Council Minutes 01/10/1966 I .n (t; cv: ....... - ~ ::0 I I -~ '.2 ~f , ,;: 4. Parks, Recreation, City Beautification and Garbage Mayor Mel Richardson, Chairman Councilman Keith Brown Councilman George Wehmann 5. Insurance, Fire Protection Mayor Mel Richardson, Chairman Councilman Keith Brown Councilman Leo Heer 6. Publicity and Library Mayor Mel Richardson, Chairman Councilman Roy Southwick Councilman George Wehmann All the City Council to be responsible for dogs. George Wehman was elected as President of the City Council for the 1966 year. It was suggested that.patrons of the City will be ask to serve on various committies as needed. Councilaan Leo Heer stated he did not feel that the citizens of the City of Ammon had been informed enough. He sug~es'ed a newsletter be sent out to everyone living within the City limits and tha~ we consider the voice of the people in planning our future projects beoause we need their suppoBt. Councilman Heer also suggested the City buy a copying machine to be used for City busisness. Mayor Mel Richardson suggested the City Council be unlimited by working and planning together and build on the foundation of the former City Council. The hiring of City employees was considered. Mayor Mel Richardson recommeded attorney Joe Anderson be hired to continue on as city attorney. Voting was unanimous in the affirmative. Lloyd Tatum was approved as City Auditor. The hiring of a City Engineer was postponed lmtil the rugular monthly meeting to be held January 10, 1966. Mayor Richardson to contact Dave Benton and Don Lloyd. The buying of snow removal equipment was considered. Councilman Roy Southwick ~ms asked to get an estimate on the cost of a blade to be mounted on a truck. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM. APPROVED -/~ /0- /~~c.. c..., [J~-Sc:[Cj?L C CLERK Regular Monthly Meeting of the Ammon City Council held January 10, 1966. Meeting called to order by Mayor Mel Richardson at 7:30 PM. Prayer by Councilman Roy Southwick. Tbose present were Mayor Mel Richardson, Counci1menKeith Brown, Roy"Southwick, and Leo Heer. Councilman Georg Wehmann was excused as he was out of town. Councilman Keith Brown sugge~d the City promote a city beautification program by spraying and burning weeds in the road right of way and di.tch banks wi thin the City Limits. Insist that junked cars be disposed of. Vacant lots to be kept clean by property owners. If not the cit~r will clean them up and the cost will be added to the propert.y tax. The gas line to be installed on 24th street and Hillam Drive was discussed. Councilman Roy Southwick made a motion the gas line be installed in the utilites easement if possible, if not another route will be considered. Seconded by Councilman Leo Heer. City Clerk to notify the Intermountain Gas Company.