Council Minutes 12/11/1967
MinuteS of the eegular monthly meeting of the Mayor aad Council of
the City of Ammon held in the Council chambers December 11< 1967.
Meeting convened at 8:10 P. M. Present were Mayor Richardson,
Councilmen Et'IlYWIl.~"Wehmann. H$er and Southwick and Lavern Williams and
Jesse Bunnell. Prayee was offered by Councilman Heer.
The Budget proposal was presented and discussed. The" rewritng of
Ordinances was discussed. Hiring of an extra man to assist Lavern
Williams wa~ discussed. It was decided to hold public meeting for
presenting Sewwr proposal Wednesday Jan. 3, 1968 at the Junior High
School. Morlday January 15th was set for the Budget meeting.
Mayor Richardson stated that the sign in front of the City building
and the one on the Ammon road were to be picked up by Hutch Sign Co.
ans repainted and relettered to serve as signs for the City as they
had been pprchaaed by the City from Roland Romren. Councilman Brown
reported on the basketball schedule for the young boys in the City.
He also reported that there were some items needed such as a respirator
for the swimming pool and a cash register also he stated there were
two applicants for caring for the parks next year, Leray Hope add
Daryl Perrenoud.
City Engineer David Benton arrived at 8:45 P ~,
Mayor Richardson and the Council discussed the~need ~or new Radio
equipment for the Police car assthe present equipment was so expensive
to maintain. Councilman Heer expressed appreciation from Mrs. Strain
for all the kindnesses shown her by the Mayor and council during the
recent illness and death of Mr. Strain. He also stated that there were
a few items belonging to Mr. Staain that are needed by our Police dept.
that could be purcha.sed at a emall cost. Counci;Lman Heer stated there
were four applicants for the ~osition of Police Chief and that Dennis
Westover nad been chosen for the job. Councilman Heer made a motion
that the:al'pdintment' of Dennis Westover be confirmed. Councilman
Wehmann seconded the motion. The appointment to become effective upon
his arrival from the east of by December 19. 1967. The 61erk was dir-
ected to c all for a vote, which he did. ann all voted "Aye".
The conclusions and recommendations of the Selter were discussed
Engineer Benton stated that arr1&Llaps and other data gathered by CH2M
Co. could prove valuable to the City for drainage purposes, etcl
It ,,-,as stated that Earl Reynolds, with CH2M: Co. would present the
2 'best plans for the sewer at the Jan. 3rdd meeting. It W8.!S dedided
to set a Bond election for March 1, 1968 provided that the re5idents
seemed in favor of the sewer system.
B ills were approved for pa~ent. Mayor Richardson declared the meeting
adjourned at 11:30 P M.