Council Minutes 07/20/1970 I t..":l c.t: ,"V" '. .. ....,... - :;:Q co I I 241 CITY OF AMMON July 20, 1970 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council. The meeting wasi.;lCalled to order by Council President Keith C. Turnbow at 7:40 P. M. with the following City officials present: Councilman Keith C. Turnbow Maintenance Supv. LaVern Williams Councilman Marvin Anderson Fire Chief Marvin McGary Councilman Lynn Ri~dson Clerk Deon Hemingway Attorney Joe Anderson arrived at 8:10 P. M. and Councilman Russell Swensen arrived at 8:30 P. M. Interested citizens present included Glen Southwick, Gladys Southwick, Jim Southwick, Ervan Southwick, Robert Beckstead, and two others. Prayer was offered by Councilman Marvin J. Anderson. Mr. Turnbow asked if any of the observers had business to discuss, at which time Jim Southwick turned in the sensing probe from the Curlew St. sump pump which he said had been pulled off and left laying there for the two previous weeks. Glen Southwick asked about burning of garbage, stating that someone in the area burns wet garbage consistently which gives off an offensive odor, and reference was made to the City Ordinance which prohibits any burning. Keith Turnbow reviewed the status of the city pumps as follows: The Peterson Park pump is turned on but is vibrating badly. Parts are ordered from Mel Brown Company. Mr. Dan Orr, representing that company, stated in a meeting this mo:rning that it could be as long as k 30 days before the parts come. Pump No.1 has the motor completely burned out, kand the shaft will need to be pulled to check on its condition. The city is doing everything possible to relieve the situtation. Since there is a possibility that funds needed to repair or replace these pumps might be more than the amount which can be expended legally without advertising for bids, Attornej W. Joe Anderson recommended that a 'resolution be pas sed to allow for emergency expenditure for this purpose which would also relieve the City of the kecessity of advertising for bids. Accordingly the foHowing resolution was made hy Councilman Anderson and seconded by Councilman Richards on: WHEREAS, two of the wells providing domestic and culinary water an and fire protection for the City of Ammon are in need of repairs and are presently not operating; WHEREAS, lack of capacity of such wells constitutes a hazard to health and property; NOW THEREFORE; it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Ammon that an emergency exists and that the public interest and necessity demand the immediate expenditure of such sums as necessary to repair such wells and pumps; FUR THER RESOL:i:ED, that bids be obtained for the necessary re- pairs. for such wells and pumps and the bid or bids most favorable to Ithe City be accepted and such repairs performe;d without the public ad~Ertisement for competitive bidding. Voting: Turnbow, yes; Anderson, yes; Swensen, yes; Richardson, yes. Resolution passed. f Fire Chief Marvin McGary reported on the progress of the repair of the fire siren to the. effect that Electrician Vernon Priest is making a wiring diagram so that othere can service the siren if necessary, and that there has been a delay irt the shipment of parts. Councilman byjl.n Richardson presented a petition from residents of Falcon Dr. asking fl)>r a speed check on that street. Attorney Anderson counseled that the placemelnt of a physical check, such as a bump, could be the basis for liability if injury resulted. Keith Turnbow mentioned that there is a possibility of using radar for better control of traffic within the city. _~:__________--L.....------.L___