Council Minutes 05/01/1972
Council an Holm moved that the meeting adjourn.
Claims iwere approved for payment.
Meeting adjourned at 12:45 A. M.
rJ/iiL c$ N~
May 1, 1972
Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
The Me ting was called to order
followi Ig City Officials present:
Mayor ,eith C. Turnbow
Council an Russell N. Swensen
Council an Lynn C. Richardson
Council an Donald J. Holm
Council' an Marvin J. Anderson
at 7:40 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with the
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Attorney W. Joe Anderson
Engineer David Benton
Engineer Larry Perkins
Prayer Iwas offered by Councilman Richardson. Minutes of the meeting of April 17
were r fi.d and approved.
The ma ter of a Building Permit for a work and storage building requested by Vaughn
Wadsw ~th was discussed as concerned with the need to grant a zoning variance be-
cause t :e present zoning map has an error on it. Councilman Richardson moved that
the Cou cil approve Building Permit No. 1378 for Mr. Wadsworth to build a commer-
cial bui ding on his property. Seconded by Councilman Holm. Voting all in favor;
motion arried. '
Regard'hg obtaining an easement agreement from Fred Kvardfordt, Engineer Benton
reporte that he had prepared some preliminary sketches of lot sizes for Mr.
Kvardf ~dt, and expected a decision from him soon. Attorney Anderson was asked
to have ~he agreement drawn up and taken care of as soon as possible.
After c nsideration of the request from the Jennie Jean developers for extra part-
icipatio: by the City on the extension of the waterlin e in that area, the Council de-
cided t j stay with the recommendations made in the motion of April e, and acknow-
ledged at the City should put in three fire hydrants on the existing waterline there at
some a propriate future time.
Mayor . urnbow requested a meeting with the Engineers to review cost estimates on
the pro ased sewer and water project, and Monday, May 8, 7: 30 .P. M., was set as
a t~ntat ve time. Attorney Anderson reported that he has presented a proposed sewage
treatIne, t cost agreemeIt for the consideration of the City of Idaho Falls, which should
be itevi wed at the Idaho Falls Public Works meeting this week. A discussion indicated
that inf rmation for the Local Evaluation Report is needed by May 10, and the City
shduld y for a bond election sometime in July. In to a request by Mayor
Turnbo , Councilman Richardson moved that Mr. Larry Perkins of Forsgren, Perkins
& Assoc ates be designated as the. responsible engineer for the Ammon Sewer and Water
Project lin accordance with the letter received from HUD officials dated Aprill9, 1972,
Refere pe No. 1O.2PMS(Lang)22l-260I. Seconded by Councilman Swensen. . Voting all
in favor' motion carried. Also a letter from Region 10 EPA was given to Mr. Perkins,
whO not, d that a hearing will be required.
with tri '
an Swensen agreed to write a letter to the National Guard requesting help
ming and hauling tree limbs on Saturday, may 20, during the City Clean-up
Benton explained the results of the testing of the Peterson Park Well, and
nded that the pump be run this summer the same as it was last year.