Council Minutes 10/27/1969 I L":l r..o ~ <. ., - ........ co co I I 221: Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Ammon' hels. Monday, October 27, 1969 at the City Hall. Meeting commenced at 8:20 P. M. J.Presiding was Mayor Richardson. Prayer was offered by Councilman Keith Turnbow. Present at the me1eting were Mayor Richardson, ,Councilmen Leo Heer and Keith Turnbow. Also present were City Engineer Dave B'enton, Maintenance Sliperviso!" Lavern Williams, Ass It Loyd Coul1lin, Police Chief Frank Ricks, Harvey Dann, Marvin Anderson and Clerk Jesse Bunnell. Mayor Richardson stated the contract for the tennis courts had been awarded to :Kennaday Paving with completion date set for July 113" 1970. He said the contract for the sprinkling system had not been let. The following people were chosen to sectve at the election. As constable, Frank Ricks. As Judge of electil on Edgar C. Eiibson. As clerks, Vera Lee, Ethel Pickett, Lawana Nielsen, Rosalie Hutchens, Elmayne Bailey, Mrs: C. C. Richardson and Ethel Kelly. Councilman Turnbow made a motion that the foregoing people be appointed to serve on the Election November 4th, 1969. Councilman Heer Secomd the mbtion. The Clerk took a vote and all present voted in favor. Councilman Heer introduced Mr. Harvey Dann and made a motion that he be hired by the City at $2.75 per hour to cover the six nighttime hour~ as 'extra policeman, the hours to be determined later. The motion was seconded by Councilman Turnbow. The Clerk took a vote and all voted'in favor. Mayor Richardson stated that the following morning he was meeting with flood clllmtrol officials and he pointed out that there was a half mile north of 17th street that needed to be built up on the east bank and he said the county officials and flood control officials had agreed to help. Mayor Richardson stated he has discussed with A. W. Brunt the proposed trailer park and he told Mr. Brunt he felt this should wait until the election was over and then have another discussion on the park when the new Mayor- Elect and the new Councilmen-Elect couUll. sit in on the planning. Councilman Turnbow made a motion that the City have published the proposed franchise agreement with upper Valley Telecable Company, Inc. to furniSh cable T V to th:e residents of Ammon. The motion was seconded by Councilman Heer. The Clerk took a vote and all voted in favor. Mr. Wayne Peterson arrived at 10 P. M. to discuss the contract to sell the Fred & Wayn~s 0 the City. It was agreed that the existing families and any furthe milies hooking on to the system outside the City would be charged $5 per month. The agreement on the well became effective Julyl, 1969. The c.ontract ~ payment of $150.00 per month beginning July 1, 196~ ent of $900.00. The payments were to run for a period of years at the end of which the City makes a final payment of $110.00 and a deed to the welland all existing and future lines that may be made will be delivered to the City. The Oath of Office was administered to the new Officer, Harvey Dann by Clerk Jesse E. Bunnell at 10: 35 P. M. The monthly bills were approved for payment. Mayor Richardson declared the meeting adjourned at 11: 35 P. M.