Council Minutes 12/06/1965
~1ayor Reed Holen asked Councilman Keith Brown to check on the road improvements
in the I-lillviev.r School area and meet with th~ District #93 School Board and report
back next meeting.
Claims approved and signed. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.Ip..
APPROVED h~ /3. /7~r
Special Heeting of City Council held December 6, 1965
Heeting called to order at 8: 00 p.m. by fiIayor Heed I'JIolen. Those present were:
Ma,yor Reed Molen; Councilmen--Harold Loveland; Keith Brown; George vfehmann; Don Niller;
City Attorney Joe Anderson. Rrayer by Councilman Don Miller. Also present vras
Mayor-elect Hel Richardson; Councilman-elect Roy Southwick and Leo Heel'.
This special meeting was called to review the pnoposed budget for the year 1966.
Auditor Lloyd Tatum presented the budget to the council for their consideration.
Bill and Earl Brunt met with the City .Council to discuss a proposed trailer court
to be located south of the East Gate Shopping Center on the west side of Sand Creek
in a LB Zoning area. They also inquired about the City's interition:3 qs to the
property they rented for a park south of 17th Street. lvIr. Brmrt ~'ras informed that the
City intended to develop and improve the property come spring. The sprinklinr; system
is partially installed and will be completed and seeded to E';rass.
Councilman George ~'Jehmann reported on information as to an engineers study of a
nevI ~3e~vet' system for the City of Ammon. V'Tastabled until next cow1ci1 meeting to be
held Decem[wl' 13, 1965
City Clerk was asked to contacv Mr. Earl Re;ynolds of the enginee.ring firm,
CODIlell":'Howland-Hayes & Merrifield, at Boise and make an apDointment for him to
be at the next City Council Meeting.
Heeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
APHOVED_.Ld-ee.... /3- ;? 5'~ J
Regular Monthly Meeting of Ammon city Council held December 13, 1965.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Reed Molen at 6:30 PM.
Prayer by Councilman Keith Brown. Those present were Mayor Reed Molen, Councilman
Harold I,oveland, Keith Brown, George Wehmann, and Don Miller. Attorney Joe Anderson
and Engineer Don Ellsworth. Mayor elect Melvin Richardson was also present.
Councilman elect Roy So~hwick and Leo Heel'. Dave Benton met with the City Council
to apply for a job making a study of a proposed:!sewer system for the City of Ammon.
Suggest the planning start immediatley, the cost could be considered later.
Mayor Eleot Mel Richardson made a report on the study planning ",nd cost of smler
sJ3tems for the Cities of Shelley and Ririe, Idaho.
Rolland T. Romrell met
and rent due the City.
motion the City accept
at a price of $350.00.
with the City Council to make a final settlement on taxes
After some discussion Councilman Harold Loveland made a
Mr. Romrell's proposal for money due on rent, ,interest, etc.
Seconded by Councilman Keith Brown. Carried.
Rolland T.. Romrell ask the City buy the large sign located out in front of the
City Building. Also some chain link wire and posts. Buying the sign was rejected.
Councilman Keith Brown made a motion that the City buy the chain link wire and posts
at market price. Seconded by Councilman Don Miller. 'arried with the understanding
Mr. Romrell pay ~ cost of installation because of it being a partition fence.
Ordinance #71 was presented to the City Council by Attorney Joe Ande:t:'son and read
by Mayor Reed Molen. This ordinanoe pertains to the shifting of the north portions
of the Romrell Lane 10 Feet east of the orginial dedicated right of way.
Councilman Harold Loveland made a motion the City pass the ordinanoe as read,