Council Minutes 11/21/1966 li I I I MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF AMMON, BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO November 21, 1966 - 7:30 p.m. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Ammon, Bonneville County, Idaho, met in a special meeting at the City Hall at the regular meeting place in Ammon, Idaho, on November 21, 1966, at 7:30 o'clock p.m., there being present upon roll call, the Mayor, Mel Richardson, and Councilmen, Keith Brown, Leo Heer, Roy Southwick and George Wehman. Also present were Dermont Ricks, Clerk, and W. J. Anderson, counsel. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor who announced that the purpose of the meeting was to hear protests, if any, upon the creation of a Local Improvement District for the im- provement of Brookfield Lane in the City of Ammon from that street's intersection with Ammon Way continuing Eastward therefrom for a distance of approximately one-fourth mile for the grading, surfacing with asphaltic concrete and the erection and installation of bridges over canals on said Brookfield Lane, all within the corporate limits of the City of Ammon. That upon the following written protests received and had been filed at the Office of the City Clerk Name Address Reason for Protest 1. Rex S. Shurtliff Route 3, Brookfield Lane, Ammon, Idaho Desires paving but objects to bridges as too much expense. Desires paving but objects to bridges as too much expense. 2. Herb Shurtliff 205 Chatham Drive Idaho Falls, Idaho 3. Alton Howell Route 1, Box 347 Idaho Falls, Idaho Desires paving but objects to bridges as too much expense. The Mayor then asked if there were any persons present who had any additional protests and Harvey Crandall, Jr., of Route 3, Brookfield Lane, Ammon, Idaho, who was present, stated that he was a property owner within the proposed Local Improvement District but had no protest thereto. The Council then determined that the persons who had protested to the creation of the Local Improvement District constituted the ownership of less than one-third of the owners in area and number of the abutting, adjoining, contiguous and adjacent lots and lands within such proposed improvement district. The Council then discussed the advisability of the proposed Local Improvement District, the benefit to the property and the benefit to the owners thereof from the improvement to the propetty