Council Minutes 07/03/1974 (2)
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July 3, 1974
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:55 P.M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow
with the following City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Clerk Deon Hemingway
Councilman Russell N. Swensen Engineer David E. Benton
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney Asst. Attorney Franklin Smith
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
Councilman Brent Hirschi
Prayer was offered by Councilman Anderson.
of June 19, 1974 were approved as typed.
The minutes of the meeting
Prior to the opening of the meeting, time was give~ to Blaine GOdfrey
of 3090 Sunnyside Road who _acted as spokesman for the following citizens
wpo were present: Wilmer Lee, Lester Nelson, Afton GOdfrey, Hazel Empey,
Mrs. J.E. Bunch, Vera Lee, Marjorie Judy, Clifford Judy, Carla Judy,
Dan Judy, and Jane Infanger (Lennis Tirrell came in later during the
evening). Mr. Godfrey explained that the residents along Sunnyside Road
near the west city limits were concerned about the intentions of the City
with regard to the larger waterline which was planned in th€ present
water system improvement project in that area. He indicated that the
water pressure is very poor there. Engineer Benton explained that no
decisions have been made to definitely cut out any part of the project,
and the most pressing needs would certainly be taken care of. According
to Mayor Turnbow, the new waterline will be put in on Sunnyside Road as
The first item of official business was a presentation by R~nce Bare of
Ellsworth Engineering on the preliminary plat of the proposed Hollycove
Park Addition, to be located immediately south of Hillsdale Division No.
I 3 off of Eagle Drive, which has been recommended for approval by the
Planning and Zoning Commission. The Council's feelings were requested
before a final plat is drawn up. Mr. Bare reported that the Planning
. Commission had indicated concern about the limited amount of access to
the project, and noted that plans for the future show ultimate capabili-
ties for four access areas. Mayor Turnbow inquired about the width of
the access easement along the canal and Sand Creek, and requested that
it be made clear that the City will have no obligation for any of the
irrigation system in or around the project which is the responsibility
of the ditch owner. He suggested that the developer have all water rights
transferred off the property before any lots are sold. Matters pertain-
ing to the sewer line and lift station were discussed, and Engineer Ben-
ton suggested that the land owner to the south be approached about run-
ning the sewer line through his property rather than putting in the lift
station, which Mr. Bare said would be done. A question was asked about
planning for a park, to which the reply was th~ the Planning and Zoning
Commission had not mentioned this at all. A thorough discussion later
in the meeting resulted in the following motion: Councilman Swensen
moved that the Hollycove Park Addition Preliminary plat be approved with
the conditions as outlined: that an access easement be allowed around
the canal and Sand Creek, that the lift station be _at the south perimeter
of the property, that the west side of the project be fenced, and that
I there be temporary culdesacs at the southerly end of each street. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting Swensen, yes; Hirschi,
yes; Anderson, no; Cheney, yes. Motion carried. It was noted that there
was some disagreement expressed on width of streets, size of lots, and
lack of parks.
Two visitors, Paul Merrell and Kathy Braniff, inquired and were informed
that there would be no action on the proposed Local Improvement District
for sewer servic~ lines at this meeting, and all those concerned will be
notified about the official assessment roll hearing. ~layor Turnbow com-
mented that the matter is still under advisement with the City Attorney,
and it now looks possible to have all assessment payments taken out of
the monthly charges.