Council Minutes 05/16/1966
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Regular Monthly Meeting of the Ammon City Council held May 16,1966.
Meeting called to Drder by Mayor Mel Richardson, Prayer by C Keith Brown.
Those present were:Mayor Richardson,Councilmen Keith Brown,Geo Wehmann,Leo Heer,and
Roy Sout.hwick.
Roland T. Romrell representing School Uist.93 inquired of the City Council if
there would be storage space available in the City shop during 1966-1967
school year they need for food storage,after a short. discussion C.Geo Wehmann made a n
mot.ion the City lease to the sbijool Dist #93 part of the warehouse for storage at
a charge of $1.00. The school to stand the expence of remodeling,insulating and buildi
ing an outside steee door with a lock in the snuth end of the building.
Seconded by C. Leo Heer,motion carried.
Lester Hope discussed insurance for the fire department,recommended Plan #1 which
is 8 most complete coverage premium,$141.00 per year.
Glen-Snuthwick School custodian discussed water pressure-well water-trailer
courts spacing.
James Croston asked about gettin~ City water service for his trailer house located on
his property ,the water will be turned with a promise he will clean up his yard
before July 1st. 1966. A motion by C~Geo Wehmann that the water be turned on at
his place on Western Ave with the understanding he will remove all the junk
autos, failuee t.o comply will result in additional legal actionby the City of
Ammon Seconded by C. Leo Heer. Motion carried.
Att Joe Anderson will mail an official notice to Mr Croston.
Martin Hill of the Intermountain Gas Company asked permission to run a gas line
in the hillview area on Bittern st. he was advised to take surveyand get t.he
opiDnan of the majority of the peopleas t.o the course he should follow either
in the street or the easement which he agreed to do.
A from ~~s. Irene Bailey was read by Mayor Richardson stating she objected to
horses and corals built next to her property, Dermont Ricks was asked to callher
and read the ardinance pertaining to live st~ck on page 13 of the City code.
Dick Black asked_permission to use the City Council room to hold summer classes,
City clerk objected,objection was upheld.
Fire Department .was discussed needs more equj pment ;md an organiz,ed fire crew
hose should be ordered as soon as possible.
C.Leo Heer stat.ed the police bid by the Imperial Moters was accepted. They were the 1
low bidders they a]so have a five yearwarranty on their cars. The ca.r will be
delivered about June 1 -1.966. C. Leo Heer recommended Mr De.lton Strain be considered
as full time Police Officer. He is uniformed and experienced and will work at a
startimg salary of $325.00 per month.
Officer Dick Ager has consented to serve as part t;me extra officer one night
a week at $30.00 per month using his own car.
Officer Ager suggested the name of City Marsha]] be changed t.o Chief of Police which
was approved .C. Leo Heer made a motion theCity accept t.he application of Mr
Dalton Strain for Chief of Police with a starting salary of $325.00 per month to be
increased after 90 days of satisfaction to $350.00 for law inforcement service
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Compliance vJi th a >rutually agreed schedule. Seconded by C. Keith Brown-
motion carried. C. Roy Southwick is to make the necessary arrangements for t.he
patching of the streets. The City Council agreed to hire a manto catch up on
Some of t he extra jobs that need to be done. They agreed on Dick Black at $1. 75
per hour. He will start about June6-1966.
C. Keith Brown suggested a public meeting be held to discuss a public
swimming pool for the City of Ammon. A special meeting planned for May26-8p.m.
C.Kei th Brown arranged with the school foe the meeting' place.
The City needs more street lights: One Sunnyside,l Dal and Sunnyside .1 Ammon
rd. and Drookf;eld Lane. Need lights for the north end of Lion's Park, City
clerk to call Mr Johnson at Rexburg.
Parking for Educ!Jti on week "ras phnned to be held June 2-3-4-.
clA~ms were approved a~d s'gned
he~ting adjourned and signed.
City Clerk Dermont E. Ricks
Approved June 13,1966