's suggestion that businesses, other
than the grocery stores which must obtain .beer licenses., should not be required
to get licenses at this time since no inspection services are provided by the City.
TheCouncil members agreed that Mayor Wehmann should proceed with whatever
needs to be done to have the City of Ammon formally intervene in the request
for another rate increase which Utah Power & Light Company has filed with the,
Public Utilities Commission.
Claims were approved for payment. The meeting was adjourned at 10: 30 P. M.
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January 19, 1977
I Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7: 34 P. M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the
following City Officials present:
Mayor George' Wehmann
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilwoman Carol A. Dille
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Councilman Francis Lee
Others present during the meeting were Randy Waite, developer, and Gene
Simpson, City employee.
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Asst. Engineer Robert Butler
Attorney W. Joe Anderson (Arrived 9 P. M. )
Maint. Supv. LaVern Williams
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Mayor Wehmann. Councilwoman
Dille offered the invocation. Minutes of the previous meeting were not ready
for approval.