Council Minutes 01/09/1967
Ammon City Council meeting held jan.9.1967. Meeting caned to order
by Mayor Mel Richardson at 8-: 15 P.M.
Prayer by C.Leo Heer. The JVJayor suggested the City Council sponser a
program to encourage development of comrruni ty talents. He also suggested
the City pay to Officer Dalton Strain the back unpaid Ins. premiums that
would hAve been paid the Idaho Municipal League Ins. had accepted his app-
lication. ~his was Approved.
Lavern Williams was asked to chEck with Mark Purcell about buying his
filrtilizer spreader to spread sand on street intersections.
C.Keith Brown asked why the differance in charges on water billings City
clerk Dermont Ricks explained $6.00 is the flat ra.te for water and garb!3ge to
-each family with the followin~ excepti ons: Trailer Houses; Apartments; are
cha:fged $4.00 per month. All widows and those over 65 years of age are charged
$2.50 per month. Mayor Richardson said he approved.
The Council descussed installing water valves in sidewalks or 2 ft. square
concrete block. Dave Benton agreed to draw up a sketch for installing water
turn off valves. He will also prepare a sketch for the Mc:Cowen Park and
swimming pool.
C.LEO HEER suggested building permits forms be revised. This was approved.
He recommended for 1957_& 1968 goal the up grading of Police and Fire radio
equipment. He asked a Police inventory file be kept for the protection of the
Police Officers and also the City. Salary for Police Chief Dalton Strain be
raised from $325.00 to $400.00 per month. and C.Leo Heer asked that $100.00 per
year be budgeted for the nniforms for Police Officers. Officer Jack Ellingford
monthly be raised to $35.00 per month.
Mayor dmseussed bridges for Brookfield Lane. City Engineer Dave Benton was
asked to have an estimated -cost for the City Council by next month. He is to
make up specks for advertising purposes for L.I.D. #3 to present an estimate
cost of widening the bridge on Ammon Road and
Att. Joe Anderson was asked to check on delenquent tax on Peterson Park
wen property also taxes on City Building and properi ty.
C.Leo Heer asked that a oicture board be considered showing pictures of
earley City Officials.
C.Geo Wehmann reported he has not received word from Karl Goble on the
rating bureau from Boise for the City advised that patrons of Ammon check
their fire Ins. premiums.
He Also stated the new resuscitator will be kept in the fire truck but
will be available for use to the Police Officers when needed.
Claims were approved and signed.
Minutes of meeting held Dec. were read and annroved. Adjourned at 11:50