Council Minutes 05/18/1970 I It:l CoO Cf: - - :.0 co I I / ') 3 r:.: ,,,.) , ",.1'",.1 ~~ fl.< CITY OF. AMMON May 18, 1970 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Ammon City Council, May 18, 1970. The meeting was caU-ed to order at 7:40 P. M. with the following City Officials present: Mayor Thomas D. Kershaw, Councilmen Keith Turnbow, Marvin Anderson, Lynn Richardson, Clerk Deon Hemingway, and Maintenance Super:;.. visor LaVern Williams. City Attorney W. Joe Anderson arrived at 8:15 P. M., and Councilman Russell Swensen at 8:45 P. M. Policeman Frank Ricks was present for part of the meeting as was Roland Romrell, an observer, Clerk Deon Hemingway read the minutes of the meeting held on April 20, 1970, which were approved with one correction--change 1;I,hoolt-up" to "hook-upsll~ in the motion regarding the Ted Kennedy request. Mayor Kershaw brought the Council up to date on the business of the April meeting as follows: The Kennedy request has been taken care of; A. W. Brunt now has Building Permitos; for homes being built on Falcon Dr.; the lettering on the street on Western Ave. has been gone over a'g:a.i:in with a weed burner; the needed bladework has been done; and Eugene Peterson had obtained a Building Permit from the previous administration. Mr. Paul Decker, representing himself and Keith Hansen, was present to discuss the matter of using the area which has been designated for Meadow Lane between Owen and Rawson Streets to get into his property on that block, which right he has been denied by Mrs. Evelyn Robison. The minutes of the City Council Meeting held on Dec. 13, 1965, were read stating that the Robisons had asked that the right-of-way for the street in question be moved 29. 5 feet to the east for which they, in turn, would furnish a Quit Claim Deed to the City for an equal amount of their land. Councilman Keith Turnbow moved that the Council take this matter under advisement and let Attorney Joe Anderson advise them, Mr. Decker, and Mrs. Robison of what legally can be done. Councilman Richardson seconded the motion. Voting: Turnbow, yes; Anderson, yes; Richardson, yes; Swensen, not present. Motion carried. Mr. Decker had in his possesion an Abstract of Title and photostatic copy of agreement made between the City and the Robisons which he left for the attorney to examine. On hand to inquire what could be done about horses owned by Vern Covington and kept in a lot in their block was a delegation of neighbors consisting of Mr.' and Mrs. Ed Calkins, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McGary, Helese Knight, and Denzel Hansen. It was determined that Mr. Covington was not in violation of the City Code with regard to keeping animals, but he could be approached for allowing the horses to be a nuisance because of his lax way of caring for them. Councilman Turnbow moved that Attorney Joe Anderson be :requested to write a letter to Mr. Covington informing him of the grievances expressed by the delegation at the Council Meeting pertaining to his horses as a nuisance and that he is held responsible for these horses under the nuisance law. Councilman Richardson seconded the motion. Voting: Turnbow, yes; Anderson, yes; Richardson, yes; Swensen, not present. Motion carried. Maps for the Fire Department prepared by City Engineer David Benton as requested in the meeting of March 16 were given toFire Chief Marvin McGary, who observed that the maps were not done as expected with color codingp whieh he would still like to have done. Mayor Kershaw reported that he had met with Mr. Wright regarding the tele,- cable agreement which was made some months ago. The company has started laying cabiei in Idaho Falls and will move on into Ammon when the work is com- pleted there which will probably be sometime next year. Former Mayor Mel Richardson had not obtained the necessary signatures and notorazition on the agreement, but this has now been taken care of. _' _" ,_.il:;.,.___..__ ....... ..----....,...'..n_'.._"_~~.,___>:Ii__