Council Minutes 11/13/1967
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Minutee of the regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and Council of
Ammon held November 13. 1967 in the City Council chambere.
~~a:vor Melvin Richardeon preeided and conducted. Meeting convened at
8: 15 PM. Preeent were Mayor Rmchardson, Councilmen Leo Heer, Keith
B~~and George Wehmann and Lavern Williame and Jeeee Bunnell.
Minutee of the laet meeting were read and approved.
Mayor Richardeon etated that he had conferred with City Attorney Joe
Andereon and that the City will be able to get title to the property
in H:illview whelte the eump pump ie located. In diecuseing the widen-
ing ~ the bridge on the Ammon road it wae decided by the Mayor and
Council that additional information ehould be gathered on the traffic acroee
the bridge and eee if the City can get help on thie project. Mayor
Richardson etated that Dermont Ricks had said that he would take $50.00
for hie wagon. It was decided to buy hie wagon for future Rse in the
pararles. It was etated that the Firemens banquet wae echeduled for
Frida,. November 17th.
Mayor Richardson etated there wae $2068.00 remaining in L.I.D. #1 and
that he had diecueeed with Attorney Joe Andereon the traneferring of
this money to the General Fund. A Reeolution wae introduced by
Councilman Wehmann to the effect that the Council transfer thfe money
in L.I.D. #1 to the General Fund. The Resolution wae eeconded by
Councilman Heer. The Clerk wae directed to call for a vote and all
preeent voted "Aye".
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In discussing some of the water users within the City, it was brought
out that former Mayor Reed Molen had not been receiveing a water bill.
The Clerk was directed to begin billing Reed Molen for wqter Dec. 1st.
It was decided by the Mayor &ad Council to have the office telephone
changed over tb a flat rate basis at once. Lavern Williams, City
- Maintenan~e Supt.. wae directed to turn gae heaters on in the- City well
- pUJn1:> houses~
Mayor Richardson asked the City Clerk to gather the neceseary infor-
mation and formulate a budget for the coming year. It was agreed by
the Mayor and Council that the dcorIto the room containing the sports
equipment be locked and that the doors to the City building ge kept
locked. The Mayor and Council discussed cleaning the swimming pool
and covering it for the winter. It was agreed to go ahead and do thie.
Councilman Heer asked if he should go ahead and let Darrell LOng and
his Scouts make a sign for the north end of Avocet and all agreed that
this ehould be done. Councilman Heer aeked about the painting of crees-
walks throughout the City and it was decided to 0 wait until the yelllhw
paint arrives. The proposed change in the mode of water billing was
discuseed'and it wae decided to give this matter further study before
ant change was made. The delinquent accounte of L.I.D. #2 were discussed
and it was suggested that we check on the date of the delinquent Certificates
sent out and eee what can be done about them.
A Motion was made py Councilman Wehrnann ~ and eeconded by Councilman
Heer that the Council ap prove the Addit comp~ted ae of Sept 30, 1967,
with allowance for corrections. A vote was taken by the Clerk and all
Councilmen preeeqt voted "Aye".
The meeting with Earl Reynolds concerning the eewer study was eet for
Nov. 29th at 7 P M and it wae suggeeted that sanitation officitls be
invited to be prestnt. Councilman Wehrnann stated there were 69 man-houre
spent IKK in training by the City Firemen in October. The Fire ing the
new portion or the lunior High echool wae discussed and it wae stated that
fire drills were to be held at the school. Councilman Wehrnann stated that the Fire
protection Agreemant had been signed and that in the event of a major fire
we would get help from the Brdaho FIle Fire department. The Clerk wae
diltected to advertize in the :IF PoQt Register the fact that garba8e would
be picked up on Friday and Saturday Nov. 24 & 25th. Councilman Wehmann
made ~ motion that the City Council adopt a resolution to take all del-
inquent water bills to small claims court that have not responded to
the letter that was eent out Oct. let and that the earne action be taken
with thoee who have moved out of the City and left a water bill. This
Resolution wae seconded by Councilman Heer. A vote was taken by the Clerk
and all,votedrd "Aye". The monthly bille were approved for payment.
Mayor R1chardson declared the meeting adjourned at 11:15 P M.