Council Minutes 04/17/1972 I L~ c..o Cf: ~ - co CQ I I 1.._ _ "28;; Cou~cil an Swensen mentioned that he has not yet obtained results of a legal research reg~rdin the irrigation ditch watering schedule. Eng"neer Benton reviewed the developments regarding A. W. Brunt's sewer line for Eas gate Mobile Village, indicating that it would probably be the City's advantage to hav this I a temporary line which could be abandoned later for connecting to the Am on fystem. . I i As for peo for d by Farmers Home Administration officials regarding application for funds er system, a questionare survey has been prepared to get the feelings of the Lincoln, Iona, and Ammon areas outside of city limits concerning need se er line, and all councilmen were assigned an area to cover. ppenings with the Bonneville County Council of Governments (COG) were , as well a$ trees for the parks and suggested uses for funds which the b has to spend on Lions Park. Plans for a spring clean-up time in the also mentioned. Mayor Turnbow will start taking applications for a full- for summer. an Anderson moved that the meeting adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Holm. djourned at 10: 50 P. M. Claims were approved for paym.ent. ~~:td--&~ ~ Mayor CITY OF' AMMON April 17 , 1972 M" j lnllte s f the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The imee ing was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Council Chairman Russell N. Swerisen, with the following City Officials present: Cou~cil n Russell N. Swensen Attorney Franklin Smith Couri.cil n Lynn C. Richardson Maint. Supv. LaVern Williams Co~rt.cil n Marvin J. Anderson Asst. Maint. Supv. Norman Baker Gourtcil n Donald J. Holm City Engineer David Benton Clerk De n Hemingway Engineer Larry Perkins Attorney W. Joe Anderson Mayor Keith C. Turnbow arrived at approximately 7:50 P. M. Othejrs p esent during the meeting were Doyle Jones, Wayne Peterson, Fred Kvardfordt, and .Reed Moss. Prayer read! and s offered by Councilman Holm. pproved. Minutes of the meeting of April 3, 1972, were Mr. Doy Jones of Servisoft Soft Water Co., was present to discuss arrangments for havihg a -inch water service line put into the building on 17th St. near Sabin Dr. where he i$ pre aring to move his business. Since the owner of the adjacent property will not allow the line to be installed at the location of the present 3/4-inch line which is not on an ease nt, it was decided to run the pipe from the main on Sabin Dr. along the south side of 1 h St. The charge to Mr. Jones will be the regular fee for a 2-inch hookup in addition 1/2 of the cost of a 6 -inch line($2.1O per foot) for tIE distance 4':Ji.. his property frontage. Mr. Jones explained that the funds to be received from Urban Renewal to relodate is business do not include money for a water meter, and he requested to go on a set onthly rate with adjustments made when needed. After the Council had consiidere the records presented by Mr. Jones, Councilman Richardson moved that a waller r te of six (6) times the normal resident rate be set for Mr. Doyle Jones of Servisoft oft Water Co., 3250 E. 17th St., due to the fact that his previous usage of watet ine City of Idaho Fa'ts has been an average of six (6) times the normal household rate'l Se onded by Councilman Holm. Voting was all in favor; motion carried. With regatd to an inquiry about getting the proposed extension of Midway Street opened along side bf hi property, Mr. Jones was advised to contact Mr. Ross McCowin, the landowner. ---~