Council Minutes 11/14/1966 '1. 9. n.', ~ ,) Il>.' Ammon City COl.!ncil monthly.meeting held Nov. 14,1966 in the city council ro~m. Meeting called to order by May.or Mel Richardson at 8:15 P.Ml Prayer by C. Roy Southwick. First order of business,Dan Harris was granted a building permit to remodel his home on East 24th st. Mayor Mel Richardson made a report on the Idaho Municipal Leage directoES meeting held ay the Holiday Inn in Boise Idaho; C. Kieth Brown was asked to check on an ordinance for eliminatin~ wrecked cars being parked in the Gi ty of Ammon. I Insurance for Officer Dalton Strain was discussed part of his trouble was causeC' from a pipe falling on his foot 1,rhile working on the dog pound. State compensati on will pay a good. share. Ed Simmermon of the Idaho Municipal Leagp assured the Mayoe the LeagaeIns. would pay the balance. t~ c.o ~ - - Mayor Richardson stated a fire district is being set up in Bonneville co, which will include our area. The City of Ammon will not be rE'!ouired to join where they have thier own fire fighting equipment. One disadvantage of joining is the rating of 10 is the lowest in a fire district- and the City is working now for a rating of 8 which will be a big reduction in fire Ins. Priemiums. There will be noyhing gained in joining and the c~st would be about' 8000.00 per year to be a member. co CO The City Council approved paying $100.00 on part of President Johnson's visit.to Idaho Falls. This is to be paid to Alex Creek. C. Keith Brown stated a news letter will be ready tobe mailed soon,he also reported the swimming pool committee has been organized and Keith Tumiull has consented to head the committee. Aoolication has been sent in for govern- ment aid which will be forth coming in the near future. I C. Roy Southwick reported some roads in Ammon need to be graded before cold weather sets in. It is too cold to chip and seal but the cracks should be filled with hot tar.He also stated the county is receiving Federal aid to repair secondary roads such as 17th st.and Ammon road.C. Roy Southwick and the Mayor will meet with the Bonneville County Commissionsers to talk road repairing. C. Geo Wehmann askerl for an extentibn,Phone to be installed near the fire Phone on the office wall in the shop. Was approved.He also said they need more daytime men for the volunteer fire crew. E#ineer Dave Benton recommended the City postpone chip and seal until next year when the weather and ground will be warmer, but to tar the cracks. He also recommended cleaning and painting tanks and pipes in the pump houses. Brick masons acid can be used to 11 good advantage. Mayor Richardson discussed creating a local improvement Dist. 13,on Brookfield Lane for blacktopping the road and building two bridgeS,at an extended cost of $1000.00. Road $ 5000.00, one bridge $ 3200.00, one bridge $ 1800.00. C. Geo Wehmann made a motion the City approve of creating a local Imp. Dist. I 3 for BrookfieldLan~,seconded by C. Leo Heer.Motion carried. Att. Joe Anderson will advertise a protest meeting, contracts will be let out for bids- all bids can be rejected if necessary. C. Leo Heer suggested sump pump be cleaned out as soon as possible- all pump houses have locks installed. street signs be checked and replaced. I Proposed Officer Strains wage be continued as in the past, less the Police wage for night Patroling Tom Chiswell Fire Chief reported on Fire Protect1np; ,stated Fire Fighting Equipmmt in good shape,volunteer crew have been well trained,16 members. S'rmn to be delivered and installed in the near future,soon will be ready to apply for a new rating. Mayor Richardson suggested the City serve refreshments to the volunteer fire crew at their next meeting to be held Nov. 21,1966.Council approved. Minutea of meeting held Oct. 10 were read and approved. Claims were approved and signed. Meeting adjourned at 11 oclock P.M. Approved Dec. 12,1966 ...............c .'~ ----- .........