Council Minutes 12/14/1970
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December 14, 1970
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council.
The meetin~ was called to order by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow at 8:00 P. M. with the
following City officials present:
Mayor ~eith C. Turnbow City Clerk Deon Hemingway
Councilman Lynn C. Richardson Maint. Supv. LaVern E. Williams
Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Asst. Maint. Supv. Norman Baker
Counci1man Gary L. Davidson Attorney W. Joe Anderson
Councilman Russell Swensen was excused (out of town) and Engineer David Benton
arrived at 8:30 P. M.
Prayer was offered by Councilman Gary L. Davidson.
Minutes of the meeting of November 16, 1970, were read and approved.
The first item of business was a demonstration of a copying machine by Richard
Mason of Holladay's Office Supplies. The machine was left in the office for a trial
pe riod.
Attorney Anderson was on hand to review the tax information in preparation for
drawing up the budget for 1971. He reported the 1970 assessed valuation of Ammon
as $1, 464, 64~ as compared to $1,876,484 for 1969, and advised that a request for
an increase of more than four per cent over this year's tax certification would have
to go before the State Tax Commission before July 15. Mr. Anderson reconlmended
that, if a sub~tantial increase in revenue is needed, it be raised through some other
method than taxes which are always a sore spot with the citizens.
Mayor Turnbow asked Attorney Anderson if the city could legally turn back the
Peterson Par~ weU to the Bank of Commerce. Mr. Anderson requested that this
matter be r'eferred to someone else since he also represents said bank, and it was
decided that Attorney Reed Moss be asked to give an opinion.
Attorney Anderson reviewed the legal procedure for handling delinquent LID
accounts. ~duncilman Richardson moved that Delinquency Certificates be filed
whenever a person or persons become delinquent on LID assessments, and after
the two yeats has elapsed from the date of the Certificate and the delinquency has
not been cleared, the Council will take the proper action. Seconded by Councilman
Davidsotl." jVct>ting: Richardson, yes; Anderson, yes; Davidson, yes. Motion 'carried.
A definite piolicy of notice and turn off on delinquent water accounts was established,
with action ~o, be taken through the Attorney in cases where there is no shut-off valve.
Upon inquir~ from Councilman Davidson, Attorney Anderson advised that the City
assumes ani obligation for liability for injury in its recreation programs, on the
p1ayground~, and at the swimming pool, if the City is at fault based upon negligence.
Councilman Richardson inquired if the City license fees could be changed by resolution
until the re opification of the City Ordinances is complete, and it was determined that
such act(ion wpuld first require pas sing an ordinance to this effect. Attorney Anderson
reminde!d t e,Council that license fees should only be for regulation and not for revenue.
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decided Ito
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$upervisor LaVern Williams recommended the purchase of a portable
p~ement the existing sump pumps for water drainage problems and
change in the size of the screens in the sump pumps. Regarding the
r spots near a number of mail boxes specified by the Postoffice, it was
are Waters Construction Co. haul some gravel and pumice for this
tp have them also fill in some of the street corners where needed.
The 197qP o*ressive Irrigation District tax notice received by the City was discussed
with Att<<l>rn y Anderson who advised that the City is obligated to pay this year as
committed y the former Council and Mayor, and suggested that the property owners
again try to get petitions signed for releasing water rights which can not be done for
one black a Cli time. Councilman Anderson was asked to have Laurence Ricks of the
Progreslsiv hrigation District present at the next meeting and Mayor Turnbow will
try to gE1t a clilange made on the present assessment.