Council Minutes 08/21/1972
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Severa questions for the consideration of the Council with policies needed to be
made i regards to the Water and Sewer Project were presented by Engineer Benton
as foll ws: (1) how to treat connections for houses constructed but occupancy delayed
until a er sewer line is put in; (2) when additonal charge is to be started; (3) how
much the charge is to be for sewer and how much water (He. recommended
$H50 f r water improvements and $5.00 for sewer so Jennie Jean residents can
be bill d for the part that represents water system improvements. Councilman
Richar son suggested doubling the existing water rate for Jennie Jean users as
being t of the City Limits, as most other cities do, could accomplish this purpose
and wo ld be possible since the contract specifies that the rate is to be set by the
uncil from time to time.>
Mayor urnbow read a letter from the State Department of Health offering congratu-
lations regarding the passing of the Sewer Bond Election. He also referred to a
note of appreciation from Mrs. Norman Baker for kindnesses shown during the
illness and death of her husband.
Counci man Cheney moved to adjourn;
The meting adjourned at 10: 30 P. M.
seconded by Councilman Richardson.
Claims were approved for payment.
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August 21, 1972
of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The meting was called to order at 7: 35 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow, with the
follow' g City Officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow
Counc' man Russell N. Swensen
Counc' man Lynn C. Richardson
Counc' man Marvin J. Anderson
Counc' man Gerald B. Cheney
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Maint. Supv. LaVern Williams
Engineer David Benton arrived at 7:45 P. M.
Attorney W. Joe Anderson arrived at 9:05P. M.
was offered by Councilman Russell N. Swensen. Minutes of the regular
of August 7, 1972, were read and approved.
ation of young people was present consisting of Mike Weidauer of 2920 Teton St.
esman, Clay Bagley, Jeff Perry, Doug Perry, Mike Sandoval, Nathan Nazer,
enning, Terrie Luthy, Gloria Bruderer, Eldon Ball, Patty Bruderer, Renee
Christ fferson, Cindy Croft, and Jeff Garner. Other interested citizens present were
Gary utterworth, LaRae Butterworth, Garde Bowman, David Crouch, Gwen Monson,
Joan try, Laverne Nazer, Madge Clark, Joyce Chriswell, Rodney Ragan, Carol
Ragan, George Wehman, Don Anderson, and Neahl Johnson.
As sp esman re.tJresenting the ddegation of young people, Mike Weidauer inquired
about e rumored resignation of Patrolman Sherid Lindsey, and expressed the opinion
that s h action would be a loss to the City as heis respected and liked by the youth
in the roup present. .:lome of the other residents present complained about Patrol-
man L ndsey's lack of enforcement against problems of excessive nighttime noises.
Consi rable discus sion followed concerning other problem areas of the Police De-
partm nt. Councilman Swensen and Mayor Turnbow thanked the peo.tJle for expressing
their 'ews, and noted that the situation would be taken under advisement. Mention
was al 0 made of the concern of residents about a home being built on Falcon Drive
withou a garage which does not conform to the style of other homes in the subdivision,
and th people were advised that situations of this nature come under the regulations
of the estrictive covenants and are not in viol?-tion of any City Ordinance. A
sugge ion was made that the City endeavor to have building permit requirements
unifor with re stricti ve covenants.
#5 We
ohnson requested an understanding regarding the request by the City through
r Benton to purchase a 100 -foot strip of pror=>erty from him adjacent to the
in Jennie Jean Acres, with an offer being made of $100 down and the balance