Council Minutes 09/01/1976 (2) I o (X) t"- OO W W I I 213 Parks and Recreation - Councilman Anderson reported that the church group has made considerable progress in getting the land prepared for planting at the ~ . park located in the Peterson Park Addition. LaVern Williams and Engineer Benton were asked to get the necessary fittings for the sprinkling system for the new park and have them installed as soon as possible before the grass can be planted. Mayor Wehmann mentioned that the weea killing which was done in L~ons Park early in the summer was not effective so it should be done again, that the fire department men have been taking care of fixing up the restrooms in Lions Park, and that the City employees planted grass by the swings in Lions Park. He recommended that arrange- ments be made to get a sickle mower to cut weeds along streets. Acc;ording to Councilman Anderson, the City has been offered $175 for the flail mower which was purchased new for approximately $1200 in 1974, and it was felt that decision on this should wait until it can be determined if there is any way to use the equipJ;llent for trimming weeds along the streets. Police and Fire Department - Councilwoman Dille reviewed the July law enforce- ment report which showed a total of 459 hours worked in Ammon by the County Sheriff's Department personneL She noted that the July Animal Control Report was not available at this time. Mrs. Dille pointed out that it may be possible to get reimbursement for the cost of the paint for crosswalks if application is made to the proper funding agency; also the deadend signs are now available to be put up on Southwick and Citcle S Drive. Public Works - A report by Councilman Lee indicated that the extension for the fire hydrant on Ross Avenue has been ordered, that bids on a snow plow will be in by September 1, and that he intends to make a telephone call to check on the latest information about the delivery date for the new garbage truck. He requested that the City Maintenance Supervisor have the "No Parking" signs cemented in where necessary., Old Business - Reference was made to the Ammon Day celebration to the effect that proceeds from the dance amounted to $188.82, and it was felt that setting the speakers for the music on the south side of the tennis courts so that the sound was aimed to the north helped to eliminate complaints. Mayor Wehmann recommended that a date be set for the 1977 Ammon Day since he would like to get the Chairman position filled right away and make arrangements for a concert by the Navy Band. The calendar was checked, and Councilman Lee moved that the next Ammon Day be held on Satur- day, August 6, 1977. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Claims were approved for payment in the amount of $5, 935. 96. Councilman Swensen moved to adjourn; seconded by Councilwoman Dille; the meeting was adjourned at 11: 05 P. M. d:t~. ~~ /(/ /,//27 L/~'f'j0~? ." MAYOR / &' / /!/- . ; /.. -, /' ."L/l~z"z..:.(c,<, -t.-L-(.j CLERK CITY OF AMMON September 1, 1976 M~nutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 8:05 P. M. by Mayor George Wehmann with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Councilman Francis Lee Not present: Councilwoman Carol A. Dille, Clerk Deon Hemingway Asst. Attorney Franklin Smith Engineer David E. Benton Maint. Supervisor LaVern E. excused due to illness Williams Mayor Wehmann led the pledge of allegiance to the f lag; prayer was offered by Councilman Anderson. Minutes of the meeting of August 18, 1976, were approved as prepared. Prior to the opening of the meeting, several matters were discussed unofficially as follows: