Council Minutes 02/14/1972 (2)
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EPA andliIdaho Health Dept. will pay 750/0 of any sewer project they approve.
Esdrnat~!d figures a~e: Sewer cost--$1. 5 million, water improvements--$. 4 million,
for ~ tot~l of $1. 9 mi:llion over 40 years. Local cost of $1. 0 million. and $.9 million
gra~t. 1rhe total cosit per user per month would be $9.00 to $9. 80. This included the
pre$ent $5 per month. per user water charge. This would be an additional charge of
$4. ~O to 1:$4.80 per user per month. The key questions are: (1) Is it something that
can Ibe fUnded? (2) 1s the project something that can be accepted by the people?
Finan citig: HUD, gl:1ant; EPA and Idaho Health Dept., grant; FHA, loan money.
Actlial CQst for property owner $3.00 per foot--from property line to owner's home;
no Hook-up charge.
Mayor Turnbow askeid Larry V. Perkins and David E. Benton if the two firms could
work tog~ther on the project. Mr. Perkins responded that for his part he felt they
cou]d wo~k together.i It was agreed that Perkins .and Benton would meet Saturday
aftel-noo~ in regards to the possibility of joining forces on the project--Perkins will
notity th~ City of Ammon Monday morning through Councilman Richardson.
Engineer' David E. Benton brought the City Council up to date on the 17th Street
project, i~:l.nd discussed sewer plans and concepts.
Couhcilnl1an Holm m<l>ved to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Anderson. The meeting
adjourned at 12:05 A. M.
I Clerk,
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February 14, 1972
Minl1tes cbf the Special Meeting of the City Council;
The mee~~ng was called to order at 8:00 P. M. by Councilman Russell N. Swensen
with the ~bllowing present:
council~fl. n Russell N. Swensen
Courtcli~an Donald J~ Holm
Cou:dcilrr$.n Lynn C. Richardson
Council~~n Marvin J. Anderson arrived at 8:30 P. M.
Engilneer~ David Bit..ton and Larry Perkins presented the status of th Ammon Sewer
and Watelt Project. A lengMy discussion was held.
Council~an Richardson moved that after discussion of the Ammon City Sewe.r and Water
Project ajki presented by Mr. Benton and Mr. Perkins and as their report of
Feb. 14, 11972, that we authorize them to proceed on the preliminary design of the Ammon
CityiSew~r and Water Project as requested at all possible speed. Seconded by n Holm. Voting: Richardson, yes; Holm, yes; Anderson, yes; Swensen, yes.
Motilbn c1rried. '
Courkil~~n Richardson moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Anderson.
Mee*ing ~djourned ati8:55 P. M.
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March 6, 1972
Mimltes ~f the Reg~lar Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:
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