Council Minutes 01/05/1970
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The retiring niembers of the Council offered their services to the new ad-
ministration irt helping ~ith the recodifying.
Councilman Heer proposed that the Council have a gavel made up for
Mayor Richardson stating his years of service--it was seconded by Council-
man Turnbow. The Cle:rk called for a vote and all Councilmen voted in favor.
Councilman Heer also suggested that a plaque be made up with names of the
Councilmen and years of service.
The monthly bills were approved for payment.
.. Mayor Richardson declared the meeting adjourned at 11: 50 P. M.
. Clerk
Minutes ofa ~~ meeting for the new year was held on
Monday, January 5, 1970 at 7: 30 P. M. in the City Hall. Prayer was given
by Councilman Turnbow.
Present at the meetin,g were Thomas D. Kershaw, Keith Brown, Marvin
J. Anderson, Lynn Richardson, Russell IN. Swensen, Leo Heer, and Clerk
Jesse E. Bunnell.
Thomas D. Kershaw was sworn in as the new Mayor of the City of
Ammon, by <:;lerk Jesse E. Bunnell. Marvin J. Anderson and Russell N.
Swen~.en werei sworn in as new Councilmen for the City of Ammon, by
Mayor Thoma$D. Kershaw.
Mayor Kershaw asked for nominations for Pres. of the Council. Council
man Swelflse~ y.ominated Councilman Turnbow. It was secon~ed by Council Ri.cha. rd~on. .counc. Anderson.. moved that nominations cease..
Seconded by Cpuncilman Councilman Richards.on. M.ayor asked for vote
which wa~' tak~n by the Clerk and was unanimous in Javor of Councilman
- Turnbow 'for F1r~siden.t. ;. . . . . .
Mayor Ker~haw asked Leo Heer to explain the situation in the City Pol-
ice Dept., wh~ch he did. He explained that Chief Ricks wanted to step down
as Chief of Pcilice. .
Keith Brown arrived at 8: 30 P. M. and explained the year-end budget
figures, to the Council.
Councilman Richardson made a proposal that each Councilman work on
their departm~nts and have a b.udget proposed and ready for next Council
meeting,. January 19, 1970- for the year 1970 for the City of Ammon.
Councilman Turnbow seconded the motion. All votes infirmative.
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Keith Bro~ finished his discussion and gave help to the new Council.
He left at 11: l5lp. M.
Councilman Swensen moved we retain the present City Cler.k and Police
Judge.-...Jesse ~unnell, City Attorney Joe Andersoi1., . ang. City Engineer Dave
Benton at the slame salary and retainer fee, until such time as tal! 1__ .J.b~
get is adopted., Seconded by Councilman Turnbow, Voting was unaminious in
the infirmativel.