Council Minutes 11/17/1969
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Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and
Council of the City of Ammon held Monday, November 17, 1969
at the CitynHall. Meeting commenced, at,8:l5P. M. Presiding
and conducting was Mayor Melvin Richardson. Prayer was
offered by Councilman Lynn C. Richardson.
Present were Mayor Richardson, Councilman Leo ~eer,
Lynn C. Richarsson, Attorney Joe Anderson, May.or-elect
Thomas D. Kershaw, Councilmen-elect Russell N. Swensen,
and Marvin J. Anderson. Also present were Chief Ricks, Patrol-
man Harvey E. Dann, and Officer Kenneth C. Nilsson,. Main-
tenance Foreman, Lavern Williams, Ass It Lloyd Cousin, Fire
Chief Marvin McGary and Clerk Jesse E. Bunnell.
Mayor Richardson reported on the progress of the flood
control work being done on the east bank of Sand creek. The
_ Mayor then exp~in~d. .HiXthe ).gMJXl{ City officials were c.ont emplating
assuming the obligation of paying fOT the irrigation water in
Hillview and Peterson Par<l. which this year would amount to $247. 50.
Councilman Turnbow arrived at 8:45 P. M. Councilman Hear
Made a motion that the City assume the obligation of payi ng for the
irrigation water in Hillview and Peterson Park areas each year.
The motion was S3 seconded by Councilman Turnbow. The clerk called
for a vote and all presenf voted in favor.
Councilman Turnbow made a motion that the City request the Utah
Power <it Light Co. to install a street light of 20, 000 Lumens bet-
weem th Circle K Drive In and the Red Steer Drive in. The motion
yvas seconded by Councilman Richardson. The Clerk took a vote and
all Councilmen present voted in favor.
Councilman Heer explained the program of the Idaho Safety Council
. in making a survey of Ammon and it's needs in law enforcement and
traffic safety. He also expEined that there would be assistance from the
law enforcement planning commission.
Councilman Turnbow explained that the City sponsors basketball
through the winter season and he stressed the need for adult super-
vision. He said the fee to the players was $19(. $1. 50 for the se~son.
Engineer Dave Benton arrived at 9:15 P. M.
Mayor Richardson asked Dave Benton to explain the sprinkling
system for McCowin Park. Mr. Benton expaained that it was an
automatic system. Ernie I\.obison, who bid on the sprinkling system
through Hartwell Excavating showed four different types of sprinkler
heads. The bid originally was $9,694.00.
Mzyor Richardson asked Dave Benton to get together with Ernie
Robisob and see what price they can arrive at on the sprinkling
system by the next Council meeting.
Mayor Richardson stated that he was going to pass out sections
of the recodifying to various people to study between now and the next
Counci~meeting. He asked everyone assigned to make any comments
and suggestions on changes they felt should be made. Attorney
Anders;on ~gested that anything not pertinent be left out of the recod-
I failed to mention at the beginning of these minutes that the
minutes of the previous meeting were i1tead and approved. The monthly
bills were presented and approved for payment. Mayor Richardson
declared the meeting adjourned at 11:15 P. M.
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