Council Minutes 05/05/1976 (2)
Page 187
A report by Councilwoman Dille indicated that there is a dangerous situation of a
~eaning shed in her neighborhood, and she was advised that the City has no responsi-
bility for such things on private property_
Mayor - Mayor Wehmann presented a list of proposed official holidays and travel
allowances for the Council to study and consider at a future meeting-. He-reported
that H-K Contractors, Inc_, is trying to make arrangements to get a sweeper to
use along with the City sweeper to clean up the chips in the Hillview area, and requested
that the Engineer follow through by checking on this matter. Since he expects to be out
of town at the time, Mayor Wehmann asked Councilman Swensen to attend the Assoc-
iation of Idaho Cities District Meeting in Idaho Falls on May 13. He also reminded
the Council Members to get pre-registered for the AICConference in June, since the
registration fee is higher if this is not taken care of in advance.
A report by Mayor Wehmann indicated that notice has been received from the Office
of Revenue Sharing that, based on the recent special census count of 3,630, and
estimate of 3,177 population on July 1r 1973, will be used for calculating the amounts
to be received this year.
Regarding accepting the improvements in the Barbara Jean Addition, Mayor Wehmann
announced that he has refused to sign the papers urti1 a solution is agreed upon on the
streets. He reported that he asked the City of Idaho Falls to inspect that addition,
principally the streets, and a letter is to be prepared to identify the faults.
Mayor Wehmann asked for the feeling of the Council regarding a request by a City
employee to get an advance (loan) to purchase parts for his automobile. Attorney
Smith advised that it is not within the corporate powers of the City to get into the
lending business, and the Council members agreed that this should not be allowed.
Reference was made to a letter received from the State Department of Labor explaining
the updated statute relative to inspections under the Uniform Building Code. A reply
is to be made not later than April 30 as to whether the City will be providing its own
inspection or plans to rely on the State for this service. Mayor Wehmann pointed out
that the present arrangement for inspections by the City of Idaho Falls seem to be
reasonable and efficient, and asked that the. City Attorney write a letter to this effect
after checking the correspondence from the Labor Department to see if anything else
is required.
New Business - In connection with his assignment to attend the District AIC Meeting,
Councilman Swensen received the support of. the Mayor and Council to approve the
name of City of Idaho Falls Councilman Gil Karst as a candidate for re -election
to the AlC Board. Councilman Swensen noted that the ditch watering schedules for
residents in the Original Townsite are. to be sent out by May 1, and that the L. D. S.
Church officials have been notified that the water will be turned into the ditch about
May 15 so the culvert work which is to be done there must be completed before that
time. Councilwoman Dille asked for ideas on how to handle the contest for painting
fire hydrants, and mentioned that she is preparing the application form.
Councilman Swensen moved to adjourn at 11 :45 P. M. ; seconded by Councilman Lee.
Claims were approved for payment prior
to the meeting.
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May 5, 1976
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7: 35 P. M. by George Wehmann, with the
following City Officials present:
Mayor George Wehmann
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman Marvin Anderson
Councilman Francis Lee
Councilman Carol A. Dille
Engineer David E. Benton
Asst. Attorney Franklin Smith
Maint. Supervisor LaVern Williams
Maint. Employee Gene Simpson (Part Time)
Office Clerk Aleen Jensen
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