Council Minutes 01/08/1968
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of tl"fe Mayor and council of the
City of Ammon held in the Council chambers January 8, 1968. Mfieting
convened at 8:05 ~ M. Mayor Richardson presided and conducted.
Prayer was offered by Councilman Roy Southwidk.
Present were Mayor Richardson, Councilmen Wehmann, Heer. Turnbow and
Southwick. Maintenance Supt. Lavern Williams, City Clerk Jesse E. Bunnell
and City Engineer David Benton and 15 city residents who had come to
discuss the sewer proposal. Mayor Richardson gave Harvey Crandall time
to present his propoealthat the City consider using Revenhe Bonds in
place of Local Improvement Districts as a means of financing the sewer.
Councilman Wehmann pointed out that by using the Revenue Bonds it would
be considerably more expensive. City Attorney .Joe Anderson arrived at
8:25 P M. Mayor Richardson pointed out that to postpone the sewer system
would only make it more expensive. Several of the residents presert ex-
pressed themselves as against the sewer system as proposed because it
was too expensive. Mayor Richardson explained that before a Bond election
a news letter would be sent out to every family in the City explaining in
detail the proposal for the sewer system.
Monty Howell stated that he wished to present claims tolthe City because
of rocks being in the water line and plugging up his plumbing.
Mayor Richardson told Mr. Howell that this claim would be referred to
the Citt's insdrance carrier for considerationf
Mayor Richardson discussed thd Council assigrunents. H'l!l~d.ltmm~ouncil
assignments Mayor Richardson proposed that the City make
the present Council chambers into a library and t~t the spave in back of
the present chambers be made into a Council chambers. The cost of
marterials for the pr1oposed change would be approximately $1200.00.
it was dedided to table the library proposal until the next Council meeting.
Councilman Heer made a motion that Jesse E. Bunnell be appointed as
Ammon City Police Judge. Councilman Turnbow seconded the motion. The
CJ.itrk was directed to call for a vote and all the Councilmen voted "Aye".
A Resolution was proposed by Councilman Wehmann and seconded by Council-
man Heer that the regular Council meeting be held on the 3rd MondaJ of the
month. The Clerk called for a vote and all Councilmen Voted "Aye".
Councilman Wehmann made a motion that the Council adopt the Resolution
as follows:
". .,
Whereas, The City of Ammon accepted an offer from the United States
Government for an advance for preparation of planning documents pertain-
ing to a public work described as premiminary planning for a sewage
collection system. and an outfall sewer to the IdaAb Falls sewer system
for use of Idaho Falls Treatment facilities; and
Whereas. Cornell Howland. Hayes & Merryfield. Inc. was engaged to
prepare the planning documents for the aforesaidd public work. and said
architect and/or engineer has completed documents ~nd sllem1fted them for
approval; and
Whereas. the completed planning documents have been carefully
studied and are considered to comprise adequate planning of the public
work essential to the community and within the financial ability of the
City of Ammon to construct;
Now, Therefore. be it resolved by the City Council. the governing
body of said applicant, that the planning documents submitted by Cornell,
Howland, Hayes & Merryfield. Inc. as the basis for detailed planning
of the sewage collection system and outfall sewer dated November 1967
and the statements in Form CFA-430, Request for Review and Approval of
Planning Documents, in connection with Housing and Home Finance Agency
Project No. P-Idaho-3073 be and the .1Ime-- are hereby approved; and that
certified copies of this .esolution be filed with the Housing and Home
Finance Agency.
The motion to adopt the above resolution was seconded by Councilman
Turnbow. The Clerk was directed to call for a vote and all Councilmen
voted "Aye". The monthly bills were approved for payment.
Keith Turnbow was sworn in as Councilman by Mayor Richardson. Jesse E.
Bunnell was sworn in as Ammon City Police Judge by Mayor Richardson.
Meeting was adjourned by Mayor Richardson at 12:25 A. M. .
City Clerk