Council Minutes 10/19/1970
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offer, and recommerided that this and other items such as business licenses,
changes in water rates for churches, etc., be worked on and ready to go for the
first of next year. Councilman Richardson withdrew his second to the motion,
and Councilman Anderson seconded it. Voting: Davidson, yes; Anderson, yes;
Richardson, no; Swensen, no. Vote tied. Mayor Turnbow voted yes. Motion
Councilman Davidson proposed that he would like to ask someone to serve as
Recreation Director as a public service, especially at this time for the City-
sponsored basketball during the winter months. The Mayor considered this to
be a good proposal.
Councilman Anderson reviewed the cost of the road work (graveling, etc.) and
repair of pumps, and reported that, in view of the money spent on these projects,
there is 1I:1ohe available for further street improvement this year.
Councilman Swensen moved that the meeting adjourn. Councilman Richardson
seconded. Meeting adjourned at 12:15 A. M.
Monthly bills were approved for payment.
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October 19, 1970
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow at 8:00
with the following City officials present:
Mayor Keith C. Turnbow
Councilman .Marvin J. Anderson
C,c Councilman Lynn C. Richardson
! Councilman Gary L. Davidson
Attorney Joe And~rson and Councilman Russel N. Swensen
arrived later.
Clerk Deon Hemingway
Enginee r David Benton
Asst. Maint. Supv. Norman
Pray~r was offered by Councilman Gary L. Davidson.
Minu1es of qJe meeting held September 21, 1970, were read and approved.
Joe ~ell of Yost Office Systems demonstrated duplicating and copying machines,
and p ices and need were discussed. Mayor Turnbow mentioned that he had
been pproached by a salesman to purchase a check protector machine, but
the C unci! felt that there was not a need for this at present. Also the Mayor
repor ed that he had received an inquiry from the Ross McCowins regarding
the p ssi!bi~ity of the City purchasing their land which lies west of the road
along the west boundary of McCowin Park. Again the Council members felt
that t is 'Would not be of any advantage to the City at this time. Representatives
of a company which handles radar for checking traffic speed did not appear at
the eet~n$ as had been requested.
Mayo T1I1rhbow asked Councilman Richardson to attend a meeting at the
Idh,ho Falls City Building at 8:00 A. M. October 22 pertaining to flood control
on Sa d <;;reek this corning winter.
Mr. enton was asked to draw up the plans for tennis courts. The Mayor
indic ted' that the Presidency of the L. D. S. Ammon Stake had been contacted
and h ve expressed a willingness to help with the labor for installing tennis
court Present plans are to have two courts built' immediately east of the
ing pool. to be expanded to four courts later on. Having checked with
communities where trouble has been experienced with asphalt courts,
Turnbow recommedned that concrete would be more suitable and more
ical for this purpose.
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