Council Minutes 12/13/1965 I L":l c.c :': ~ ....... """" ..... :0 I I 1 (21; .' .,~ Mayor Reed Molen asked Councilman Keith Brown to check on the road improvements in the Hillview School area and meet with the District #93 School Board and report back next meeting. Clc.ims "pproved and signed. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. APPROVED ~ /3. /7~ r /~c;;~ CITY CLERK Speci81 Heeting of City Council held December 6, 1965 Heet ;_n,o; called to order at 8:00 n.m. by Beyor ;-teed Folen. Those c:resent \'Tel',: Hayor Heed I,Tolen; Councilmen--H,irold Loveland; Keith Bro'ltm; George ":Jehncmn; Don Hiller; Sity Attorney Joe Anderson. Rrayer by Councilman Don Hiller. Also pl~8sent VIe'S Hcyor-elect Hel Richardson; Councilm:;n-elect Roy Southvlick rnd Leo Beer. This s :Jecic'l meeting ,.[::'. called to revieH the pnoposed budp;,;t for the year 1966. Auditor Lloyd T2tum presented the bud~et to the council for their considerDtion. Bill and Earl Brunt met with the City Council to discuss ;! proposed trailer court to be loci]ted south of the E2$t G,Jte Shorrpin,,; Center on the IcJest side of S,md Creek in a IE Zoninr- areR. They cllso inc'1Jin;d about the City's intention' as to the property they rented for a pDr!, south of 17th Street. Hr. Brunt \'J3S inforr1ed th0t the City intended to develop and 'mprove the proDerty come spring. The sprink1inc,; system is oartially installed and vrill be conHileted and seeded to ,,:rRSS. C01ll1cilm:,n ";eorgc T'lehmenn rc:~ortcd on information (Os to ,in en9;ineers study of a nevI sewer s:vstem for the City of ArmlOn. T T:sti;bled until next council mcctinr; to be held JC(~r:_;!r:l'(:r 13-, 1965 City Clerk vFS c~~3ked to con.l,"ct. ;Ir. ;;;arl Reynolds of the enc-ineerini"; firm, Connell-HovJlcmd-I18yes & Nerrifield, "t Boise 2nd make 3n ap,ointmt'nt for :'lim to be [)t the nCArt Cit~! Cou_ncil 1,Iccting. Heetinr; adjourned Bt 10:15 p.m. {.:',!:)r),r;;':-) ^ -- /3 ...., l\. V.',.H~ _ ~V~~. ~ 51~'.S- Regular Monthly Meeting of Ammon City Council held December 13, 1965. Meeting called to oreer by Mayor Reed Molen at 6:30 PM. Prayer by Councilman Keith Brown. Those present were Mayor Reed Molen, Councilman Harold IAveland, Keith Brown, George Wehmann, and Don Miller. Attorney Joe Anderson and Engineer Don Ellsworth. Mayor elect Melvin Richardson was also present. Councilman elect Roy So~hwick and Leo Heer. Dave Benton met with the City Council to apply for a job making a study of a proposed.:sewer system for the City of Ammon. Suggest the planning start immediatley, the cost could be considered later. Mayor Elect Mel Richardson made a report on the study planaing &~d cost of o8lrer ~J3tems for the Cities of Shelley and Ririe, Idaho. Rolland T. Homrell met with the City Council to make a final settlement on taxes and rent due the City. After some discussion Councilman Harold Loveland made a motion the City accept Mr. Romrell's proposal for money due on rent, -interest, etc. at a price of $350.00. Seconded by Councilman Keith Brown. Carried. Rolland T.. Romrell ask the City buy the large sign located out in front of the City Building. Also some chain link wire and posts. Buying the sign was rejected. Councilman ~eith Brown made a motion that the City buy the chain link wire and posts at market pr'ice. Seconded by Councilman Don Hiller. flzrried with the understanding Mr. Romrell pay t cost of installation because of it being a partition fence. Ordinance #71 was presented to the City Council by Attorney Joe Ander-son and read by Mayor Reed Molen. This ordinance pertains to the shifting of the north portions of the Romrell Lane 10 Feet east of the orginial dedicated right of way. Councilman Harold Loveland made a motion the City pass the ordinance as read,