Council Minutes 03/06/1972 I ....", i..O Cf: - ........ co co I I "I 2FIH EPA andjldaho Health Dept. will pay 75% of af:l.Y sewer project they approve. Est:ilmat6!d figures arle: Sewer cost--$1. 5 million, water improvements--$. 4 million, for ~ tot4l of $1. 9 mUlion over 40 years. Local cost of $1. 0 million. and $. 9 million gratltt. 1the total cos1t per user per month would be $9.00 to .$9.80. This included the pre~ent $5 per montlj1 per user water charge. This would be an additional charge of $4. ~O tOil.$4. 80 per u~er per month. The key questions are: (1) Is it something that can Ibe fUinded? (2) Js the project something that can be accepted by the people? Fin~n ci~g: HUD, g~ant; EPA and Idaho Health Dept., grant; FHA, loan money. Actlal c~st for prop~rty owner $3.00 per foot--from property line to owner's home; no ~ook-li1p charge. , , I MaJor T~rnbow asked Larry V. Perkins and David E. Benton if the two firms could wo;~ tog~ther on the project. Mr. Perkins responded that for his part he felt they cou~d wo~k together. It was agreed that Perkins .and Benton would meet Saturday afternoo~ in regards to the possibility of joining forces on the project--Perkins will notity th~ City of Ammon Monday morning through Councilman Richardson. 'i Eng~nee1i1 David E. Benton brought the City Council up to date on the 17th Street proj!ect, fland discussed sewer plans and concepts. Couhcilnli.an Holm moved to adjourn, adjdurne~ at 12:05 A.IM. I seconded by Councilman Anderson. The meeting cY(ffh~' MJ~ Mayor .,JJ~ . : r. c~7 ,,i . CITY OF AMMON February 14, 1972 Minutes <lif the SpeciaJ Meeting of the City Council; The mee~~ng was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Councilman Russell N. Swensen with the ~~llowing present: Councilml~n Russell~. Swensen Couriclimlfi.n Donald J l Holm Councilman Lynn C. iRichardson C ounci1~~n Marvin JI. Ande r s on ar ri ve d at 8: 30 P. M. Engineer~ and Watelt , Ii CouI1ci1m1~n Richardslon moved that after discussion of the Ammon City Sewe.r and Water Proj~ct aj~ presentedlby Mr. Benton and Mr. Perkins and as outlined.in their report of Feb. 14, IJ972, that w~ authorize them to proceed on the preliminary design of the Ammon City'Sew~r and Wate:tl Project as requested at all possible speed. Seconded by Courici1ml~n Holm. Voting: Richardson, yes; Holm, yes; Anderson, yes; Swensen, yes. Motibn c~rried. ! David Bit..ton and Larry Perkins presented the status of th Ammon Sewer Project. A 1englliy discussion was held. Cou~ci1~~n Richardspn moved to adjourn. Meeting ~djourned at!8:55 P. M. .. I !I I :1 Seconded by Councilman Anderson. ~-C~ Mayor I I Min~tes " ,. CITY OF AMMON March 6, 1972 the Regtt1afr Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: I I ___L_ __ uJl. _J_ .1 .