Council Minutes 09/19/1973 (2)
Sept. 19, 1973
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meeting was called to order
following City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow
Councilman Russell N. Swensen
Councilman James H. Southwick
Councilman Gerald B. Cheney
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson
at 7: 35 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with the
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Attorney W. Joe Anderson
Engineer David E. Benton
(Arrived at 8:00 P. M. )
Others present during the meeting were Karan Gust, Sonja Griffeth, Gloria Harris,
W. Harvey Olson (all residents of Sabin Drive), D. J. Wilson (Post-Register reporter),
A. Wm. Brunt Jr., Reese Brown, and G. Earl Brunt.
Prayer was offered by Councilman Cheney. Minutes of the meeting of Sept. 5, 1973,
w~re approved as typed.
W. Harvey Olson, representing the citizens of Sabin Drive, presented a prepared
statement requesting further consideration of dips or bumps on that street to help
eliminate speeding problems and danger to children's lives. He stated that the
problem is a physical one and requires a physical solution. Thanks was expressed to
the City for re-erecting the speed limit sign and increased patrolling in the area. Time
was given to Councilman Southwick to review the feelings of the volunteer Fire
Department personnel, indicating that they would refuse to drive emergency vehicles
on a street if speed control devices were installed. Councilman Swensen noted that
he had asked for additional patrolling immediately after the Sabin Drive delegation
attended the Council Meeting in July, and that the speed limit sign was not found for
a few days but is now up; also a stop sign has been installed at the south end of the
street and a traffic count check was made over the past fourteen days. Mr. Olson
reported that he had taken some readingS on the counter and found that it was not
working during the last few days, so the total reading would not be valid. Assur-
ance was given by Mayor Turnbow that the problem was not being ignored, but the
City had been advised by legal counsel not to put in speed bumps or dips; also
relief from the amount of traffic on Sabin Drive should be forthcoming next year
when it is expected that Midway Avenue will be opened up to be a thoroughfare from
17th Street to Sunnyside Road. It was decided to have a cros swalk painted near the
middle of the block on Sabin Drive and school crossing signs erected on either side
(Mrs. Griffeth indicated that the mothers would take turns directing the school
children to use the crosswalk). Also the property owners present are to contact
the others on the street to see what the feeling would be for establishing a Local
Improvement District to install sidewalks which would help keep the children off
the street. Mayor Turnbow acknowledged that the city's Traffic Safety Commission
is not active at this time since some terms have expired and reappointments have
not been made.
A. Wm. Brunt Jr. reviewed letters received by him recently regarding financing
problems for the Eastgate Mobilehome Village indicating that most of the problem
is the anticipated increase in water and sewer rates when the trailerpark is
required to use the sewer services of the City of Ammon thus making o}leration of
the busines s not financially rewarding' City officials pointed out that the Brunts
and the financing agency (FHA) knew that Ammon rates were higher than those of
Idaho Falls when the project was started seve ral years ago, and that the payments
on the city's water and sewer project bonds was based on including the monthly
charges to the mobilhome residents. It was also noted that the City Council had
made an official policy in 1971 that all residents of the City would be charged a
uniform rate for water, etc. Afte~ considerabl, more discussion, Engineer
Benton suggested a check could be made into the possibility of giving some credit
which could lower the charge for sewer services since the sewer lines have already
been put in at the trailerpark at Brunts I expense so do not have to be included in
the forthcoming city project. A recommendation on this will be requested from the
Project Engineer, Larry Perkins. Dr. Brunt's sUggestion to have the mobile home
area set up on a commercial basis for sewer service will also be investigated. In
response to a commerr! made by Mr. Reece Brown, Manager of the Eastgate Mobile-
home Village, that perhaps some consideration on rates should be given inasmuch