Council Minutes 05/08/1967
Monthly meeting of the Ammon City Council held May,8-1967. Meetinp- cal1ed
to order at '8: 15 by M:-,yor Mel Richardson. Prayer by C. Leo Heer. Th"~e present
were :Mayor Mel Richardson, C. Geo Wehmann,Leo Heer, Roy Southwick, Keith
Brown. City Engineer Dave Benton, Officer Dalton Strain, La Vern Williams,
a udi tor Alvin Ha 11.
The first order of business: Levi Clement yard ,livestock 2nd oJd cars and
trucks. Officer Strain is to pi Ckllp a cnmplajnt "Tarrent form from Att. Joe
Andersons office, ,.;rill be server] on him and he will be allowed sometime
to comply.
}"JI'. L.R.Likes water is off, he has Rgreed to pay hi s v18ter bl] 1 in the near
future. Monte Howell wi}l have his water turned off from the Furnl5s apartments
if his water bill j s not paid in ful1. C. Roy South.rick "Till contact him and
Ci ty Clerk Dermont Ricks win write hin- a letter.
Richard vliemer at 3490 Samuel st. "rants a permit to move a barn on his
property in tne Peterson Park area-. The City Council wants a discussi on from
the planning board before they pass on the matter.
Mr. Bill Brunt wants to meet again with the City Council to discuss his
proposed building project Mr l\en Tyre win be here to explain the project
more in detail. l'eeting date was set for May 17,1967, a t 9 P.M. in the school
because there are many of Hillview area interesed. in attending.
'0 ..
Blacktopping "1as discussed ,wil1 wait until finances are checked.
Mr Cope of the Cope well drjlling company- discussed with the Council the
Peterson Park well water supply. He would the job and guarantee it to be
satisfactory for $20,000.00.- Mayor Richardson Hants a study made of the City
water system before any expensive changes are made.
Mr. Johnson district supervisor for the Utah Power and Light co. brought a
contract to be signed for supplying electric power for the swimming pool-
which was approved.
C. Roy Southwick reported they talked with Mr. Jay Painter and the co.
comm-issionsers on the road repairs and widening the bridge on Ammon road-.
stated they feel the City is not eligible for any county aid.
C. Keith Brown discussed the swimming pool -stated it is pnogressing a~
planned, pool will be tested before it is plastered. Betty Stoddard was rec-
ommended as head supervisor and instructor to be paid $2.00 per hour -for 4 or
6 hours a day. Appointment of Betty Stoddard was approved.
C.. Geo Wehmann reported on the fire1epartment ,they were called out on two
fires during the month. He stated the volunteer crew approved of serving with
out pay .the City to pay for the cleaning their uniforms this was approved.
e.Leo Heer suggested it i.s time for another news letter-the Mayor asked each
councilman to prepare an article for the letter.
He will prepare filing cards to be used for filing city inventory.
Auditor Alvin Hall prepared and presented a report of the City Budget for
the first quarter of 1967. In his report he stated the City Clerk had paid
the Starline Equipment co. twice on the srme claim amounting to $903.70 which
was an error on his part. Other than that the budget was approved.
A building permit for Ray Burton to build a house on South Ross was approved.
Also a permit to run an under ground cable under 26th st up Rose Dale Lane.
Was approved for the telephone co.
Claims were approved and signed the exceptimn of one $250.00 claim for civil
Defense presented by Mr Lewis Ross.
Meeting adjourned at 12:30.
Approved May 12, 1967.