Council Minutes 05/17/1971 I 1J:j r.o cv: ........ ........ :.Q co I I n i:: ("': Li 'l.) ;> Councilman Andersdm reported on the road repair work needed this summer with Do"Ve Drive 'considered to be the place to work first, with a spot on Central Avenue near the church lot especially needing to be done also. For waterline work, he recommended that 8-inch line be installed on one more block on Western Avenue. Attorney Anderson was asked to write to Wayne Petersen and Fred Karfordt to re- mind them that hook-ups and watering schedules in Jennie Jean Acres are under City of Ammon regulations and must be adhered to. Councilman Davidson reported on the progress of arranging for donated labor for constructing tennis courts, and also discussed the success of winter recreation activities. He was given permission to purchase some special equipment for the summer baseball program. The swimming pool manager for this summer will be Floyd Young with Mrs. Garde (Beverly) Bowman supervising the swimming lessons. It has been noticed that S6\eral glass blocks have been broken out at the swimming pool building, and the maintenance supervisor was instructed to repair this damage. A meeting concerning financing for a sewer system has been set up for May 19 with a representative of BUD from Portland according to Councilman Swensen, and re- vised estimates on the cost of sewer construction are to be prepared by Engineer Benton for the next council meeting on May 17. A letter from Mr. A. W. Brunt authorizing law enfoircement on EastgateDrive was read and found agreeable. Councilman Swensen asked that a special spring clean-up week be planned, and the week of May 3 - 8 was designated with trash collection to be made on Wednesday and Saturday in addition to the regular gar9age days that week. It was decided to arrange with the valJ'ious scout troops to do the dean up on ci:typroperty and ditches. An increase, in the garbage collection rates was discussed in accordance with the de- cision made! when the need for a new garbage truck was determined and the 1971 budget was set up. Councilman Davidson moved that, due to the need for improved equip- ment (a new garbage truck) and the anticipated charge placed on the city by the county for disposal of garbage in the sanitary landfill areas, that the cost of garbage and water service for the City of Ammon be increased one dollar per month making a total,', of $1;,(J0 for each family unit effective May 1, 1971. Seconded by Councilman Swensen. Voting: Davidson, yes; Anderson, yes; Swensen, yes; (Richardson absent). Motion carried. As lrepoltted: by LaVern Williams and David Benton, the.'~prinkler system in McCowin Partk haSl been turned on and checked for problems that have developed during the winter. An iappointment has been made with the man from Hartwell Excavating Co. to get actiort going on making the neces sary repairs as well as correcting the problems not solved d,-uing in$tallation last year. COWlcilman Swensen moved for adjournment. Monthly.clailms were approved for payment. '==f~ -r: ~LliAf h-<-<r. Mayor The meeting adjourned at 10: 30 P. M. L~ " Cler~ CITY OF AMMON May 17, 1971 RegularlMe~ting of the Mayor and City Council: Th& meeting was called to order by Mayor Turnbow at 7 :45 P. M., with the following City Officials present: Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Councilman!Russell N. Swensen Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Councilman Gary L. Davidson Councilman Lynn C. Richardson Clerk Deon Herrrihgway Engineer David Benton Maint. Supv. LaVern Williams Asst. Maint. Supv. Norman Baker Franklin Smith representing Attorney W. Joe Anderson Prayer was, offered by Councilman Davidson. Minutes were read and approved. A suggestion lily the Association of Idaho Cities to adopt an ordinance regulating large public assemblies was considered along with anti-loitering and anti-littering statutes. Further study and advice from Attorney Anderson was needed before action could be taken. _l.l cO I H